brpc prefers static linking if possible, so that deps don't have to be installed on every
machine running the code.
brpc prefers static linking if possible, so that deps don't have to be installed on every machine running the code.
brpc depends on following packages:
@@ -33,7 +32,9 @@ git clone brpc, cd into the repo and run
$ sh --headers=/usr/include --libs=/usr/lib
$ make
to change compiler to clang, add `--cxx=clang++ --cc=clang`.
To change compiler to clang, add `--cxx=clang++ --cc=clang`.
To not link debugging symbols, add `--nodebugsymbols` and compiled binaries will be much smaller.
### Run example
@@ -63,6 +64,11 @@ Rerun ``, `make` in test/, and `sh`
### Prepare deps
CentOS needs to install EPEL generally otherwise many packages are not available by default.
sudo yum install epel-release
Install common deps:
sudo yum install git g++ make openssl-devel
@@ -80,7 +86,9 @@ git clone brpc, cd into the repo and run
$ sh --headers=/usr/include --libs=/usr/lib64
$ make
to change compiler to clang, add `--cxx=clang++ --cc=clang`.
To change compiler to clang, add `--cxx=clang++ --cc=clang`.
To not link debugging symbols, add `--nodebugsymbols` and compiled binaries will be much smaller.
### Run example
@@ -123,7 +131,9 @@ $ sh --headers="../gflags_dev /usr/include" --libs="../gflags_dev
$ make
to change compiler to clang, add `--cxx=clang++ --cc=clang`.
To change compiler to clang, add `--cxx=clang++ --cc=clang`.
To not link debugging symbols, add `--nodebugsymbols` and compiled binaries will be much smaller.
Here we pass multiple paths to `--headers` and `--libs` to make the script search for multiple places. You can also group all deps and brpc into one directory, then pass the directory to --headers/--libs which actually search all subdirectories recursively and will find necessary files.