Unverified Commit a066d667 authored by Ge Jun's avatar Ge Jun Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #849 from zyearn/ignore_flowcontrol_in_first_req

ignore flow control in h2 when sending first request
parents f43bdcec cc3c99fe
......@@ -326,14 +326,20 @@ inline H2Context::FrameHandler FindFrameHandler(H2FrameType type) {
H2Context::H2Context(Socket* socket, const Server* server)
: _socket(socket)
, _remote_window_left(H2Settings::DEFAULT_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE)
// Maximize the window size to make sending big request possible before
// receving the remote settings.
, _remote_window_left(H2Settings::MAX_WINDOW_SIZE)
, _last_received_stream_id(-1)
, _last_sent_stream_id(1)
, _goaway_stream_id(-1)
, _remote_settings_received(false)
, _deferred_window_update(0) {
// Stop printing the field which is useless for remote settings.
_remote_settings.connection_window_size = 0;
// Maximize the window size to make sending big request possible before
// receving the remote settings.
_remote_settings.stream_window_size = H2Settings::MAX_WINDOW_SIZE;
if (server) {
_unack_local_settings = server->options().h2_settings;
} else {
......@@ -860,9 +866,28 @@ H2ParseResult H2Context::OnSettings(
return MakeH2Message(NULL);
const int64_t old_stream_window_size = _remote_settings.stream_window_size;
if (!ParseH2Settings(&_remote_settings, it, frame_head.payload_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to parse from SETTINGS";
return MakeH2Error(H2_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
if (!_remote_settings_received) {
// To solve the problem that sender can't send large request before receving
// remote setting, the initial window size of stream/connection is set to
// MAX_WINDOW_SIZE(see constructor of H2Context).
// As a result, in the view of remote side, window size is 65535 by default so
// it may not send its stream size to sender, making stream size still be
// MAX_WINDOW_SIZE. In this case we need to revert this value to default.
H2Settings tmp_settings;
if (!ParseH2Settings(&tmp_settings, it, frame_head.payload_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to parse from SETTINGS";
return MakeH2Error(H2_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
_remote_settings = tmp_settings;
_remote_settings_received = true;
} else {
if (!ParseH2Settings(&_remote_settings, it, frame_head.payload_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to parse from SETTINGS";
return MakeH2Error(H2_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
const int64_t window_diff =
......@@ -1025,6 +1050,7 @@ void H2Context::Describe(std::ostream& os, const DescribeOptions& opt) const {
<< sep << "remote_conn_window_left="
<< _remote_window_left.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed)
<< sep << "remote_settings=" << _remote_settings
<< sep << "remote_settings_received=" << _remote_settings_received
<< sep << "local_settings=" << _local_settings
<< sep << "hpacker={";
IndentingOStream os2(os, 2);
......@@ -1527,7 +1553,7 @@ H2UnsentRequest::AppendAndDestroySelf(butil::IOBuf* out, Socket* socket) {
_sctx->Init(ctx, id);
// flow control
// check flow control restriction
if (!_cntl->request_attachment().empty()) {
const int64_t data_size = _cntl->request_attachment().size();
if (!_sctx->ConsumeWindowSize(data_size)) {
......@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ friend void InitFrameHandlers();
uint32_t _last_sent_stream_id;
int _goaway_stream_id;
H2Settings _remote_settings;
bool _remote_settings_received;
H2Settings _local_settings;
H2Settings _unack_local_settings;
HPacker _hpacker;
......@@ -96,8 +96,6 @@ public:
if (sleep_ms_str) {
bthread_usleep(strtol(sleep_ms_str->data(), NULL, 10) * 1000);
EXPECT_EQ(EXP_REQUEST, req->message());
......@@ -996,12 +994,24 @@ TEST_F(HttpTest, http2_sanity) {
options.protocol = "h2";
ASSERT_EQ(0, channel.Init(butil::EndPoint(butil::my_ip(), port), &options));
// 1) complete flow and
// 2) socket replacement when streamId runs out, the initial streamId is a special
// value set in ctor of H2Context
// Check that the first request with size larger than the default window can
// be sent out, when remote settings are not received.
brpc::Controller cntl;
test::EchoRequest big_req;
test::EchoResponse res;
std::string message(2 * 1024 * 1024 /* 2M */, 'x');
cntl.http_request().uri() = "/EchoService/Echo";
channel.CallMethod(NULL, &cntl, &big_req, &res, NULL);
ASSERT_EQ(EXP_RESPONSE, res.message());
// socket replacement when streamId runs out, the initial streamId is a special
// value set in ctor of H2Context so that the number 15000 is enough to run out
// of stream.
test::EchoRequest req;
test::EchoResponse res;
for (int i = 0; i < 15000; ++i) {
brpc::Controller cntl;
......@@ -1113,6 +1123,14 @@ TEST_F(HttpTest, http2_window_used_up) {
brpc::policy::SerializeHttpRequest(&request_buf, &cntl, &req);
char settingsbuf[brpc::policy::FRAME_HEAD_SIZE + 36];
brpc::H2Settings h2_settings;
const size_t nb = brpc::policy::SerializeH2Settings(h2_settings, settingsbuf + brpc::policy::FRAME_HEAD_SIZE);
brpc::policy::SerializeFrameHead(settingsbuf, nb, brpc::policy::H2_FRAME_SETTINGS, 0, 0);
butil::IOBuf buf;
buf.append(settingsbuf, brpc::policy::FRAME_HEAD_SIZE + nb);
brpc::policy::ParseH2Message(&buf, _h2_client_sock.get(), false, NULL);
int nsuc = brpc::H2Settings::DEFAULT_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE / cntl.request_attachment().size();
for (int i = 0; i <= nsuc; i++) {
brpc::policy::H2UnsentRequest* h2_req = brpc::policy::H2UnsentRequest::New(&cntl);
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