Commit 1a4489f5 authored by TousakaRin's avatar TousakaRin

Fix bugs in calculating latency and qps frequency inaccuracies

parent 86222574
......@@ -31,9 +31,10 @@ DEFINE_string(cntl_server, "", "IP Address of server");
DEFINE_string(echo_server, "", "IP Address of server");
DEFINE_int32(timeout_ms, 3000, "RPC timeout in milliseconds");
DEFINE_int32(max_retry, 0, "Max retries(not including the first RPC)");
DEFINE_int32(case_interval, 20, "");
DEFINE_int32(client_frequent_interval_us, 10000, "");
DEFINE_string(case_file, "", "");
DEFINE_int32(case_interval, 20, "Intervals for different test cases");
DEFINE_int32(client_qps_change_interval_us, 50000,
"The interval for client changes the sending speed");
DEFINE_string(case_file, "", "File path for test_cases");
void DisplayStage(const test::Stage& stage) {
std::string type;
......@@ -156,10 +157,9 @@ struct TestCaseContext {
void RunUpdateTask(void* data) {
TestCaseContext* context = (TestCaseContext*)data;
bool should_continue = context->Update();
timespec ts;
ts.tv_nsec = FLAGS_client_frequent_interval_us * 1000;
if (should_continue) {
bthread::get_global_timer_thread()->schedule(RunUpdateTask, data, ts);
bthread::get_global_timer_thread()->schedule(RunUpdateTask, data,
} else {
context->, butil::memory_order_release);
......@@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ void RunCase(test::ControlService_Stub &cntl_stub,
options.protocol = FLAGS_protocol;
options.connection_type = FLAGS_connection_type;
options.timeout_ms = FLAGS_timeout_ms;
options.max_retry = FLAGS_max_retry;
if (channel.Init(FLAGS_echo_server.c_str(), &options) != 0) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to initialize channel";
......@@ -186,9 +187,8 @@ void RunCase(test::ControlService_Stub &cntl_stub,
CHECK(!cntl.Failed()) << "control failed";
TestCaseContext context(test_case);
timespec ts;
ts.tv_nsec = FLAGS_client_frequent_interval_us * 1000;
bthread::get_global_timer_thread()->schedule(RunUpdateTask, &context, ts);
bthread::get_global_timer_thread()->schedule(RunUpdateTask, &context,
while (context.running.load(butil::memory_order_acquire)) {
test::NotifyRequest echo_req;
......@@ -31,14 +31,18 @@
DEFINE_int32(logoff_ms, 2000, "Maximum duration of server's LOGOFF state "
"(waiting for client to close connection before server stops)");
DEFINE_int32(server_bthread_concurrency, 4, "For compute max qps");
DEFINE_int32(server_sync_sleep_us, 2500, "For compute max qps");
DEFINE_int32(server_sync_sleep_us, 2500, "For compute maximum qps");
// max qps = 1000 / 2.5 * 4 = 1600
DEFINE_int32(control_server_port, 9000, "");
DEFINE_int32(echo_port, 9001, "");
DEFINE_int32(cntl_port, 9000, "TCP Port of this server");
DEFINE_string(case_file, "", "");
DEFINE_int32(server_frequent_interval_us, 10000, "");
DEFINE_int32(echo_port, 9001, "TCP Port of echo server");
DEFINE_int32(cntl_port, 9000, "TCP Port of controller server");
DEFINE_string(case_file, "", "File path for test_cases");
DEFINE_int32(latency_change_interval_us, 50000, "Intervalt for server side changes the latency");
DEFINE_int32(server_max_concurrency, 0, "Echo Server's max_concurrency");
DEFINE_bool(use_usleep, false,
"EchoServer uses ::usleep or bthread_usleep to simulate latency "
"when processing requests");
bthread::TimerThread g_timer_thread;
......@@ -110,9 +114,8 @@ public:
timespec ts;
ts.tv_nsec = FLAGS_server_frequent_interval_us * 1000;
g_timer_thread.schedule(TimerTask, (void*)this, ts);
g_timer_thread.schedule(TimerTask, (void*)this,
virtual void Echo(google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
......@@ -122,8 +125,12 @@ public:
brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
if (FLAGS_use_usleep) {
} else {
void ComputeLatency() {
if (_stage_index < _test_case.latency_stage_list_size() &&
......@@ -213,9 +220,11 @@ public:
CHECK(!_server.IsRunning()) << "Continuous StartCase";
const test::TestCase& test_case = _case_set.test_case(_case_index++);
brpc::ServerOptions options;
// options.max_concurrency = 15;
_server.MaxConcurrencyOf("test.EchoService.Echo") = test_case.max_concurrency();
_server.Start(FLAGS_echo_port, NULL);
_server.Start(FLAGS_echo_port, &options);
} else if (message == "StopCase") {
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
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