Commit 2b748f82 authored by gejun's avatar gejun

Rename read_bytes() in RecordReader to offset() to avoid misusage and adjust the UT

parent 50aaa985
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ int RecordReader::CutRecord(Record* rec) {
if (*(const uint32_t*)dummy != *(const uint32_t*)BRPC_RECORDIO_MAGIC) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid magic_num="
<< butil::PrintedAsBinary(std::string((char*)headbuf, 4))
<< ", offset=" << read_bytes();
<< ", offset=" << offset();
return -1;
uint32_t tmp = NetToHost32(*(const uint32_t*)(headbuf + 4));
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ int RecordReader::CutRecord(Record* rec) {
<< std::hex << tmp << std::dec
<< "(metabit=" << has_meta
<< " size=" << data_size
<< " offset=" << read_bytes()
<< " offset=" << offset()
<< "), expected=" << (unsigned)headbuf[8]
<< " actual=" << (unsigned)checksum;
return -1;
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ int RecordReader::CutRecord(Record* rec) {
LOG(ERROR) << "data_size=" << data_size
<< " is larger than -recordio_max_record_size="
<< FLAGS_recordio_max_record_size
<< ", offset=" << read_bytes();
<< ", offset=" << offset();
return -1;
if (_cutter.remaining_bytes() < data_size) {
......@@ -257,13 +257,13 @@ int RecordReader::CutRecord(Record* rec) {
if (consumed_bytes + 5 + name_size + meta_size > data_size) {
LOG(ERROR) << name << ".meta_size=" << meta_size
<< " is inconsistent with its data_size=" << data_size
<< ", offset=" << read_bytes();
<< ", offset=" << offset();
return -1;
butil::IOBuf* meta = rec->MutableMeta(name, true/*null_on_found*/);
if (meta == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to add meta=" << name
<< ", offset=" << read_bytes();
<< ", offset=" << offset();
return -1;
_cutter.cutn(meta, meta_size);
......@@ -102,8 +102,10 @@ public:
// END_OF_READER means all data in the IReader are successfully consumed.
int last_error() const { return _last_error; }
// Total bytes of all read records.
size_t read_bytes() const { return _ncut; }
// Total bytes consumed.
// NOTE: this value may not equal to read bytes from the IReader even if
// the reader runs out, due to parsing errors.
size_t offset() const { return _ncut; }
bool CutUntilNextRecordCandidate();
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ TEST(RecordIOTest, write_read_basic) {
ASSERT_EQ((int)butil::RecordReader::END_OF_READER, rr.last_error());
ASSERT_EQ(sw.str().size(), rr.read_bytes());
ASSERT_EQ(sw.str().size(), rr.offset());
TEST(RecordIOTest, incomplete_reader) {
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ TEST(RecordIOTest, incomplete_reader) {
ASSERT_EQ(EAGAIN, rr.last_error());
ASSERT_EQ(sw.str().size(), rr.read_bytes());
ASSERT_EQ(sw.str().size(), rr.offset());
static std::string rand_string(int min_len, int max_len) {
......@@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ TEST(RecordIOTest, write_read_random) {
ASSERT_EQ(name_value_list[j].second, *r.MetaAt(0).data);
ASSERT_EQ((int)butil::RecordReader::END_OF_READER, rr.last_error());
ASSERT_EQ(str.size(), rr.read_bytes());
ASSERT_EQ(j, name_value_list.size());
ASSERT_LE(str.size() - rr.offset(), 3);
} // namespace
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