Commit 79d67067 authored by gejun's avatar gejun

reviewed and move c++ stuff into

parent f89afd38
# 什么是bvar?
[bvar](是多线程环境下的计数器类库,方便记录和查看用户程序中的各类数值,它利用了thread local存储避免了cache bouncing,相比UbMonitor几乎不会给程序增加性能开销,也快于竞争频繁的原子操作。brpc集成了bvar,[/vars](可查看所有曝光的bvar,[/vars/VARNAME](可查阅某个bvar,在rpc中的具体使用方法请查看[这里](。brpc大量使用了bvar提供统计数值,当你需要在多线程环境中计数并展现时,应该第一时间想到bvar。但bvar不能代替所有的计数器,它的本质是把写时的竞争转移到了读:读得合并所有写过的线程中的数据,而不可避免地变慢了。当你读写都很频繁并得基于数值做一些逻辑判断时,你不应该用bvar。
[English version](../en/
# 什么是cache bouncing
# 什么是bvar
为了以较低的成本大幅提高性能,现代CPU都有[cache](。百度内常见的Intel E5-2620拥有32K的L1 dcache和icache,256K的L2 cache和15M的L3 cache。其中L1和L2cache为每个核独有,L3则所有核共享。为了保证所有的核看到正确的内存数据,一个核在写入自己的L1 cache后,CPU会执行[Cache一致性](算法把对应的[cacheline](一般是64字节)同步到其他核。这个过程并不很快,是微秒级的,相比之下写入L1 cache只需要若干纳秒。当很多线程在频繁修改某个字段时,这个字段所在的cacheline被不停地同步到不同的核上,就像在核间弹来弹去,这个现象就叫做cache bouncing。由于实现cache一致性往往有硬件锁,cache bouncing是一种隐式的的全局竞争。关于竞争请查阅[atomic instructions](
[bvar](是多线程环境下的计数器类库,方便记录和查看用户程序中的各类数值,它利用了thread local存储减少了cache bouncing,相比UbMonitor(百度内的老计数器库)几乎不会给程序增加性能开销,也快于竞争频繁的原子操作。brpc集成了bvar,[/vars](可查看所有曝光的bvar,[/vars/VARNAME](可查阅某个bvar,在brpc中的使用方法请查看[vars](。brpc大量使用了bvar提供统计数值,当你需要在多线程环境中计数并展现时,应该第一时间想到bvar。但bvar不能代替所有的计数器,它的本质是把写时的竞争转移到了读:读得合并所有写过的线程中的数据,而不可避免地变慢了。当你读写都很频繁或得基于最新值做一些逻辑判断时,你不应该用bvar
cache bouncing使访问频繁修改的变量的开销陡增,甚至还会使访问同一个cacheline中不常修改的变量也变慢,这个现象是[false sharing](。按cacheline对齐能避免false sharing,但在某些情况下,我们甚至还能避免修改“必须”修改的变量。bvar便是这样一个例子,当很多线程都在累加一个计数器时,我们让每个线程累加私有的变量而不参与全局竞争,在读取时我们累加所有线程的私有变量。虽然读比之前慢多了,但由于这类计数器的读多为低频展现,慢点无所谓。而写就快多了,从微秒到纳秒,几百倍的差距使得用户可以无所顾忌地使用bvar,这便是我们设计bvar的目的。
# 用noah监控bvar
- bvar 将被监控的项目定期打入文件:monitor/bvar.<app>.data。
- noah 自动收集文件并生成图像。
- App只需要注册相应的监控项即可。
- **Error**: 要求系统中每个可能出现的error都有监控
- **Latency**: 系统对外的每个rpc请求的latency; 系统依赖的每个后台的每个request的latency; (注: 相应的max_latency,系统框架会自动生成)
- **QPS**: 系统对外的每个request的QPS; 系统依赖的每个后台的每个request的QPS.
# RD要干的事情
## 定义bvar
#include <bvar/bvar.h>
namespace foo {
namespace bar {
// bvar::Adder<T>用于累加,下面定义了一个统计read error总数的Adder。
bvar::Adder<int> g_read_error;
// 把bvar::Window套在其他bvar上就可以获得时间窗口内的值。
bvar::Window<bvar::Adder<int> > g_read_error_minute("foo_bar", "read_error", &g_read_error, 60);
// ^ ^ ^
// 前缀 监控项名称 60秒,忽略则为10秒
// bvar::LatencyRecorder是一个复合变量,可以统计:总量、qps、平均延时,延时分位值,最大延时。
bvar::LatencyRecorder g_write_latency(foo_bar", "write);
// ^ ^
// 前缀 监控项,别加latency!LatencyRecorder包含多个bvar,它们会加上各自的后缀,比如write_qps, write_latency等等。
// 定义一个统计“已推入task”个数的变量。
bvar::Adder<int> g_task_pushed("foo_bar", "task_pushed");
// 把bvar::PerSecond套在其他bvar上可以获得时间窗口内*平均每秒*的值,这里是每秒内推入task的个数。
bvar::PerSecond<bvar::Adder<int> > g_task_pushed_second("foo_bar", "task_pushed_second", &g_task_pushed);
// ^ ^
// 和Window不同,PerSecond会除以时间窗口的大小. 时间窗口是最后一个参数,这里没填,就是默认10秒。
} // bar
} // foo
// 碰到read error
foo::bar::g_read_error << 1;
// write_latency是23ms
foo::bar::g_write_latency << 23;
// 推入了1个task
foo::bar::g_task_pushed << 1;
> 你当然也可以把bvar作为成员变量或局部变量,请阅读[bvar-c++](。
# 监控bvar
- **模块**一般是程序名,可以加上产品线的缩写,比如inf_ds,ecom_retrbs等等。
- **类名**一般是类名或函数名,比如storage_manager, file_transfer, rank_stage1等等。
- **指标**一般是count,qps,latency这类。
iobuf_block_count : 29 # 模块=iobuf 类名=block 指标=count
iobuf_block_memory : 237568 # 模块=iobuf 类名=block 指标=memory
process_memory_resident : 34709504 # 模块=process 类名=memory 指标=resident
process_memory_shared : 6844416 # 模块=process 类名=memory 指标=shared
rpc_channel_connection_count : 0 # 模块=rpc 类名=channel_connection 指标=count
rpc_controller_count : 1 # 模块=rpc 类名=controller 指标=count
rpc_socket_count : 6 # 模块=rpc 类名=socket 指标=count
目前bvar会做名字归一化,不管你打入的是foo::BarNum,, foo bar num , foo-bar-num,最后都是foo_bar_num。
- APP代表用户服务,使用bvar API定义监控各类指标。
- bvar定期把被监控的项目打入$PWD/monitor/目录下的文件(用log指代)。此处的log和普通的log的不同点在于是bvar导出是覆盖式的,而不是添加式的。
- 监控系统(用noah指代)收集导出的文件,汇总至全局并生成曲线。
- 个数以_count为后缀,比如request_count, error_count。
- 每秒的个数以_second为后缀,比如request_second, process_inblocks_second,已经足够明确,不用写成_count_second或_per_second。
- 每分钟的个数以_minute为后缀,比如request_minute, process_inblocks_minute
- **Error**: 系统中可能出现的error个数
- **Latency**: 系统对外的每个RPC接口的latency(平均和分位值),系统依赖的每个后台的每个RPC接口的latency
- **QPS**: 系统对外的每个RPC接口的QPS信息,系统依赖的每个后台的每个RPC接口的QPS信息
增加C++ bvar的方法请看[快速介绍]( bvar默认统计了进程、系统的一些变量,以process\_, system\_等开头,比如:
namespace foo {
namespace bar {
// 注意g_read_error_minute和g_task_pushed_per_second都是衍生的bvar,会自动更新,不要声明。
extern bvar::Adder<int> g_read_error;
extern bvar::LatencyRecorder g_write_latency;
extern bvar::Adder<int> g_task_pushed;
} // bar
} // foo
不同编译单元中全局变量的初始化顺序是[未定义的](。在foo.cpp中定义`Adder<int> foo_count`,在foo_qps.cpp中定义`PerSecond<Adder<int> > foo_qps(&foo_count);`**错误**的做法。
#include <butil/time.h>
namespace butil {
class Timer {
enum TimerType { STARTED };
// butil::Timer tm(butil::Timer::STARTED); // tm is already started after creation.
explicit Timer(TimerType);
// Start this timer
void start();
// Stop this timer
void stop();
// Get the elapse from start() to stop().
int64_t n_elapsed() const; // in nanoseconds
int64_t u_elapsed() const; // in microseconds
int64_t m_elapsed() const; // in milliseconds
int64_t s_elapsed() const; // in seconds
} // namespace butil
process_context_switches_involuntary_second : 14
process_context_switches_voluntary_second : 15760
process_cpu_usage : 0.428
process_cpu_usage_system : 0.142
process_cpu_usage_user : 0.286
process_disk_read_bytes_second : 0
process_disk_write_bytes_second : 260902
process_faults_major : 256
process_faults_minor_second : 14
process_memory_resident : 392744960
system_core_count : 12
system_loadavg_15m : 0.040
system_loadavg_1m : 0.000
system_loadavg_5m : 0.020
## 打开bvar的dump功能
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true/*表示把识别的参数从argc/argv中删除*/);
- 不想用gflags解析参数,希望直接在程序中默认打开,在main函数处添加如下代码:
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (google::SetCommandLineOption("bvar_dump", "true").empty()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to enable bvar dump";
bthread_switch_second : 20422
bthread_timer_scheduled_second : 4
bthread_timer_triggered_second : 4
bthread_timer_usage : 2.64987e-05
bthread_worker_count : 13
bthread_worker_usage : 1.33733
bvar_collector_dump_second : 0
bvar_collector_dump_thread_usage : 0.000307385
bvar_collector_grab_second : 0
bvar_collector_grab_thread_usage : 1.9699e-05
bvar_collector_pending_samples : 0
bvar_dump_interval : 10
bvar_revision : "34975"
bvar_sampler_collector_usage : 0.00106495
iobuf_block_count : 89
iobuf_block_count_hit_tls_threshold : 0
iobuf_block_memory : 729088
iobuf_newbigview_second : 10
bvar的dump功能由如下参数控制,产品线根据自己的需求调节,需要提醒的是noah要求bvar_dump_file的后缀名是.data,请勿改成其他后缀。更具体的功能描述请阅读[Export all variables](
| 名称 | 默认值 | 作用 |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| bvar_abort_on_same_name | false | Abort when names of bvar are same |
| bvar_dump | false | Create a background thread dumping all bvar periodically, all bvar_dump_* flags are not effective when this flag is off |
| bvar_dump_exclude | "" | Dump bvar excluded from these wildcards(separated by comma), empty means no exclusion |
| bvar_dump_file | monitor/bvar.<app>.data | Dump bvar into this file |
| bvar_dump_include | "" | Dump bvar matching these wildcards(separated by comma), empty means including all |
| bvar_dump_interval | 10 | Seconds between consecutive dump |
| bvar_dump_prefix | <app> | Every dumped name starts with this prefix |
| bvar_dump_tabs | 见代码 | Dump bvar into different tabs according to the filters (seperated by semicolon), format: *(tab_name=wildcards) |
## 编译并重启应用程序
$ ls monitor/
......@@ -206,20 +84,8 @@ process_time_user : 0.741887
process_username : "gejun"
## 打开[noah](
# Introduction
源文件中`#include <bvar/bvar.h>`
- bvar::Adder<T> : 计数器,默认0,varname << N相当于varname += N。
- bvar::Maxer<T> : 求最大值,默认std::numeric_limits<T>::min(),varname << N相当于varname = max(varname, N)。
- bvar::Miner<T> : 求最小值,默认std::numeric_limits<T>::max(),varname << N相当于varname = min(varname, N)。
- bvar::IntRecorder : 求自使用以来的平均值。注意这里的定语不是“一段时间内”。一般要通过Window衍生出时间窗口内的平均值。
- bvar::Window<VAR> : 获得某个bvar在一段时间内的累加值。Window衍生于已存在的bvar,会自动更新。
- bvar::PerSecond<VAR> : 或的某个bvar在一段时间内平均每秒的累加值。PerSecond也是会自动更新的衍生变量。
- bvar::LatencyRecorder : 专用于记录延时和qps的变量。输入延时,平均延时/最大延时/qps/总次数 都有了。
# Quick introduction
// 构造时不带名字,则无法被查询到。并不是所有的bvar都会显示在/vars
bvar::Adder<int> request_count1;
// 构造时带了名字就可以被查询到,现在查询/vars应该可以看到"request_count2: 0"
bvar::Adder<int> request_count2("request_count2");
// 或者可以调用expose,第一个变量也可以被查询了
// 换一个名字
// 让第一个变量重新不能被查询
// 各自加上一些数,两个变量目前的值应当分别是6和-1
request_count1 << 1 << 2 << 3;
request_count2 << -1;
LOG(INFO) << "result1=" << request_count1 << " result2=" << request_count2;
// 统计上一分钟request_count1的变化量
bvar::Window<bvar::Adder<int> > request_count1_minute("request_count1_minute", &request_count1, 60);
// 统计上一分钟request_count1的"qps"
bvar::PerSecond<bvar::Adder<int> > request_count1_per_second("request_count1_per_second", &request_count1, 60);
// 让我们每隔一秒钟给request_count1加上1.
request_count1.reset(); // 清0
for (int i = 0; i < 120; ++i) {
request_count1 << 1;
// 依次看到1, 2, 3 ...直到60后保持不变,其中一些数字可能跳过或重复,最差情况下Window有1秒延时。
LOG(INFO) << "request_count1_minute=" << request_count1_minute;
// 开始可能由0,之后一直看到1, 1, 1 ...,最差情况下PerSecond也有1秒延时。
LOG(INFO) << "request_count1_per_second=" << request_count1_per_second;
#include <bvar/bvar.h>
namespace foo {
namespace bar {
// bvar::Adder<T>用于累加,下面定义了一个统计read error总数的Adder。
bvar::Adder<int> g_read_error;
// 把bvar::Window套在其他bvar上就可以获得时间窗口内的值。
bvar::Window<bvar::Adder<int> > g_read_error_minute("foo_bar", "read_error", &g_read_error, 60);
// ^ ^ ^
// 前缀 监控项名称 60秒,忽略则为10秒
// bvar::LatencyRecorder是一个复合变量,可以统计:总量、qps、平均延时,延时分位值,最大延时。
bvar::LatencyRecorder g_write_latency(foo_bar", "write);
// ^ ^
// 前缀 监控项,别加latency!LatencyRecorder包含多个bvar,它们会加上各自的后缀,比如write_qps, write_latency等等。
// 定义一个统计“已推入task”个数的变量。
bvar::Adder<int> g_task_pushed("foo_bar", "task_pushed");
// 把bvar::PerSecond套在其他bvar上可以获得时间窗口内*平均每秒*的值,这里是每秒内推入task的个数。
bvar::PerSecond<bvar::Adder<int> > g_task_pushed_second("foo_bar", "task_pushed_second", &g_task_pushed);
// ^ ^
// 和Window不同,PerSecond会除以时间窗口的大小. 时间窗口是最后一个参数,这里没填,就是默认10秒。
} // bar
} // foo
// 碰到read error
foo::bar::g_read_error << 1;
// write_latency是23ms
foo::bar::g_write_latency << 23;
// 推入了1个task
foo::bar::g_task_pushed << 1;
- `bvar::Adder<T>` : 计数器,默认0,varname << N相当于varname += N。
- `bvar::Maxer<T>` : 求最大值,默认std::numeric_limits<T>::min(),varname << N相当于varname = max(varname, N)。
- `bvar::Miner<T>` : 求最小值,默认std::numeric_limits<T>::max(),varname << N相当于varname = min(varname, N)。
- `bvar::IntRecorder` : 求自使用以来的平均值。注意这里的定语不是“一段时间内”。一般要通过Window衍生出时间窗口内的平均值。
- `bvar::Window<VAR>` : 获得某个bvar在一段时间内的累加值。Window衍生于已存在的bvar,会自动更新。
- `bvar::PerSecond<VAR>` : 或的某个bvar在一段时间内平均每秒的累加值。PerSecond也是会自动更新的衍生变量。
- `bvar::LatencyRecorder` : 专用于记录延时和qps的变量。输入延时,平均延时/最大延时/qps/总次数 都有了。
- **模块**一般是程序名,可以加上产品线的缩写,比如inf_ds,ecom_retrbs等等。
- **类名**一般是类名或函数名,比如storage_manager, file_transfer, rank_stage1等等。
- **指标**一般是count,qps,latency这类。
iobuf_block_count : 29 # 模块=iobuf 类名=block 指标=count
iobuf_block_memory : 237568 # 模块=iobuf 类名=block 指标=memory
process_memory_resident : 34709504 # 模块=process 类名=memory 指标=resident
process_memory_shared : 6844416 # 模块=process 类名=memory 指标=shared
rpc_channel_connection_count : 0 # 模块=rpc 类名=channel_connection 指标=count
rpc_controller_count : 1 # 模块=rpc 类名=controller 指标=count
rpc_socket_count : 6 # 模块=rpc 类名=socket 指标=count
目前bvar会做名字归一化,不管你打入的是foo::BarNum,, foo bar num , foo-bar-num,最后都是foo_bar_num。
- 个数以_count为后缀,比如request_count, error_count。
- 每秒的个数以_second为后缀,比如request_second, process_inblocks_second,已经足够明确,不用写成_count_second或_per_second。
- 每分钟的个数以_minute为后缀,比如request_minute, process_inblocks_minute
namespace foo {
namespace bar {
// 注意g_read_error_minute和g_task_pushed_per_second都是衍生的bvar,会自动更新,不要声明。
extern bvar::Adder<int> g_read_error;
extern bvar::LatencyRecorder g_write_latency;
extern bvar::Adder<int> g_task_pushed;
} // bar
} // foo
**不要跨文件定义全局Window或PerSecond**。不同编译单元中全局变量的初始化顺序是[未定义的](。在foo.cpp中定义`Adder<int> foo_count`,在foo_qps.cpp中定义`PerSecond<Adder<int> > foo_qps(&foo_count);`**错误**的做法。
About thread-safety:
- bvar是线程兼容的。你可以在不同的线程里操作不同的bvar。比如你可以在多个线程中同时expose或hide**不同的**bvar,它们会合理地操作需要共享的全局数据,是安全的。
- **除了读写接口**,bvar的其他函数都是线程不安全的:比如说你不能在多个线程中同时expose或hide**同一个**bvar,这很可能会导致程序crash。一般来说,读写之外的其他接口也没有必要在多个线程中同时操作。
#include <butil/time.h>
namespace butil {
class Timer {
enum TimerType { STARTED };
// butil::Timer tm(butil::Timer::STARTED); // tm is already started after creation.
explicit Timer(TimerType);
// Start this timer
void start();
// Stop this timer
void stop();
// Get the elapse from start() to stop().
int64_t n_elapsed() const; // in nanoseconds
int64_t u_elapsed() const; // in microseconds
int64_t m_elapsed() const; // in milliseconds
int64_t s_elapsed() const; // in seconds
} // namespace butil
# bvar::Variable
......@@ -108,47 +189,43 @@ int expose_as(const butil::StringPiece& prefix, const butil::StringPiece& name);
# Export all variables
// Implement this class to write variables into different places.
// If dump() returns false, Variable::dump_exposed() stops and returns -1.
class Dumper {
virtual bool dump(const std::string& name, const butil::StringPiece& description) = 0;
// Options for Variable::dump_exposed().
struct DumpOptions {
// Contructed with default options.
// If this is true, string-type values will be quoted.
bool quote_string;
// The ? in wildcards. Wildcards in URL need to use another character
// because ? is reserved.
char question_mark;
// Separator for white_wildcards and black_wildcards.
char wildcard_separator;
// Name matched by these wildcards (or exact names) are kept.
std::string white_wildcards;
// Name matched by these wildcards (or exact names) are skipped.
std::string black_wildcards;
class Variable {
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true/*表示把识别的参数从argc/argv中删除*/);
// Find all exposed variables matching `white_wildcards' but
// `black_wildcards' and send them to `dumper'.
// Use default options when `options' is NULL.
// Return number of dumped variables, -1 on error.
static int dump_exposed(Dumper* dumper, const DumpOptions* options);
- 不想用gflags解析参数,希望直接在程序中默认打开,在main函数处添加如下代码:
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (google::SetCommandLineOption("bvar_dump", "true").empty()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to enable bvar dump";
| 名称 | 默认值 | 作用 |
| ------------------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| bvar_dump | false | Create a background thread dumping all bvar periodically, all bvar_dump_* flags are not effective when this flag is off |
| bvar_dump_exclude | "" | Dump bvar excluded from these wildcards(separated by comma), empty means no exclusion |
| bvar_dump_file | monitor/bvar.<app>.data | Dump bvar into this file |
| bvar_dump_include | "" | Dump bvar matching these wildcards(separated by comma), empty means including all |
| bvar_dump_interval | 10 | Seconds between consecutive dump |
| bvar_dump_prefix | \<app\> | Every dumped name starts with this prefix |
| bvar_dump_tabs | \<check the code\> | Dump bvar into different tabs according to the filters (seperated by semicolon), format: *(tab_name=wildcards) |
......@@ -183,6 +260,43 @@ LOG(INFO) << "Successfully set bvar_dump_include to *service*";
请勿直接设置FLAGS_bvar_dump_file / FLAGS_bvar_dump_include / FLAGS_bvar_dump_exclude。
// Implement this class to write variables into different places.
// If dump() returns false, Variable::dump_exposed() stops and returns -1.
class Dumper {
virtual bool dump(const std::string& name, const butil::StringPiece& description) = 0;
// Options for Variable::dump_exposed().
struct DumpOptions {
// Contructed with default options.
// If this is true, string-type values will be quoted.
bool quote_string;
// The ? in wildcards. Wildcards in URL need to use another character
// because ? is reserved.
char question_mark;
// Separator for white_wildcards and black_wildcards.
char wildcard_separator;
// Name matched by these wildcards (or exact names) are kept.
std::string white_wildcards;
// Name matched by these wildcards (or exact names) are skipped.
std::string black_wildcards;
class Variable {
// Find all exposed variables matching `white_wildcards' but
// `black_wildcards' and send them to `dumper'.
// Use default options when `options' is NULL.
// Return number of dumped variables, -1 on error.
static int dump_exposed(Dumper* dumper, const DumpOptions* options);
# bvar::Reducer
# What is bvar?
[bvar]( is a counting utility designed for multiple threaded applications. It stores data in thread local storage(TLS) to avoid costly cache bouncing caused by concurrent modification. It is much faster than UbMonitor(a legacy counting utility used inside Baidu) and atomic operation in highly contended scenarios. bvar is builtin within brpc, through [/vars]( you can access all the exposed bvars inside the server, or a single one specified by [/vars/`VARNAME`]( Check out [bvar]( if you'd like add some bvars for you own services. bvar is widely used inside brpc to calculate indicators of internal status. It is **almost free** in most scenarios to collect data. If you are looking for a utility to collect and show internal status of your application, try bvar at the first time. However bvar is designed for general purpose counters, the read process of a single bvar have to combines all the TLS data from the threads that the very bvar has been written, which is very slow compared to the write process and atomic operations.
## What is "cache bouncing"
# What is bvar?
为了以较低的成本大幅提高性能,现代CPU都有[cache](。百度内常见的Intel E5-2620拥有32K的L1 dcache和icache,256K的L2 cache和15M的L3 cache。其中L1和L2cache为每个核独有,L3则所有核共享。为了保证所有的核看到正确的内存数据,一个核在写入自己的L1 cache后,CPU会执行[Cache一致性](算法把对应的[cacheline](一般是64字节)同步到其他核。这个过程并不很快,是微秒级的,相比之下写入L1 cache只需要若干纳秒。当很多线程在频繁修改某个字段时,这个字段所在的cacheline被不停地同步到不同的核上,就像在核间弹来弹去,这个现象就叫做cache bouncing。由于实现cache一致性往往有硬件锁,cache bouncing是一种隐式的的全局竞争。关于竞争请查阅[atomic instructions](
[bvar]( is a set of counters to record and view miscellaneous statistics conveniently in multi-threaded applications. The implementation reduces cache bouncing by storing data in thread local storage(TLS), being much faster than UbMonitor(a legacy counting library inside Baidu) and even atomic operations in highly contended scenarios. brpc integrates bvar by default, namely all exposed bvars in a server are accessible through [/vars](, and a single bvar is addressable by [/vars/VARNAME]( Read [vars]( to know how to query them in brpc servers. brpc extensively use bvar to expose internal status. If you are looking for an utility to collect and display metrics of your application, consider bvar in the first place. bvar definitely can't replace all counters, essentially it moves contentions occurred during write to read: which needs to combine all data written by all threads and becomes much slower than an ordinary read. If read and write on the counter are both frequent or decisions need to be made based on latest values, you should not use bvar.
cache bouncing使访问频繁修改的变量的开销陡增,甚至还会使访问同一个cacheline中不常修改的变量也变慢,这个现象是[false sharing](。按cacheline对齐能避免false sharing,但在某些情况下,我们甚至还能避免修改“必须”修改的变量。bvar便是这样一个例子,当很多线程都在累加一个计数器时,我们让每个线程累加私有的变量而不参与全局竞争,在读取时我们累加所有线程的私有变量。虽然读比之前慢多了,但由于这类计数器的读多为低频展现,慢点无所谓。而写就快多了,从微秒到纳秒,几百倍的差距使得用户可以无所顾忌地使用bvar,这便是我们设计bvar的目的。
To understand how bvar works, read [explanations on cacheline]( first, in which the mentioned counter example is just bvar. When many threads are modifying a counter, each thread writes into its own area without joining the global contention and all private data are combined at read, which is much slower than an ordinary one, but OK for low-frequency logging or display. The much faster and very-little-overhead write enables users to monitor systems from all aspects without worrying about hurting performance. This is the purpose that we designed bvar.
Following graph compares overhead of bvar, atomics, static UbMonitor, dynamic UbMonitor when they're accessed by multiple threads simultaneously. We can see that overhead of bvar is not related to number of threads basically, and being constantly low (~20 nanoseconds). As a contrast, dynamic UbMonitor costs 7 microseconds on each operation when there're 24 threads, which is the overhead of using the bvar for 300 times.
# 3.用noah监控bvar
- bvar 将被监控的项目定期打入文件:monitor/bvar.<app>.data。
- noah 自动收集文件并生成图像。
- App只需要注册相应的监控项即可。
- **Error**: 要求系统中每个可能出现的error都有监控
- **Latency**: 系统对外的每个rpc请求的latency; 系统依赖的每个后台的每个request的latency; (注: 相应的max_latency,系统框架会自动生成)
- **QPS**: 系统对外的每个request的QPS; 系统依赖的每个后台的每个request的QPS.
# 4.RD要干的事情
## 1.定义bvar
#include <bvar/bvar.h>
namespace foo {
namespace bar {
// bvar::Adder<T>用于累加,下面定义了一个统计read error总数的Adder。
bvar::Adder<int> g_read_error;
// 把bvar::Window套在其他bvar上就可以获得时间窗口内的值。
bvar::Window<bvar::Adder<int> > g_read_error_minute("foo_bar", "read_error", &g_read_error, 60);
// ^ ^ ^
// 前缀 监控项名称 60秒,忽略则为10秒
// bvar::LatencyRecorder是一个复合变量,可以统计:总量、qps、平均延时,延时分位值,最大延时。
bvar::LatencyRecorder g_write_latency(foo_bar", "write);
// ^ ^
// 前缀 监控项,别加latency!LatencyRecorder包含多个bvar,它们会加上各自的后缀,比如write_qps, write_latency等等。
// 定义一个统计“已推入task”个数的变量。
bvar::Adder<int> g_task_pushed("foo_bar", "task_pushed");
// 把bvar::PerSecond套在其他bvar上可以获得时间窗口内*平均每秒*的值,这里是每秒内推入task的个数。
bvar::PerSecond<bvar::Adder<int> > g_task_pushed_second("foo_bar", "task_pushed_second", &g_task_pushed);
// ^ ^
// 和Window不同,PerSecond会除以时间窗口的大小. 时间窗口是最后一个参数,这里没填,就是默认10秒。
} // bar
} // foo
// 碰到read error
foo::bar::g_read_error << 1;
// write_latency是23ms
foo::bar::g_write_latency << 23;
// 推入了1个task
foo::bar::g_task_pushed << 1;
> 你当然也可以把bvar作为成员变量或局部变量,请阅读[bvar-c++](。
# Monitor bvar
Following graph demonstrates how bvars in applications are monitored.
- **模块**一般是程序名,可以加上产品线的缩写,比如inf_ds,ecom_retrbs等等。
- **类名**一般是类名或函数名,比如storage_manager, file_transfer, rank_stage1等等。
- **指标**一般是count,qps,latency这类。
iobuf_block_count : 29 # 模块=iobuf 类名=block 指标=count
iobuf_block_memory : 237568 # 模块=iobuf 类名=block 指标=memory
process_memory_resident : 34709504 # 模块=process 类名=memory 指标=resident
process_memory_shared : 6844416 # 模块=process 类名=memory 指标=shared
rpc_channel_connection_count : 0 # 模块=rpc 类名=channel_connection 指标=count
rpc_controller_count : 1 # 模块=rpc 类名=controller 指标=count
rpc_socket_count : 6 # 模块=rpc 类名=socket 指标=count
In which:
目前bvar会做名字归一化,不管你打入的是foo::BarNum,, foo bar num , foo-bar-num,最后都是foo_bar_num。
- APP means user's application which uses bvar API to record all sorts of metrics.
- bvar periodically prints exposed bvars into a file (represented by "log") under directory $PWD/monitor/ . The "log" is different from an ordinary log that it's overwritten by newer content rather than concatenated.
- The monitoring system collects dumped files (represented by noah), aggregates the data inside and plots curves.
The APP is recommended to meet following requirements:
- 个数以_count为后缀,比如request_count, error_count。
- 每秒的个数以_second为后缀,比如request_second, process_inblocks_second,已经足够明确,不用写成_count_second或_per_second。
- 每分钟的个数以_minute为后缀,比如request_minute, process_inblocks_minute
- **Error**: Number of every kind of error that may occur.
- **Latency**: latencies(average/percentile) of each public RPC interface, latencies of each RPC to back-end servers.
- **QPS**: QPS of each public RPC interface, QPS of each RPC to back-end servers.
Read [Quick introduction]( to know how to add bvar in C++. bvar already provides stats of many process-level and system-level variables by default, which are prefixed with `process_` and `system_`, such as:
namespace foo {
namespace bar {
// 注意g_read_error_minute和g_task_pushed_per_second都是衍生的bvar,会自动更新,不要声明。
extern bvar::Adder<int> g_read_error;
extern bvar::LatencyRecorder g_write_latency;
extern bvar::Adder<int> g_task_pushed;
} // bar
} // foo
不同编译单元中全局变量的初始化顺序是[未定义的](。在foo.cpp中定义`Adder<int> foo_count`,在foo_qps.cpp中定义`PerSecond<Adder<int> > foo_qps(&foo_count);`**错误**的做法。
#include <butil/time.h>
namespace butil {
class Timer {
enum TimerType { STARTED };
// butil::Timer tm(butil::Timer::STARTED); // tm is already started after creation.
explicit Timer(TimerType);
// Start this timer
void start();
// Stop this timer
void stop();
// Get the elapse from start() to stop().
int64_t n_elapsed() const; // in nanoseconds
int64_t u_elapsed() const; // in microseconds
int64_t m_elapsed() const; // in milliseconds
int64_t s_elapsed() const; // in seconds
} // namespace butil
process_context_switches_involuntary_second : 14
process_context_switches_voluntary_second : 15760
process_cpu_usage : 0.428
process_cpu_usage_system : 0.142
process_cpu_usage_user : 0.286
process_disk_read_bytes_second : 0
process_disk_write_bytes_second : 260902
process_faults_major : 256
process_faults_minor_second : 14
process_memory_resident : 392744960
system_core_count : 12
system_loadavg_15m : 0.040
system_loadavg_1m : 0.000
system_loadavg_5m : 0.020
## 2.打开bvar的dump功能
and miscellaneous bvars used by brpc itself:
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true/*表示把识别的参数从argc/argv中删除*/);
- 不想用gflags解析参数,希望直接在程序中默认打开,在main函数处添加如下代码:
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (google::SetCommandLineOption("bvar_dump", "true").empty()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to enable bvar dump";
bthread_switch_second : 20422
bthread_timer_scheduled_second : 4
bthread_timer_triggered_second : 4
bthread_timer_usage : 2.64987e-05
bthread_worker_count : 13
bthread_worker_usage : 1.33733
bvar_collector_dump_second : 0
bvar_collector_dump_thread_usage : 0.000307385
bvar_collector_grab_second : 0
bvar_collector_grab_thread_usage : 1.9699e-05
bvar_collector_pending_samples : 0
bvar_dump_interval : 10
bvar_revision : "34975"
bvar_sampler_collector_usage : 0.00106495
iobuf_block_count : 89
iobuf_block_count_hit_tls_threshold : 0
iobuf_block_memory : 729088
iobuf_newbigview_second : 10
bvar的dump功能由如下参数控制,产品线根据自己的需求调节,需要提醒的是noah要求bvar_dump_file的后缀名是.data,请勿改成其他后缀。更具体的功能描述请阅读[Export all variables](
| 名称 | 默认值 | 作用 |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| bvar_abort_on_same_name | false | Abort when names of bvar are same |
| bvar_dump | false | Create a background thread dumping all bvar periodically, all bvar_dump_* flags are not effective when this flag is off |
| bvar_dump_exclude | "" | Dump bvar excluded from these wildcards(separated by comma), empty means no exclusion |
| bvar_dump_file | monitor/bvar.<app>.data | Dump bvar into this file |
| bvar_dump_include | "" | Dump bvar matching these wildcards(separated by comma), empty means including all |
| bvar_dump_interval | 10 | Seconds between consecutive dump |
| bvar_dump_prefix | <app> | Every dumped name starts with this prefix |
| bvar_dump_tabs | 见代码 | Dump bvar into different tabs according to the filters (seperated by semicolon), format: *(tab_name=wildcards) |
## 3.编译并重启应用程序
Turn on [dump feature]( of bvar to export all exposed bvars to files, which are formatted just like above texts: each line is a pair of "name" and "value". Check if there're data under $PWD/monitor/ after enabling dump, for example:
$ ls monitor/
......@@ -206,20 +84,8 @@ process_time_user : 0.741887
process_username : "gejun"
## 4.打开[noah](
The monitoring system should combine data on every single machine periodically and provide on-demand queries. Take the "noah" system inside Baidu as an example, variables defined by bvar appear as metrics in noah, which can be checked by users to view historical curves.
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