server.cpp 2.31 KB
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// Baidu RPC - A framework to host and access services throughout Baidu.
// Copyright (c) 2014, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// If you have any problem, contact us:
//   Baidu Hi : group 1296497 
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// A server to receive EchoRequest and send back EchoResponse.

#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <brpc/server.h>
#include <brpc/nshead_service.h>

DEFINE_int32(port, 8010, "TCP Port of this server");
DEFINE_int32(idle_timeout_s, -1, "Connection will be closed if there is no "
             "read/write operations during the last `idle_timeout_s'");
DEFINE_int32(max_concurrency, 0, "Limit of request processing in parallel");

// Adapt your own nshead-based protocol to use baidu-rpc 
class MyNsheadProtocol : public brpc::NsheadService {
    void ProcessNsheadRequest(const brpc::Server&,
                              brpc::Controller* cntl,
                              const brpc::NsheadMessage& request,
                              brpc::NsheadMessage* response, 
                              brpc::NsheadClosure* done) {
        // This object helps you to call done->Run() in RAII style. If you need
        // to process the request asynchronously, pass done_guard.release().
        brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);

        if (cntl->Failed()) {
            // NOTE: You can send back a response containing error information
            // back to client instead of closing the connection.
            cntl->CloseConnection("Close connection due to previous error");
        *response = request; // Just echo the request to client

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Parse gflags. We recommend you to use gflags as well.
    google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);

    brpc::Server server;
    brpc::ServerOptions options;
    options.nshead_service = new MyNsheadProtocol;
    options.idle_timeout_sec = FLAGS_idle_timeout_s;
    options.max_concurrency = FLAGS_max_concurrency;

    // Start the server.
    if (server.Start(FLAGS_port, &options) != 0) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to start EchoServer";
        return -1;

    // Wait until Ctrl-C is pressed, then Stop() and Join() the server.
    return 0;