Commit 7e4197f7 authored by gejun's avatar gejun

fix default protocol in example/grpc_c++/client.cpp

parent 0ee6e32c
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#include <brpc/channel.h>
#include "helloworld.pb.h"
DEFINE_string(protocol, "h2", "Protocol type. Defined in src/brpc/options.proto");
DEFINE_string(protocol, "h2:grpc", "Protocol type. Defined in src/brpc/options.proto");
DEFINE_string(server, "", "IP Address of server");
DEFINE_string(load_balancer, "", "The algorithm for load balancing");
DEFINE_int32(timeout_ms, 100, "RPC timeout in milliseconds");
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