Commit 8d94754e authored by gejun's avatar gejun

Force generation of .pb.h before compiling brpc

parent 83cd59d8
......@@ -279,11 +279,12 @@ protoc-gen-mcpack:src/mcpack2pb/generator.o libmcpack2pb.a libbase.a libbthread.
@echo "Linking $@"
@$(CXX) -o $@ $(LIBPATHS) -Xlinker "-(" $^ -Wl,-Bstatic $(STATIC_LINKINGS) -Wl,-Bdynamic -Xlinker "-)" $(DYNAMIC_LINKINGS)
# force generation of pb headers before compiling to avoid fail-to-import issues in compiling
libbrpc.a:$(BRPC_PROTOS:.proto=.pb.h) $(BRPC_OBJS)
@echo "Packing $@"
@ar crs $@ $^
libbrpc.dbg.a:$(BRPC_PROTOS:.proto=.pb.h) $(BRPC_DEBUG_OBJS)
@echo "Packing $@"
@ar crs $@ $^
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