Commit 0971bf63 authored by gejun's avatar gejun

r35332: Fix logging memory leak after keytable is returned

parent 2ae045ba
......@@ -331,6 +331,14 @@ void TaskGroup::task_runner(intptr_t skip_remained) {
// TODO: Save thread_return
// Logging must be done before returning the keytable, since the logging lib
// use bthread local storage internally, or will cause memory leak.
// FIXME: the time from quiting fn to here is not counted into cputime
if (m->attr.flags & BTHREAD_LOG_START_AND_FINISH) {
LOG(INFO) << "Finished bthread " << m->tid << ", cputime="
<< m->stat.cputime_ns / 1000000.0 << "ms";
// Clean tls variables, must be done before changing version_butex
// otherwise another thread just joined this thread may not see side
// effects of destructing tls variables.
......@@ -354,12 +362,6 @@ void TaskGroup::task_runner(intptr_t skip_remained) {
butex_wake_except(m->version_butex, 0);
// FIXME: the time from quiting fn to here is not counted into cputime
if (m->attr.flags & BTHREAD_LOG_START_AND_FINISH) {
LOG(INFO) << "Finished bthread " << m->tid << ", cputime="
<< m->stat.cputime_ns / 1000000.0 << "ms";
g->_control->_nbthreads << -1;
g->set_remained(TaskGroup::_release_last_context, m);
......@@ -625,13 +627,17 @@ void TaskGroup::sched_to(TaskGroup** pg, TaskMeta* next_meta) {
++ g->_nswitch;
// Switch to the task
if (__builtin_expect(next_meta != cur_meta, 1)) {
g->_cur_meta = next_meta;
tls_bls = next_meta->local_storage;
// Logging must be done after switching the local storage, since the logging lib
// use bthread local storage internally, or will cause memory leak.
if ((cur_meta->attr.flags & BTHREAD_LOG_CONTEXT_SWITCH) ||
(next_meta->attr.flags & BTHREAD_LOG_CONTEXT_SWITCH)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Switch bthread: " << cur_meta->tid << " -> "
<< next_meta->tid;
g->_cur_meta = next_meta;
tls_bls = next_meta->local_storage;
if (cur_meta->stack != NULL) {
if (next_meta->stack != cur_meta->stack) {
jump_stack(cur_meta->stack, next_meta->stack);
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