Commit 5f7e0480 authored by jamesge's avatar jamesge

Replace previous hacky impl. of appending postfix to ostream with a safer one…

Replace previous hacky impl. of appending postfix to ostream with a safer one and lose the -log_as_json support for glog
parent c1dd2035
......@@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@ KVMap& Controller::SessionKV() {
return *_session_kv.get();
#define BRPC_SESSION_END_MSG "Session ends"
#define BRPC_SESSION_END_MSG "Session ends."
#define BRPC_REQ_ID "@rid"
#define BRPC_KV_SEP ":"
......@@ -1522,62 +1522,43 @@ void Controller::FlushSessionKV(std::ostream& os) {
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
os << "\"M\":\"" BRPC_SESSION_END_MSG "\"";
if (pRID) {
os << ",\"" BRPC_REQ_ID "\":\"" << *pRID << '"';
os << "\"" BRPC_REQ_ID "\":\"" << *pRID << "\",";
os << "\"M\":\"" BRPC_SESSION_END_MSG "\"";
for (auto it = _session_kv->Begin(); it != _session_kv->End(); ++it) {
os << ",\"" << it->first << "\":\"" << it->second << '"';
} else {
if (pRID) {
os << " " BRPC_REQ_ID BRPC_KV_SEP << *pRID;
os << BRPC_REQ_ID BRPC_KV_SEP << *pRID << " ";
for (auto it = _session_kv->Begin(); it != _session_kv->End(); ++it) {
os << ' ' << it->first << BRPC_KV_SEP << it->second;
Controller::LogPostfixDummy::~LogPostfixDummy() {
if (osptr != nullptr) {
*osptr << postfix;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Controller::LogPostfixDummy& p) {
const_cast<brpc::Controller::LogPostfixDummy&>(p).osptr = &os;
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
os << "\"M\":\"";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Controller::LogPrefixDummy& p) {
return os;
Controller::LogPostfixDummy Controller::LogPostfix() const {
Controller::LogPostfixDummy result;
std::string& p = result.postfix;
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
void Controller::DoPrintLogPrefix(std::ostream& os) const {
const std::string* pRID = nullptr;
if (_http_request) {
pRID = _http_request->GetHeader(FLAGS_request_id_header);
if (pRID) {
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
p.append(",\"" BRPC_REQ_ID "\":\"");
os << BRPC_REQ_ID "\":\"" << *pRID << "\",";
} else {
p.reserve(5 + pRID->size());
p.append(" " BRPC_REQ_ID BRPC_KV_SEP);
os << BRPC_REQ_ID BRPC_KV_SEP << *pRID << " ";
return result;
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
os << "\"M\":\"";
} // namespace brpc
......@@ -491,13 +491,15 @@ public:
void FlushSessionKV(std::ostream& os);
// Contextual prefixes for LOGD/LOGI/LOGW/LOGE/LOGF macros
struct LogPostfixDummy {
LogPostfixDummy() : osptr(nullptr) {}
std::string postfix;
std::ostream* osptr;
class LogPrefixDummy {
LogPrefixDummy(const Controller* cntl) : _cntl(cntl) {}
void DoPrintLogPrefix(std::ostream& os) const { _cntl->DoPrintLogPrefix(os); }
const Controller* _cntl;
LogPostfixDummy LogPostfix() const;
friend class LogPrefixDummy;
LogPrefixDummy LogPrefix() const { return LogPrefixDummy(this); }
// Return true if the remote side creates a stream.
bool has_remote_stream() { return _remote_stream_settings != NULL; }
......@@ -677,6 +679,8 @@ private:
std::string& protocol_param() { return _thrift_method_name; }
const std::string& protocol_param() const { return _thrift_method_name; }
void DoPrintLogPrefix(std::ostream& os) const;
// NOTE: align and group fields to make Controller as compact as possible.
......@@ -806,16 +810,16 @@ bool IsAskedToQuit();
// Send Ctrl-C to current process.
void AskToQuit();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Controller::LogPostfixDummy& p);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Controller::LogPrefixDummy& p);
} // namespace brpc
// Print logs appended with @rid which is got from "x-request-id"(set
// -request_id_header to change) in http header by default
#define LOGD(cntl) LOG(DEBUG) << (cntl)->LogPostfix()
#define LOGI(cntl) LOG(INFO) << (cntl)->LogPostfix()
#define LOGW(cntl) LOG(WARNING) << (cntl)->LogPostfix()
#define LOGE(cntl) LOG(ERROR) << (cntl)->LogPostfix()
#define LOGF(cntl) LOG(FATAL) << (cntl)->LogPostfix()
#define LOGD(cntl) LOG(DEBUG) << (cntl)->LogPrefix()
#define LOGI(cntl) LOG(INFO) << (cntl)->LogPrefix()
#define LOGW(cntl) LOG(WARNING) << (cntl)->LogPrefix()
#define LOGE(cntl) LOG(ERROR) << (cntl)->LogPrefix()
#define LOGF(cntl) LOG(FATAL) << (cntl)->LogPrefix()
......@@ -565,6 +565,33 @@ static void PrintLogPrefixAsJSON(
os << "\"C\":\"" << file << ':' << line << "\"";
static void PrintLog(std::ostream& os,
int severity, const char* file, int line,
const butil::StringPiece& content) {
if (!FLAGS_log_as_json) {
PrintLogPrefix(os, severity, file, line);
os.write(, content.size());
} else {
os << '{';
PrintLogPrefixAsJSON(os, severity, file, line);
bool pair_quote = false;
if (content.empty() || content[0] != '"') {
// not a json, add a 'M' field
os << ",\"M\":\"";
pair_quote = true;
} else {
os << ',';
os.write(, content.size());
if (pair_quote) {
os << '"';
} else if (!content.empty() && content[content.size()-1] != '"') {
// Controller may write `"M":"...` which misses the last quote
os << '"';
os << '}';
// A log message handler that gets notified of every log message we process.
class DoublyBufferedLogSink : public butil::DoublyBufferedData<LogSink*> {
......@@ -669,33 +696,12 @@ void DisplayDebugMessageInDialog(const std::string& str) {
bool StringSink::OnLogMessage(int severity, const char* file, int line,
const butil::StringPiece& content) {
std::ostringstream prefix_os;
bool pair_quote = false;
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
prefix_os << '{';
PrintLogPrefixAsJSON(prefix_os, severity, file, line);
if (content.empty() || content[0] != '"') {
// not a json, add 'M' field
prefix_os << ",\"M\":\"";
pair_quote = true;
} else {
prefix_os << ',';
} else {
PrintLogPrefix(prefix_os, severity, file, line);
const std::string prefix = prefix_os.str();
std::ostringstream os;
PrintLog(os, severity, file, line, content);
const std::string msg = os.str();
butil::AutoLock lock_guard(_lock);
reserve(size() + prefix.size() + content.size());
append(, content.size());
if (FLAGS_log_as_json) {
if (pair_quote) {
return true;
......@@ -849,27 +855,8 @@ public:
// A LogSink focused on performance should also be able to handle
// non-continuous inputs which is a must to maximize performance.
std::ostringstream os;
if (!FLAGS_log_as_json) {
PrintLogPrefix(os, severity, file, line);
os.write(, content.size());
os << '\n';
} else {
os << '{';
PrintLogPrefixAsJSON(os, severity, file, line);
bool pair_quote = false;
if (content.empty() || content[0] != '"') {
// not a json, add a 'M' field
os << ",\"M\":\"";
pair_quote = true;
} else {
os << ',';
os.write(, content.size());
if (pair_quote) {
os << '"';
os << "}\n";
PrintLog(os, severity, file, line, content);
os << '\n';
std::string log = os.str();
if ((logging_destination & LOG_TO_SYSTEM_DEBUG_LOG) != 0) {
......@@ -95,13 +95,27 @@ TEST_F(ControllerTest, SessionKV) {
FLAGS_log_as_json = false;
logging::StringSink sink1;
auto oldSink = logging::SetLogSink(&sink1);
//brpc::SetGlobalSessionLogFormatter(new MyFormatter);
brpc::Controller cntl;
cntl.set_log_id(123); // not working now
cntl.SessionKV().Set("Apple", 1);
cntl.SessionKV().Set("Baidu", "22");
cntl.SessionKV().Set("Cisco", 33.3);
// set
cntl.SessionKV().Set("Apple", 1234567);
cntl.SessionKV().Set("Baidu", "Building");
// get
auto v1 = cntl.SessionKV().Get("Apple");
ASSERT_EQ("1234567", *v1);
auto v2 = cntl.SessionKV().Get("Baidu");
ASSERT_EQ("Building", *v2);
// override
cntl.SessionKV().Set("Baidu", "NewStuff");
v2 = cntl.SessionKV().Get("Baidu");
ASSERT_EQ("NewStuff", *v2);
cntl.SessionKV().Set("Cisco", 33.33);
LOGW(&cntl) << "My WARNING Log";
ASSERT_TRUE(endsWith(sink1, "] My WARNING Log")) << sink1;
......@@ -110,13 +124,13 @@ TEST_F(ControllerTest, SessionKV) {
cntl.http_request().SetHeader("x-request-id", "abcdEFG-456");
LOGE(&cntl) << "My ERROR Log";
ASSERT_TRUE(endsWith(sink1, "] My ERROR Log @rid:abcdEFG-456")) << sink1;
ASSERT_TRUE(endsWith(sink1, "] @rid:abcdEFG-456 My ERROR Log")) << sink1;
ASSERT_TRUE(startsWith(sink1, "E")) << sink1;
FLAGS_log_as_json = true;
ASSERT_TRUE(endsWith(sink1, R"(,"M":"Session ends","@rid":"abcdEFG-456","Baidu":"22","Cisco":"33.300000","Apple":"1"})")) << sink1;
ASSERT_TRUE(endsWith(sink1, R"(,"@rid":"abcdEFG-456","M":"Session ends.","Baidu":"NewStuff","Cisco":"33.330000","Apple":"1234567"})")) << sink1;
ASSERT_TRUE(startsWith(sink1, R"({"L":"I",)")) << sink1;
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