Commit a236b5d1 authored by zhujiashun's avatar zhujiashun

health_check_using_rpc: refine doc and comment

parent e38afc88
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ locality-aware,优先选择延时低的下游,直到其延时高于其他机
| ------------------------- | ----- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| health_check_interval (R) | 3 | seconds between consecutive health-checkings | src/brpc/socket_map.cpp |
# 发起访问
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ DEFINE_bool(health_check_using_rpc, false, "By default health check succeeds if
"when server can be connected but also an additional http call succeeds"
"indicated by FLAGS_health_check_path and FLAGS_health_check_timeout_ms");
DEFINE_string(health_check_path, "/health", "Http path of health check call");
DEFINE_int32(health_check_timeout_ms, 300, "Timeout of health check call");
DEFINE_int32(health_check_timeout_ms, 500, "Timeout of health check call");
static bool validate_connect_timeout_as_unreachable(const char*, int32_t v) {
return v >= 2 && v < 1000/*large enough*/;
......@@ -2243,8 +2243,9 @@ void Socket::DebugSocket(std::ostream& os, SocketId id) {
<< "\nauth_id=" << ptr->_auth_id.value
<< "\nauth_context=" << ptr->_auth_context
<< "\nlogoff_flag=" << ptr->_logoff_flag.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed)
// TODO(zhujiashun): add _health_checking_using_rpc
<< "\nrecycle_flag=" << ptr->_recycle_flag.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed)
<< "\nhealth_checking_using_rpc="
<< ptr->_health_checking_using_rpc.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed)
<< "\nagent_socket_id=";
const SocketId asid = ptr->_agent_socket_id.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed);
if (asid != INVALID_SOCKET_ID) {
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