Commit c701a825 authored by gejun's avatar gejun

Add entry of user cases in

parent 3cc78600
......@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ You can use it for:
* Debug services [via http](docs/cn/, and run online profilers.
* Get [better latency and throughput](#better-latency-and-throughput).
* [Extend brpc](docs/cn/ with the protocols used in your organization quickly, or customize components, including [naming services](docs/cn/名字服务) (dns, zk, etcd), [load balancers](docs/cn/负载均衡) (rr, random, consistent hashing)
* Use cases inside Baidu
* [百度地图api入口](docs/cn/
* [联盟DSP](docs/cn/
* [ELF学习框架](docs/cn/
* [云平台代理服务](docs/cn/
# Advantages of brpc
......@@ -67,7 +72,7 @@ We tried to make simple things simple. Take naming service as an example, in old
### Make services more reliable
brpc is extensively used in brpc, with more than 600,000 instances and 500 kinds of services, from map-reduce, table storages, high-performance computing, machine learning, indexing servers, ranking servers…. It's been proven.
brpc is extensively used in Baidu, with more than 600,000 instances and 500 kinds of services, from map-reduce, table storages, high-performance computing, machine learning, indexing servers, ranking servers…. It's been proven.
brpc pays special attentions to development and maintenance efficency, you can [view internal status of servers](docs/cn/ in web brower or with curl, you can analyze [cpu usages](docs/cn/, [heap allocations](docs/cn/ and [lock contentions](docs/cn/ of services online, you can measure stats by [bvar](docs/cn/, which is viewable in [/vars](docs/cn/
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ INF在13年基于saber(kylin变种)和protobuf实现的RPC框架,hulu在实现
## brpc
## sofa-pbrpc
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# QA测试结论
1. 【性能测试】单机支持最大QPS:**9000+**。可以有效解决原来Hulu rpc中一个慢服务拖垮所有服务的问题。性能很好。
1. 【性能测试】单机支持最大QPS:**9000+**。可以有效解决原来hulu_pbrpc中一个慢服务拖垮所有服务的问题。性能很好。
2. 【稳定性测试】长时间压测没问题。
......@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ QA测试结论:通过
统计时间2015.11.3 15:00 – 2015.11.9 14:30,共**143.5**小时(近6天)不间断运行。北京机房升级前和升级后同机房各6台机器,共**12**台线上机器的Noah监控数据。
| 指标 | 升级**前**均值Hulu RPC | 升级**后**均值Baidu RPC | 收益对比 | 说明 |
| -------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | ------------ | ------------------------ |
| CPU占用率 | 67.35% | 29.28% | 降低**56.53**% | |
| 内存占用 | 327.81MB | 336.91MB | 基本持平 | |
| 鉴权平响(ms) | 0.605 | 0.208 | 降低**65.62**% | |
| 转发平响(ms) | 22.49 | 23.18 | 基本持平 | 依赖后端各个服务的性能 |
| 总线程数 | 193 | 132 | 降低**31.61**% | Baidu RPC版本线程数使用率较低,还可降低 |
| 极限QPS | 3000 | 9000 | 提升**3**倍 | 线下使用Geoconv和Geocoder服务测试 |
| 指标 | 升级**前**均值hulu_pbrpc | 升级**后**均值brpc | 收益对比 | 说明 |
| -------- | ------------------- | ------------- | ------------ | ------------------------ |
| CPU占用率 | 67.35% | 29.28% | 降低**56.53**% | |
| 内存占用 | 327.81MB | 336.91MB | 基本持平 | |
| 鉴权平响(ms) | 0.605 | 0.208 | 降低**65.62**% | |
| 转发平响(ms) | 22.49 | 23.18 | 基本持平 | 依赖后端各个服务的性能 |
| 总线程数 | 193 | 132 | 降低**31.61**% | Baidu RPC版本线程数使用率较低,还可降低 |
| 极限QPS | 3000 | 9000 | 提升**3**倍 | 线下使用Geoconv和Geocoder服务测试 |
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
云平台部把使用ubrpc的模块改造为使用brpc。由于使用了mcpack2pb的转换功能,这个模块既能被老的ubrpc client访问,也可以通过protobuf类的协议访问(标准协议,sofa-pbrpc协议等等)。
原有使用43台机器(对ubrpc也有富余),brpc使用3台机器即可(此时访问redis的io达到瓶颈)。当前流量4w qps,支持流量增长,考虑跨机房冗余,避免redis和vip瓶颈,brpc实际使用8台机器提供服务。
......@@ -23,11 +21,11 @@ brpc改造后的connecter收益明显,可以用较少的机器提供更优质
# 不同配置机器qps和延时的比较
| 机器名称 | 略 | 略 |
| --------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| cpu | 24 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645 @ 2.40GHz | 24 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 0 @ 2.00GHz |
| ubrpc | 8363.46(us) | 12649.5(us) |
| brpc | 3364.66(us) | 3382.15(us) |
| 机器名称 | 略 | 略 |
| ----- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| cpu | 24 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645 @ 2.40GHz | 24 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 0 @ 2.00GHz |
| ubrpc | 8363.46(us) | 12649.5(us) |
| brpc | 3364.66(us) | 3382.15(us) |
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