Commit c6a206e7 authored by zhujiashun's avatar zhujiashun

make DEBUG_SYMBOLS on by default

parent 779f32c0
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ endif()
option(BRPC_WITH_GLOG "With glog" OFF)
option(DEBUG "Print debug logs" OFF)
option(WITH_DEBUG_SYMBOLS "With debug symbols" OFF)
option(WITH_DEBUG_SYMBOLS "With debug symbols" ON)
option(BUILD_UNIT_TESTS "Whether to build unit tests" OFF)
set(WITH_GLOG_VAL "0")
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
To change compiler to clang, overwrite environment variable CC and CXX to clang and clang++.
Use `cmake -DWITH_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=ON ..` to link debugging symbols.
To not link debugging symbols, use `cmake -DWITH_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=OFF ..` and compiled binaries will be much smaller.
**Run example with cmake**
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
To change compiler to clang, overwrite environment variable CC and CXX to clang and clang++.
Use `cmake -DWITH_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=ON ..` to link debugging symbols.
To not link debugging symbols, use `cmake -DWITH_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=OFF ..` and compiled binaries will be much smaller.
**Run example**
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="/path/to/dep1/include;/
To change compiler to clang, overwrite environment variable CC and CXX to clang and clang++.
Add `-DWITH_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=ON` to link debugging symbols.
To not link debugging symbols, use `cmake -DWITH_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=OFF ..` and compiled binaries will be much smaller.
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