Commit 96435e03 authored by guofutan's avatar guofutan

Feature: Add always_print_primitive_fields flags into Controller and json2pb::Pb2JsonOptions.

set ture if dumps all fields to json in protobuf3.
parent 3becc728
......@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ friend void policy::ProcessThriftRequest(InputMessageBase*);
static const uint32_t FLAGS_REQUEST_WITH_AUTH = (1 << 15);
static const uint32_t FLAGS_PB_JSONIFY_EMPTY_ARRAY = (1 << 16);
static const uint32_t FLAGS_ENABLED_CIRCUIT_BREAKER = (1 << 17);
static const uint32_t FLAGS_ALWAYS_PRINT_PRIMITIVE_FIELDS = (1 << 18);
......@@ -296,6 +297,14 @@ public:
// of json in HTTP response.
void set_pb_jsonify_empty_array(bool f) { set_flag(FLAGS_PB_JSONIFY_EMPTY_ARRAY, f); }
bool has_pb_jsonify_empty_array() const { return has_flag(FLAGS_PB_JSONIFY_EMPTY_ARRAY); }
// Whether to always print primitive fields. By default proto3 primitive
// fields with default values will be omitted in JSON output. For example, an
// int32 field set to 0 will be omitted. Set this flag to true will override
// the default behavior and print primitive fields regardless of their values.
void set_always_print_primitive_fields(bool f) { set_flag(FLAGS_ALWAYS_PRINT_PRIMITIVE_FIELDS, f); }
bool has_always_print_primitive_fields() const { return has_flag(FLAGS_ALWAYS_PRINT_PRIMITIVE_FIELDS); }
// Tell RPC that done of the RPC can be run in the same thread where
// the RPC is issued, otherwise done is always run in a different thread.
......@@ -509,6 +509,8 @@ void SerializeHttpRequest(butil::IOBuf* /*not used*/,
json2pb::Pb2JsonOptions opt;
opt.bytes_to_base64 = cntl->has_pb_bytes_to_base64();
opt.jsonify_empty_array = cntl->has_pb_jsonify_empty_array();
opt.always_print_primitive_fields = cntl->has_always_print_primitive_fields();
opt.enum_option = (FLAGS_pb_enum_as_number
: json2pb::OUTPUT_ENUM_BY_NAME);
......@@ -749,6 +751,7 @@ HttpResponseSender::~HttpResponseSender() {
json2pb::Pb2JsonOptions opt;
opt.bytes_to_base64 = cntl->has_pb_bytes_to_base64();
opt.jsonify_empty_array = cntl->has_pb_jsonify_empty_array();
opt.always_print_primitive_fields = cntl->has_always_print_primitive_fields();
opt.enum_option = (FLAGS_pb_enum_as_number
: json2pb::OUTPUT_ENUM_BY_NAME);
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ Pb2JsonOptions::Pb2JsonOptions()
, bytes_to_base64(true)
, jsonify_empty_array(false) {
, jsonify_empty_array(false)
, always_print_primitive_fields(false) {
class PbToJsonConverter {
......@@ -88,7 +89,10 @@ bool PbToJsonConverter::Convert(const google::protobuf::Message& message, Handle
_error = "Missing required field: " + field->full_name();
return false;
} else if (field->is_repeated()
&& reflection->FieldSize(message, field) == 0
&& !_option.jsonify_empty_array) {
......@@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ struct Pb2JsonOptions {
// to a empty array of json when this option is turned on.
// Default: false
bool jsonify_empty_array;
// Whether to always print primitive fields. By default proto3 primitive
// fields with default values will be omitted in JSON output. For example, an
// int32 field set to 0 will be omitted. Set this flag to true will override
// the default behavior and print primitive fields regardless of their values.
bool always_print_primitive_fields;
// Convert protobuf `messge' to `json' according to `options'.
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