* Build a server that can talk in multiple protocols (**on same port**), or access all sorts of services
* restful http/https, h2/h2c (compatible with [grpc](https://github.com/grpc/grpc), will be opensourced soon). using http in brpc is much more friendly than [libcurl](https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/).
*[redis](docs/cn/redis_client.md) and [memcached](docs/cn/memcache_client.md), thread-safe, more friendly and performant than the official clients
*[rtmp](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/rtmp.h)/[flv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Video)/[hls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Live_Streaming), for building live-streaming services.
*[rtmp](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/rtmp.h)/[flv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Video)/[hls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Live_Streaming), for building live-streaming services.
* hadoop_rpc(not opensourced yet)
*[rdma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_direct_memory_access) support via [openucx](https://github.com/openucx/ucx)(will be opensourced soon)
* all sorts of protocols used in Baidu: baidu_std, [streaming_rpc](docs/cn/streaming_rpc.md), hulu_pbrpc, [sofa_pbrpc](https://github.com/baidu/sofa-pbrpc), nova_pbrpc, public_pbrpc, ubrpc, and nshead-based ones.
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ You can use it for:
### More friendly API
Only 3 (major) user headers: [Server](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/server.h), [Channel](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/channel.h), [Controller](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/controller.h), corresponding to server-side, client-side and parameter-set respectively. You don't have to worry about "How to initialize XXXManager", "How to layer all these components together", "What's the relationship between XXXController and XXXContext". All you to do is simple:
Only 3 (major) user headers: [Server](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/server.h), [Channel](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/channel.h), [Controller](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/controller.h), corresponding to server-side, client-side and parameter-set respectively. You don't have to worry about "How to initialize XXXManager", "How to layer all these components together", "What's the relationship between XXXController and XXXContext". All you to do is simple:
* Build service? include [brpc/server.h](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/server.h) and follow the comments or [examples](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/example/echo_c++/server.cpp).
* Build service? include [brpc/server.h](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/server.h) and follow the comments or [examples](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/example/echo_c++/server.cpp).
* Access service? include [brpc/channel.h](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/channel.h) and follow the comments or [examples](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/example/echo_c++/client.cpp).
* Access service? include [brpc/channel.h](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/channel.h) and follow the comments or [examples](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/example/echo_c++/client.cpp).
* Tweak parameters? Checkout [brpc/controller.h](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/controller.h). Note that the class is shared by server and channel. Methods are separated into 3 parts: client-side, server-side and both-side.
* Tweak parameters? Checkout [brpc/controller.h](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/controller.h). Note that the class is shared by server and channel. Methods are separated into 3 parts: client-side, server-side and both-side.
We tried to make simple things simple. Take naming service as an example, in older RPC implementations, you may need to copy a pile of obscure code to make it work, however in brpc accessing BNS is expressed as `Init("bns://node-name"...`, DNS is "http://domain-name" and local machine list is "file:///home/work/server.list". Without any explanation, you know what it means.
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Check out [benchmark](docs/cn/benchmark.md) for a comparison between brpc and ot
# Try it!
* Check out [Getting Started](docs/cn/getting_started.md) to start.
* Play with [examples](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/tree/example/).
* Play with [examples](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/tree/master/example/).
-[闭链哈希](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_addressing)(closed hashing or open addressing): 闭链的初衷是减少内存跳转,桶不再是链表入口,而只需要记录一对key/value与一些标记,当桶被占时,按照不同的探查方法直到找到空桶为止。比如线性探查就是查找下一个桶,二次探查是按1,2,4,9...平方数位移查找。优点是:当表很空时或冲突较少时,查找只需要一次访存,也不需要管理节点内存池。但仅此而已,这个方法带来了更多缺点:桶个数必须大于元素个数,resize后之前的内存全部失效,难以并发. 更关键的是聚集效应:当区域内元素较多时(超过70%,其实不算多),大量元素的实际桶和它们应在的桶有较大位移。这使哈希表的主要操作都要扫过一大片内存才能找到元素,性能不稳定难以预测。闭链哈希表在很多人的印象中“很快”,但在复杂的应用中往往不如开链哈希表,并且可能是数量级的慢。闭链有一些衍生版本试图解决这个问题,比如[Hopscotch hashing](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopscotch_hashing)。
Be compatible with pb 3.0 and pb 2.x with the same file:
Don't use new types in proto3 and start the proto file with `syntax="proto2";`
[tools/add_syntax_equal_proto2_to_all.sh](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/tools/add_syntax_equal_proto2_to_all.sh)can add `syntax="proto2"` to all proto files without it.
[tools/add_syntax_equal_proto2_to_all.sh](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/tools/add_syntax_equal_proto2_to_all.sh)can add `syntax="proto2"` to all proto files without it.
protobuf 3.3-3.4 is not tested yet.
## gflags: 2.0-2.21
@@ -99,4 +99,4 @@ brpc detects valgrind automatically (and registers stacks of bthread). Older val
# Track instances
We provide a program to help you to track and monitor all brpc instances. Just run [trackme_server](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/tree/tools/trackme_server/) somewhere and launch need-to-be-tracked instances with -trackme_server=SERVER. The trackme_server will receive pings from instances periodically and print logs when it does. You can aggregate instance addresses from the log and call builtin services of the instances for further information.
We provide a program to help you to track and monitor all brpc instances. Just run [trackme_server](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/tree/master/tools/trackme_server/) somewhere and launch need-to-be-tracked instances with -trackme_server=SERVER. The trackme_server will receive pings from instances periodically and print logs when it does. You can aggregate instance addresses from the log and call builtin services of the instances for further information.
status code是http response特有的字段,标记http请求的完成情况。请使用定义在[http_status_code.h](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/http_status_code.h)中的enum,遵守HTTP协议。
status code是http response特有的字段,标记http请求的完成情况。请使用定义在[http_status_code.h](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/http_status_code.h)中的enum,遵守HTTP协议。
You can build live-streaming services using APIs on rtmp/flv/hls offered by brpc. The [live streaming service](https://cloud.baidu.com/product/lss.html) of [Baidu cloud](https://cloud.baidu.com) is using media-server, which is a specialized server for hosting or proxying live streams from different customers.
- Call ParseRequestFromIOBuf() to convert the body after nshead header to pb request, then call the pb method.
- When user calls server's done to end the RPC, SerializeResponseToIOBuf() is called to convert pb response to binary data that will be appended after nshead header and sent back to client.
- TimerThread被唤醒后首先把全局nearest_run_time设置为几乎无限大(max of int64),然后取出所有Bucket内的链表,并把Bucket的nearest_run_time设置为几乎无限大(max of int64)。TimerThread把未删除的timer插入小顶堆中维护,这个堆就它一个线程用。在每次运行回调或准备睡眠前都会检查全局nearest_run_time, 如果全局更早,说明有更早的时间加入了,重复这个过程。
[client-side code](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/example/echo_c++/client.cpp) of echo.
[client-side code](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/example/echo_c++/client.cpp) of echo.
# Quick facts
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- No class named brpc::Client.
# Channel
Client-side sends requests. It's called [Channel](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/channel.h) rather than "Client" in brpc. A channel represents a communication line to one server or multiple servers, which can be used for calling services.
Client-side sends requests. It's called [Channel](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/channel.h) rather than "Client" in brpc. A channel represents a communication line to one server or multiple servers, which can be used for calling services.
A Channel can be **shared by all threads** in the process. Yon don't need to create separate Channels for each thread, and you don't need to synchronize Channel.CallMethod with lock. However creation and destroying of Channel is **not** thread-safe, make sure the channel is initialized and destroyed only by one thread.
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ which is consistent hashing. Adding or removing servers does not make destinatio
Need to set Controller.set_request_code() before RPC otherwise the RPC will fail. request_code is often a 32-bit hash code of "key part" of the request, and the hashing algorithm does not need to be same with the one used by load balancer. Say `c_murmurhash` can use md5 to compute request_code of the request as well.
[src/brpc/policy/hasher.h](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/policy/hasher.h) includes common hash functions. If `std::string key` stands for key part of the request, controller.set_request_code(brpc::policy::MurmurHash32(key.data(), key.size())) sets request_code correctly.
[src/brpc/policy/hasher.h](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/policy/hasher.h) includes common hash functions. If `std::string key` stands for key part of the request, controller.set_request_code(brpc::policy::MurmurHash32(key.data(), key.size())) sets request_code correctly.
Do distinguish "key" and "attributes" of the request. Don't compute request_code by full content of the request just for quick. Minor change in attributes may result in totally different hash code and change destination dramatically. Another cause is padding, for example: `struct Foo { int32_t a; int64_t b; }` has a 4-byte undefined gap between `a` and `b` on 64-bit machines, result of `hash(&foo, sizeof(foo))` is undefined. Fields need to be packed or serialized before hashing.
Since protobuf 3 changes NewCallback to private, brpc puts NewCallback in [src/brpc/callback.h](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/callback.h) after r32035 (and add more overloads). If your program has compilation issues with NewCallback, replace google::protobuf::NewCallback with brpc::NewCallback.
Since protobuf 3 changes NewCallback to private, brpc puts NewCallback in [src/brpc/callback.h](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/callback.h) after r32035 (and add more overloads). If your program has compilation issues with NewCallback, replace google::protobuf::NewCallback with brpc::NewCallback.
### Inherit google::protobuf::Closure
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Facts about StartCancel:
## Get server-side address and port
remote_side() tells where request was sent to, the return type is [butil::EndPoint](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/butil/endpoint.h), which includes an ipv4 address and port. Calling this method before completion of RPC is undefined.
remote_side() tells where request was sent to, the return type is [butil::EndPoint](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/butil/endpoint.h), which includes an ipv4 address and port. Calling this method before completion of RPC is undefined.
How to print:
@@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ If the Controller in snippet1 is new-ed on heap, snippet1 has extra cost of "hea
Client-side settings has 3 parts:
- brpc::ChannelOptions: defined in [src/brpc/channel.h](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/channel.h), for initializing Channel, becoming immutable once the initialization is done.
- brpc::Controller: defined in [src/brpc/controller.h](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/controller.h)中, for overriding fields in ChannelOptions in some RPC according to contexts.
- brpc::ChannelOptions: defined in [src/brpc/channel.h](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/channel.h), for initializing Channel, becoming immutable once the initialization is done.
- brpc::Controller: defined in [src/brpc/controller.h](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/controller.h)中, for overriding fields in ChannelOptions in some RPC according to contexts.
- global gflags: for tuning global behaviors, being unchanged generally. Read comments in [/flags page](flags.md) before setting.
Controller contains data and options that request may not have. server and client share the same Controller class, but they may set different fields. Read comments in Controller carefully before us.