Commit 491a1860 authored by zhujiashun's avatar zhujiashun

redis_server_protocol: clear arena in rediscxt asap

parent d35efefd
......@@ -47,9 +47,6 @@ DEFINE_bool(redis_verbose, false,
"[DEBUG] Print EVERY redis request/response");
DEFINE_int32(redis_batch_flush_max_size, 2048, "beyond which the server response"
" are forced to write to socket");
DEFINE_int32(redis_max_request_count_before_clear_arena, 10000, "If the number of "
"incoming requests has reached multiple of this value, arena from which the "
"requests are allocated will be cleared.");
struct InputResponse : public InputMessageBase {
bthread_id_t id_wait;
......@@ -166,7 +163,7 @@ int ConsumeTask(RedisConnContext* ctx, ConsumeTaskDone* done) {
} else {
std::string comm;
for (const char* c = done->input_message[0].c_str(); *c; ++c) {
for (const char* c = args[0]; *c; ++c) {
auto it = ctx->command_map.find(comm);
......@@ -338,9 +335,7 @@ ParseResult ParseRedisMessage(butil::IOBuf* source, Socket* socket,
std::unique_ptr<ConsumeTaskDone> done(new ConsumeTaskDone);
done->input_message.CopyFromDifferentArena(ctx->parsing_message, &done->arena);
if ((++ctx->message_count % FLAGS_redis_max_request_count_before_clear_arena) == 0) {
// Add a ref that removed in ConsumeTaskDone::Run
if (bthread::execution_queue_execute(ctx->queue, done.get()) != 0) {
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