Turn on [-http_verbose](http://brpc.baidu.com:8765/flags/http_verbose) so that the framework prints each http request and response in stderr. Note that this should only be used in tests or debuggings rather than online services.
Turn on [-http_verbose](http://brpc.baidu.com:8765/flags/http_verbose) so that the framework prints each http request and response. Note that this should only be used in tests or debuggings rather than online services.
Turn on [-http_verbose](http://brpc.baidu.com:8765/flags/http_verbose) to print contents of all http requests and responses to stderr. Note that this should only be used for debugging rather than online services.
Turn on [-http_verbose](http://brpc.baidu.com:8765/flags/http_verbose) to print contents of all http requests and responses. Note that this should only be used for debugging rather than online services.
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Advantages compared to [hiredis](https://github.com/redis/hiredis) (the official
Similarly with http, brpc guarantees that the time complexity of parsing redis replies is O(N) in worst cases rather than O(N^2) , where N is the number of bytes of reply. This is important when the reply consists of large arrays.
Turn on [-redis_verbose](#Debug) to print contents of all redis requests and responses to stderr, which is for debugging only.
Turn on [-redis_verbose](#Debug) to print contents of all redis requests and responses, which is for debugging only.
# Request a redis server
@@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ Another choice is to use the common [twemproxy](https://github.com/twitter/twemp
# Debug
Turn on [-redis_verbose](http://brpc.baidu.com:8765/flags/redis_verbose) to print contents of all redis requests and responses to stderr. Note that this should only be used for debugging rather than online services.
Turn on [-redis_verbose](http://brpc.baidu.com:8765/flags/redis_verbose) to print contents of all redis requests and responses. Note that this should only be used for debugging rather than online services.
Turn on [-redis_verbose_crlf2space](http://brpc.baidu.com:8765/flags/redis_verbose_crlf2space) to replace the `CRLF` (\r\n) with spaces in debugging logs for better readability.