Commit 55728a34 authored by zhujiashun's avatar zhujiashun

keep only one bazel compilation combination in travis

parent a5e92566
......@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ echo "build combination: PURPOSE=$PURPOSE CXX=$CXX CC=$CC"
if [ "$PURPOSE" = "compile-with-bazel" ]; then
runcmd "bazel build -j 12 -c opt --copt -DHAVE_ZLIB=1 //..."
runcmd "bazel test -j 12 -c opt --copt -DHAVE_ZLIB=1 --define=unittest=true //..."
# Build with glog
runcmd "bazel build -j 12 -c opt --copt -DHAVE_ZLIB=1 --define=with_glog=true //..."
runcmd "bazel test -j 12 -c opt --copt -DHAVE_ZLIB=1 --define=with_glog=true --define=unittest=true //..."
exit 0
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