Commit accaeb74 authored by osdaniellee's avatar osdaniellee

Add -graceful_quit_on_sigterm for SIGTERM handler

parent 30b1d7f2
......@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ BAIDU_REGISTER_ERRNO(brpc::EITP, "Bad Itp response");
namespace brpc {
DEFINE_bool(graceful_quit_on_sigterm, false, "Register SIGTERM handle func to quit graceful");
const IdlNames idl_single_req_single_res = { "req", "res" };
const IdlNames idl_single_req_multi_res = { "req", "" };
const IdlNames idl_multi_req_single_res = { "", "res" };
......@@ -1403,15 +1405,17 @@ static void RegisterQuitSignalOrDie() {
prev = signal(SIGTERM, quit_handler);
if (prev != SIG_DFL &&
prev != SIG_IGN) { // shell may install SIGTERM of background jobs with SIG_IGN
if (prev == SIG_ERR) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to register SIGTERM, abort";
} else {
s_prev_sigterm_handler = prev;
LOG(WARNING) << "SIGTERM was installed with " << prev;
if (FLAGS_graceful_quit_on_sigterm) {
prev = signal(SIGTERM, quit_handler);
if (prev != SIG_DFL &&
prev != SIG_IGN) { // shell may install SIGTERM of background jobs with SIG_IGN
if (prev == SIG_ERR) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to register SIGTERM, abort";
} else {
s_prev_sigterm_handler = prev;
LOG(WARNING) << "SIGTERM was installed with " << prev;
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