Commit 6def5ec5 authored by Ge Jun's avatar Ge Jun

update docs

parent 27111e17
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- **latency_cdf**: 用[CDF](展示分位值, 只能在html下查看。
- **max_latency**: 在html下*从右到左*分别是过去60秒,60分钟,24小时,30天的最大延时。纯文本下是10秒内([-bvar_dump_interval](控制)的最大延时。
- **qps**: 在html下从右到左分别是过去60秒,60分钟,24小时,30天的平均qps(Queries Per Second)。纯文本下是10秒内([-bvar_dump_interval](控制)的平均qps。
- **processing**: 正在处理的请求个数。在压力归0后若此指标仍持续不为0,server则很有可能bug,比如忘记调用done了或卡在某个处理步骤上了。
- **processing**: (新版改名为concurrency)正在处理的请求个数。在压力归0后若此指标仍持续不为0,server则很有可能bug,比如忘记调用done了或卡在某个处理步骤上了。
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Meanings of the fields above:
- **latency_cdf**: shows percentiles as [CDF](, only available on html.
- **max_latency**: max latency in recent *60s/60m/24h/30d* from *right to left* on html, max latency in recent 10s(by default, specified by [-bvar_dump_interval]( on plain texts.
- **qps**: QPS(Queries Per Second) in recent *60s/60m/24h/30d* from *right to left* on html. QPS in recent 10s(by default, specified by [-bvar_dump_interval]( on plain texts.
- **processing**: Number of requests being processed by the service. If this counter can't hit zero when the traffic to the service becomes zero, the server probably has bugs, such as forgetting to call done->Run() or stuck on some processing steps.
- **processing**: (renamed to concurrency in master) Number of requests being processed by the method. If this counter can't hit zero when the traffic to the service becomes zero, the server probably has bugs, such as forgetting to call done->Run() or stuck on some processing steps.
Users may customize descriptions on /status by letting the service implement [brpc::Describable](
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