@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Only 3 (major) user headers: [Server](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/s
* Tweak parameters? Checkout [brpc/controller.h](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/brpc/controller.h). Note that the class is shared by server and channel. Methods are separated into 3 parts: client-side, server-side and both-side.
We tried to make simple things simple. Take naming service as an example. In older RPC implementations you may need to copy a pile of obscure code to make it work, however, in brpc accessing BNS is expressed as `Init("bns://node-name"...`, DNS is "http://domain-name" and local machine list is "file:///home/work/server.list". Without any explanation, you know what it means.
We tried to make simple things simple. Take naming service as an example. In older RPC implementations you may need to copy a pile of obscure code to make it work, however, in brpc accessing BNS is expressed as `Init("bns://node-name", ...)`, DNS is `Init("http://domain-name", ...)` and local machine list is `Init("file:///home/work/server.list", ...)`. Without any explanation, you know what it means.
@@ -20,4 +20,7 @@ You can already use these instructions to do atomic counting, such as multiple t
An atomic instruction is relatively fast when there is not contention or only one thread accessing it. Contention happens when there are multiple threads accessing the same [cacheline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPU_cache#Cache_entries). Modern CPU extensively use cache and divide cache into multi-level to get high performance at a low price. The widely used cpu in Baidu which is Intel E5-2620 has 32K L1 dcache and icache, 256K L2 cache and 15M L3 cache. L1 and L2 cache is owned by each core, while L3 cache is shared by all cores. Althouth it is fast for one core to write data into its own L1 cache(4 cycles, 2ns), the data in L1 cache should be also seen by another core when it needs writing or reading from corresponding address. To application, this process is atomic and no instructions can be interleaved. Application must wait for the completion of [cache coherence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_coherence), which takes longer time compared to other operations. It involves a complicated algorithm which takes approximately 700ns in E5-2620 when highly contented. So it is slow to access the memory shared by multiple threads.
In order to improve performance, we need to avoid synchronizing cacheline in CPU. This is not only related to the performance of the atomic instruction itself, but also affect the overall performance of the program. For example, the effect of using spinlock is still poor in some small critical area scenarios. The problem is that the instruction of exchange, fetch_add and other instructions used to implement spinlock must be executed after the latest cacheline has been synchronized. Although it involves only a few instructions, it is not surprising that these instructions spend a few microseconds.
In order to improve performance, we need to avoid synchronizing cacheline in CPU. This is not only related to the performance of the atomic instruction itself, but also affect the overall performance of the program. For example, the effect of using spinlock is still poor in some small critical area scenarios. The problem is that the instruction of exchange, fetch_add and other instructions used to implement spinlock must be executed after the latest cacheline has been synchronized. Although it involves only a few instructions, it is not surprising that these instructions spend a few microseconds. The most effective solution is straightforward: **aviod sharing as possible as you can**. Avoiding contention from the beginning is the best.
- A program using a global multiple-producer-multiple-consumer(MPMC) queueis hard to have multi-core scalability, since the limit throughput of this queue depends on the delay of cpu cache synchronization, rather than the number of cores. It is a best practice to use multiple SPMC or multiple MPSC queue, or even multiple SPSC queue instead, avoid contention at the beginning.
- Another example is global counter. If all threads modifies a global variable frequently, the performance would be poor because all cores are busy synchronizing the same cacheline.