memorystream.h 2.42 KB
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// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved.
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#include "rapidjson.h"

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//! Represents an in-memory input byte stream.
    This class is mainly for being wrapped by EncodedInputStream or AutoUTFInputStream.

    It is similar to FileReadBuffer but the source is an in-memory buffer instead of a file.

    Differences between MemoryStream and StringStream:
    1. StringStream has encoding but MemoryStream is a byte stream.
    2. MemoryStream needs size of the source buffer and the buffer don't need to be null terminated. StringStream assume null-terminated string as source.
    3. MemoryStream supports Peek4() for encoding detection. StringStream is specified with an encoding so it should not have Peek4().
    \note implements Stream concept
struct MemoryStream {
    typedef char Ch; // byte

    MemoryStream(const Ch *src, size_t size) : src_(src), begin_(src), end_(src + size), size_(size) {}

    Ch Peek() const { return (src_ == end_) ? '\0' : *src_; }
    Ch Take() { return (src_ == end_) ? '\0' : *src_++; }
    size_t Tell() const { return static_cast<size_t>(src_ - begin_); }

    Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
    void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
    void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
    size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }

    // For encoding detection only.
    const Ch* Peek4() const {
        return Tell() + 4 <= size_ ? src_ : 0;

    const Ch* src_;     //!< Current read position.
    const Ch* begin_;   //!< Original head of the string.
    const Ch* end_;     //!< End of stream.
    size_t size_;       //!< Size of the stream.

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