cl_test.proto 931 Bytes
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package test;

option cc_generic_services = true;

message NotifyRequest {
      required string message = 1;

message NotifyResponse {
      required string message = 1;

enum ChangeType {
    FLUCTUATE = 1;  // Fluctuating between upper and lower bound 
    SMOOTH = 2;     // Smoothly rising from the lower bound to the upper bound 

message Stage {
    required int32 lower_bound = 1;
    required int32 upper_bound = 2;
    required int32 duration_sec = 3;
    required ChangeType type = 4; 

message TestCase {
    required string case_name = 1;
    required string max_concurrency = 2;
    repeated Stage qps_stage_list = 3;
    repeated Stage latency_stage_list = 4;

message TestCaseSet {
    repeated TestCase test_case = 1;

service ControlService {
    rpc Notify(NotifyRequest) returns (NotifyResponse);

service EchoService {
    rpc Echo(NotifyRequest) returns (NotifyResponse);