iobuf.h 26.1 KB
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// iobuf - A non-continuous zero-copied buffer
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// Copyright (c) 2012 Baidu, Inc.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
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15 16 17 18

// Author: Ge,Jun (
// Date: Thu Nov 22 13:57:56 CST 2012

19 20
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#include <sys/uio.h>                             // iovec
#include <stdint.h>                              // uint32_t
#include <string>                                // std::string
#include <ostream>                               // std::ostream
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h> // ZeroCopyInputStream
27 28 29 30
#include "butil/strings/string_piece.h"           // butil::StringPiece
#include "butil/third_party/snappy/snappy-sinksource.h"
#include "butil/zero_copy_stream_as_streambuf.h"
#include "butil/macros.h"
#include "butil/reader_writer.h"
#include "butil/binary_printer.h"
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// For IOBuf::appendv(const const_iovec*, size_t). The only difference of this
// struct from iovec (defined in sys/uio.h) is that iov_base is `const void*'
// which is assignable by const pointers w/o any error.
extern "C" {
struct const_iovec {
    const void* iov_base;
    size_t iov_len;
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struct ssl_st;
44 45 46
#define ssl_st MESALINK_SSL
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namespace butil {
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// IOBuf is a non-continuous buffer that can be cut and combined w/o copying
// payload. It can be read from or flushed into file descriptors as well.
// IOBuf is [thread-compatible]. Namely using different IOBuf in different
// threads simultaneously is safe, and reading a static IOBuf from different
// threads is safe as well.
// IOBuf is [NOT thread-safe]. Modifying a same IOBuf from different threads
// simultaneously is unsafe and likely to crash.
class IOBuf {
friend class IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream;
friend class IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream;
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friend class IOBufBytesIterator;
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    static const size_t DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192;
    static const size_t INITIAL_CAP = 32; // must be power of 2

    struct Block;

    // can't directly use `struct iovec' here because we also need to access the
    // reference counter(nshared) in Block*
    struct BlockRef {
        // NOTICE: first bit of `offset' is shared with BigView::start
        uint32_t offset;
        uint32_t length;
        Block* block;

    // IOBuf is essentially a tiny queue of BlockRefs.
    struct SmallView {
        BlockRef refs[2];

    struct BigView {
        int32_t magic;
        uint32_t start;
        BlockRef* refs;
        uint32_t nref;
        uint32_t cap_mask;
        size_t nbytes;

        const BlockRef& ref_at(uint32_t i) const
        { return refs[(start + i) & cap_mask]; }
        BlockRef& ref_at(uint32_t i)
        { return refs[(start + i) & cap_mask]; }

        uint32_t capacity() const { return cap_mask + 1; }

    struct Movable {
        explicit Movable(IOBuf& v) : _v(&v) { }
        IOBuf& value() const { return *_v; }
        IOBuf *_v;

    typedef uint64_t Area;
    static const Area INVALID_AREA = 0;

    IOBuf(const IOBuf&);
    IOBuf(const Movable&);
    ~IOBuf() { clear(); }
    void operator=(const IOBuf&);
    void operator=(const Movable&);
    void operator=(const char*);
    void operator=(const std::string&);

    // Exchange internal fields with another IOBuf.
    void swap(IOBuf&);

    // Pop n bytes from front side
    // If n == 0, nothing popped; if n >= length(), all bytes are popped
    // Returns bytes popped.
    size_t pop_front(size_t n);

    // Pop n bytes from back side
    // If n == 0, nothing popped; if n >= length(), all bytes are popped
    // Returns bytes popped.
    size_t pop_back(size_t n);

    // Cut off `n' bytes from front side and APPEND to `out'
    // If n == 0, nothing cut; if n >= length(), all bytes are cut
    // Returns bytes cut.
    size_t cutn(IOBuf* out, size_t n);
    size_t cutn(void* out, size_t n);
    size_t cutn(std::string* out, size_t n);
    // Cut off 1 byte from the front side and set to *c
    // Return true on cut, false otherwise.
    bool cut1(char* c);

    // Cut from front side until the characters matches `delim', append
    // data before the matched characters to `out'.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 when there's no match (including empty `delim')
    // or other errors.
    int cut_until(IOBuf* out, char const* delim);

    // std::string version, `delim' could be binary
    int cut_until(IOBuf* out, const std::string& delim);

150 151 152 153
    // Cut at most `size_hint' bytes(approximately) into the writer
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    ssize_t cut_into_writer(IWriter* writer, size_t size_hint = 1024*1024);

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154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173
    // Cut at most `size_hint' bytes(approximately) into the file descriptor
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    ssize_t cut_into_file_descriptor(int fd, size_t size_hint = 1024*1024);

    // Cut at most `size_hint' bytes(approximately) into the file descriptor at
    // a given offset(from the start of the file). The file offset is not changed.
    // If `offset' is negative, does exactly what cut_into_file_descriptor does.
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    // NOTE: POSIX requires that a file open with the O_APPEND flag should
    // not affect pwrite(). However, on Linux, if |fd| is open with O_APPEND,
    // pwrite() appends data to the end of the file, regardless of the value
    // of |offset|.
    ssize_t pcut_into_file_descriptor(int fd, off_t offset /*NOTE*/, 
                                      size_t size_hint = 1024*1024);

    // Cut into SSL channel `ssl'. Returns what `SSL_write' returns
    // and the ssl error code will be filled into `ssl_error'
    ssize_t cut_into_SSL_channel(struct ssl_st* ssl, int* ssl_error);

    // Cut `count' number of `pieces' into the writer.
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
176 177
    static ssize_t cut_multiple_into_writer(
        IWriter* writer, IOBuf* const* pieces, size_t count);

    // Cut `count' number of `pieces' into the file descriptor.
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    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    static ssize_t cut_multiple_into_file_descriptor(
        int fd, IOBuf* const* pieces, size_t count);

    // Cut `count' number of `pieces' into file descriptor `fd' at a given
    // offset. The file offset is not changed.
    // If `offset' is negative, does exactly what cut_multiple_into_file_descriptor
    // does.
    // Read NOTE of pcut_into_file_descriptor.
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    static ssize_t pcut_multiple_into_file_descriptor(
        int fd, off_t offset, IOBuf* const* pieces, size_t count);

193 194 195 196 197
    // Cut `count' number of `pieces' into SSL channel `ssl'.
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    static ssize_t cut_multiple_into_SSL_channel(
        struct ssl_st* ssl, IOBuf* const* pieces, size_t count, int* ssl_error);

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    // Append another IOBuf to back side, payload of the IOBuf is shared
    // rather than copied.
    void append(const IOBuf& other);
    // Append content of `other' to self and clear `other'.
    void append(const Movable& other);

    // ===================================================================
    // Following push_back()/append() are just implemented for convenience
    // and occasional usages, they're relatively slow because of the overhead
    // of frequent BlockRef-management and reference-countings. If you get
    // a lot of push_back/append to do, you should use IOBufAppender or
    // IOBufBuilder instead, which reduce overhead by owning IOBuf::Block.
    // ===================================================================
    // Append a character to back side. (with copying)
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    int push_back(char c);
    // Append `data' with `count' bytes to back side. (with copying)
    // Returns 0 on success(include count == 0), -1 otherwise.
    int append(void const* data, size_t count);

    // Append multiple data to back side in one call, faster than appending
    // one by one separately.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    // Example:
    //   const_iovec vec[] = { { data1, len1 },
    //                         { data2, len2 },
    //                         { data3, len3 } };
    //   foo.appendv(vec, arraysize(vec));
    int appendv(const const_iovec vec[], size_t n);
    int appendv(const iovec* vec, size_t n)
    { return appendv((const const_iovec*)vec, n); }

    // Append a c-style string to back side. (with copying)
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    // NOTE: Returns 0 when `s' is empty.
    int append(char const* s);

    // Append a std::string to back side. (with copying)
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    // NOTE: Returns 0 when `s' is empty.
    int append(const std::string& s);

242 243 244 245 246
    // Append the user-data to back side WITHOUT copying.
    // The user-data can be split and shared by smaller IOBufs and will be
    // deleted using the deleter func when no IOBuf references it anymore.
    int append_user_data(void* data, size_t size, void (*deleter)(void*));

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    // Resizes the buf to a length of n characters.
    // If n is smaller than the current length, all bytes after n will be
    // truncated.
    // If n is greater than the current length, the buffer would be append with
    // as many |c| as needed to reach a size of n. If c is not specified,
    // null-character would be appended.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    int resize(size_t n) { return resize(n, '\0'); }
    int resize(size_t n, char c);

    // Reserve `n' uninitialized bytes at back-side.
    // Returns an object representing the reserved area, INVALID_AREA on failure.
    // NOTE: reserve(0) returns INVALID_AREA.
    Area reserve(size_t n);

    // Copy `data' to the reserved `area'. `data' must be as long as the
    // reserved size.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    // [Rules]
    // 1. Make sure the IOBuf to be assigned was NOT cut/pop from front side
    //    after reserving, otherwise behavior of this function is undefined,
    //    even if it returns 0.
    // 2. Make sure the IOBuf to be assigned was NOT copied to/from another
    //    IOBuf after reserving to prevent underlying blocks from being shared,
    //    otherwise the assignment affects all IOBuf sharing the blocks, which
    //    is probably not what we want.
    int unsafe_assign(Area area, const void* data);

    // Append min(n, length()) bytes starting from `pos' at front side to `buf'.
    // The real payload is shared rather than copied.
    // Returns bytes copied.
    size_t append_to(IOBuf* buf, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;

    // Explicitly declare this overload as error to avoid copy_to(butil::IOBuf*)
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    // from being interpreted as copy_to(void*) by the compiler (which causes
    // undefined behavior).
    size_t copy_to(IOBuf* buf, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const
    // the error attribute in not available in gcc 3.4
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8))
        __attribute__ (( error("Call append_to(IOBuf*) instead") ))

    // Copy min(n, length()) bytes starting from `pos' at front side into `buf'.
    // Returns bytes copied.
    size_t copy_to(void* buf, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;

    // NOTE: first parameter is not std::string& because user may passes
    // a pointer of std::string by mistake, in which case, compiler would
    // call the void* version which crashes definitely.
    size_t copy_to(std::string* s, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;
    size_t append_to(std::string* s, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;

    // Copy min(n, length()) bytes staring from `pos' at front side into
    // `cstr' and end it with '\0'.
    // `cstr' must be as long as min(n, length())+1.
    // Returns bytes copied (not including ending '\0')
    size_t copy_to_cstr(char* cstr, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;

    // Convert all data in this buffer to a std::string.
    std::string to_string() const;

    // Get `n' front-side bytes with minimum copying. Length of `aux_buffer'
    // must not be less than `n'.
    // Returns:
    //   NULL            -  n is greater than length()
    //   aux_buffer      -  n bytes are copied into aux_buffer
    //   internal buffer -  the bytes are stored continuously in the internal
    //                      buffer, no copying is needed. This function does not
    //                      add additional reference to the underlying block,
    //                      so user should not change this IOBuf during using
    //                      the internal buffer.
    // If n == 0 and buffer is empty, return value is undefined.
    const void* fetch(void* aux_buffer, size_t n) const;
    // Just fetch one character.
    const void* fetch1() const;

    // Remove all data
    void clear();

    // True iff there's no data
    bool empty() const;

    // Number of bytes
    size_t length() const;
    size_t size() const { return length(); }
    // Get number of Blocks in use. block_memory = block_count * BLOCK_SIZE
    static size_t block_count();
    static size_t block_memory();
    static size_t new_bigview_count();
    static size_t block_count_hit_tls_threshold();

    // Equal with a string/IOBuf or not.
    bool equals(const butil::StringPiece&) const;
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    bool equals(const IOBuf& other) const;

    // Get the number of backing blocks
    size_t backing_block_num() const { return _ref_num(); }

    // Get #i backing_block, an empty StringPiece is returned if no such block
    StringPiece backing_block(size_t i) const;

    // Make a movable version of self
    Movable movable() { return Movable(*this); }

    int _cut_by_char(IOBuf* out, char);
    int _cut_by_delim(IOBuf* out, char const* dbegin, size_t ndelim);

    // Returns: true iff this should be viewed as SmallView
    bool _small() const;

    template <bool MOVE>
    void _push_or_move_back_ref_to_smallview(const BlockRef&);
    template <bool MOVE>
    void _push_or_move_back_ref_to_bigview(const BlockRef&);

    // Push a BlockRef to back side
    // NOTICE: All fields of the ref must be initialized or assigned
    //         properly, or it will ruin this queue
    void _push_back_ref(const BlockRef&);
    // Move a BlockRef to back side. After calling this function, content of
    // the BlockRef will be invalid and should never be used again.
    void _move_back_ref(const BlockRef&);

    // Pop a BlockRef from front side.
    // Returns: 0 on success and -1 on empty.
    int _pop_front_ref();

    // Pop a BlockRef from back side.
    // Returns: 0 on success and -1 on empty.
    int _pop_back_ref();

    // Number of refs in the queue
    size_t _ref_num() const;

    // Get reference to front/back BlockRef in the queue
    // should not be called if queue is empty or the behavior is undefined
    BlockRef& _front_ref();
    const BlockRef& _front_ref() const;
    BlockRef& _back_ref();
    const BlockRef& _back_ref() const;

    // Get reference to n-th BlockRef(counting from front) in the queue
    // NOTICE: should not be called if queue is empty and the `n' must
    //         be inside [0, _ref_num()-1] or behavior is undefined
    BlockRef& _ref_at(size_t i);
    const BlockRef& _ref_at(size_t i) const;

398 399 400 401
    // Get pointer to n-th BlockRef(counting from front)
    // If i is out-of-range, NULL is returned.
    const BlockRef* _pref_at(size_t i) const;

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    union {
        BigView _bv;
        SmallView _sv;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const IOBuf& buf);

inline bool operator==(const butil::IOBuf& b, const butil::StringPiece& s)
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{ return b.equals(s); }
inline bool operator==(const butil::StringPiece& s, const butil::IOBuf& b)
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{ return b.equals(s); }
inline bool operator!=(const butil::IOBuf& b, const butil::StringPiece& s)
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{ return !b.equals(s); }
inline bool operator!=(const butil::StringPiece& s, const butil::IOBuf& b)
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{ return !b.equals(s); }
inline bool operator==(const butil::IOBuf& b1, const butil::IOBuf& b2)
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{ return b1.equals(b2); }
inline bool operator!=(const butil::IOBuf& b1, const butil::IOBuf& b2)
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{ return !b1.equals(b2); }

// IOPortal is a subclass of IOBuf that can read from file descriptors.
// Typically used as the buffer to store bytes from sockets.
class IOPortal : public IOBuf {
    IOPortal() : _block(NULL) { }
    IOPortal(const IOPortal& rhs) : IOBuf(rhs), _block(NULL) { } 
    IOPortal& operator=(const IOPortal& rhs);
433 434 435
    // Read at most `max_count' bytes from the reader and append to self.
    ssize_t append_from_reader(IReader* reader, size_t max_count);

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    // Read at most `max_count' bytes from file descriptor `fd' and
    // append to self.
    ssize_t append_from_file_descriptor(int fd, size_t max_count);
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    // Read at most `max_count' bytes from file descriptor `fd' at a given
    // offset and append to self. The file offset is not changed.
    // If `offset' is negative, does exactly what append_from_file_descriptor does.
    ssize_t pappend_from_file_descriptor(int fd, off_t offset, size_t max_count);

445 446 447 448
    // Read as many bytes as possible from SSL channel `ssl', and stop until `max_count'.
    // Returns total bytes read and the ssl error code will be filled into `ssl_error'
    ssize_t append_from_SSL_channel(struct ssl_st* ssl, int* ssl_error,
                                    size_t max_count = 1024*1024);
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    // Remove all data inside and return cached blocks.
    void clear();

    // Return cached blocks to TLS. This function should be called by users
    // when this IOPortal are cut into intact messages and becomes empty, to
    // let continuing code on IOBuf to reuse the blocks. Calling this function
    // after each call to append_xxx does not make sense and may hurt
    // performance. Read comments on field `_block' below.
    void return_cached_blocks();

    static void return_cached_blocks_impl(Block*);

    // Cached blocks for appending. Notice that the blocks are released
    // until return_cached_blocks()/clear()/dtor() are called, rather than
    // released after each append_xxx(), which makes messages read from one
    // file descriptor more likely to share blocks and have less BlockRefs.
    Block* _block;

// Parse protobuf message from IOBuf. Notice that this wrapper does not change
// source IOBuf, which also should not change during lifetime of the wrapper.
// Even if a IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream is created but parsed, the source
// IOBuf should not be changed as well becuase constructor of the stream
// saves internal information of the source IOBuf which is assumed to be
// unchanged.
// Example:
//     IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream wrapper(the_iobuf_with_protobuf_format_data);
//     some_pb_message.ParseFromZeroCopyStream(&wrapper);
class IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream
    : public google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream {
    explicit IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream(const IOBuf&);

484 485 486 487
    bool Next(const void** data, int* size) override;
    void BackUp(int count) override;
    bool Skip(int count) override;
    google::protobuf::int64 ByteCount() const override;
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    int _ref_index;
    int _add_offset;
    google::protobuf::int64 _byte_count;
    const IOBuf* _buf;

// Serialize protobuf message into IOBuf. This wrapper does not clear source
// IOBuf before appending. You can change the source IOBuf when stream is 
// not used(append sth. to the IOBuf, serialize a protobuf message, append 
// sth. again, serialize messages again...). This is different from 
// IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream which needs the source IOBuf to be unchanged.
// Example:
//     IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream wrapper(&the_iobuf_to_put_data_in);
//     some_pb_message.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&wrapper);
// NOTE: Blocks are by default shared among all the ZeroCopyOutputStream in one
// thread. If there are many manuplated streams at one time, there may be many
// fragments. You can create a ZeroCopyOutputStream which has its own block by 
// passing a positive `block_size' argument to avoid this problem.
class IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream
    : public google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream {
    explicit IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream(IOBuf*);
    IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream(IOBuf*, uint32_t block_size);

516 517 518
    bool Next(void** data, int* size) override;
    void BackUp(int count) override; // `count' can be as long as ByteCount()
    google::protobuf::int64 ByteCount() const override;
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    void _release_block();

    IOBuf* _buf;
    uint32_t _block_size;
    IOBuf::Block *_cur_block;
    google::protobuf::int64 _byte_count;

// Wrap IOBuf into input of snappy compresson.
class IOBufAsSnappySource : public butil::snappy::Source {
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    explicit IOBufAsSnappySource(const butil::IOBuf& buf)
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        : _buf(&buf), _stream(buf) {}
    virtual ~IOBufAsSnappySource() {}

    // Return the number of bytes left to read from the source
    virtual size_t Available() const;

    // Peek at the next flat region of the source.
    virtual const char* Peek(size_t* len); 

    // Skip the next n bytes.  Invalidates any buffer returned by
    // a previous call to Peek().
    virtual void Skip(size_t n);
547 548
    const butil::IOBuf* _buf;
    butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream _stream;
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549 550 551

// Wrap IOBuf into output of snappy compression.
class IOBufAsSnappySink : public butil::snappy::Sink {
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    explicit IOBufAsSnappySink(butil::IOBuf& buf);
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555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565
    virtual ~IOBufAsSnappySink() {}

    // Append "bytes[0,n-1]" to this.
    virtual void Append(const char* bytes, size_t n);
    // Returns a writable buffer of the specified length for appending.
    virtual char* GetAppendBuffer(size_t length, char* scratch);
    char* _cur_buf;
    int _cur_len;
566 567
    butil::IOBuf* _buf;
    butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream _buf_stream;
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568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612

// A std::ostream to build IOBuf.
// Example:
//   IOBufBuilder builder;
//   builder << "Anything that can be sent to std::ostream";
//   // You have several methods to fetch the IOBuf.
//   target_iobuf.append(builder.buf()); // builder.buf() was not changed
//   OR
//   builder.move_to(target_iobuf);      // builder.buf() was clear()-ed.
class IOBufBuilder : 
        // Have to use private inheritance to arrange initialization order.
        virtual private IOBuf,
        virtual private IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream,
        virtual private ZeroCopyStreamAsStreamBuf,
        public std::ostream {
    explicit IOBufBuilder()
        : IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream(this)
        , ZeroCopyStreamAsStreamBuf(this)
        , std::ostream(this)
    { }

    IOBuf& buf() {
        return *this;
    void buf(const IOBuf& buf) {
        *static_cast<IOBuf*>(this) = buf;
    void move_to(IOBuf& target) {
        target = Movable(buf());

// Create IOBuf by appending data *faster*
class IOBufAppender {
    // Append `n' bytes starting from `data' to back side of the internal buffer
    // Costs 2/3 time of IOBuf.append for short data/strings on Intel(R) Xeon(R)
    // CPU E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz. Longer data/strings make differences smaller.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    int append(const void* data, size_t n);
    int append(const butil::StringPiece& str);
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614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639
    // Push the character to back side of the internal buffer.
    // Costs ~3ns while IOBuf.push_back costs ~13ns on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
    // E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    int push_back(char c);
    IOBuf& buf() {
        return _buf;
    void move_to(IOBuf& target) {
        target = IOBuf::Movable(buf());
    void shrink();
    int add_block();

    void* _data;
    void* _data_end;
    IOBuf _buf;
    IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream _zc_stream;

// Iterate bytes of a IOBuf.
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// During iteration, the iobuf should NOT be changed.
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641 642
class IOBufBytesIterator {
    explicit IOBufBytesIterator(const butil::IOBuf& buf);
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644 645 646 647 648 649 650
    // Construct from another iterator.
    IOBufBytesIterator(const IOBufBytesIterator& it);
    IOBufBytesIterator(const IOBufBytesIterator& it, size_t bytes_left);
    // Returning unsigned is safer than char which would be more error prone
    // to bitwise operations. For example: in "uint32_t value = *it", value
    // is (unexpected) 4294967168 when *it returns (char)128.
    unsigned char operator*() const { return (unsigned char)*_block_begin; }
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651 652 653 654
    operator const void*() const { return (const void*)!!_bytes_left; }
    void operator++();
    void operator++(int) { return operator++(); }
    // Copy at most n bytes into buf, forwarding this iterator.
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    // Returns bytes copied.
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656 657
    size_t copy_and_forward(void* buf, size_t n);
    size_t copy_and_forward(std::string* s, size_t n);
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658 659 660 661 662 663
    // Just forward this iterator for at most n bytes.
    size_t forward(size_t n);
    // Append at most n bytes into buf, forwarding this iterator. Data are
    // referenced rather than copied.
    size_t append_and_forward(butil::IOBuf* buf, size_t n);
    bool forward_one_block(const void** data, size_t* size);
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664 665 666 667 668 669 670
    size_t bytes_left() const { return _bytes_left; }
    void try_next_block();
    const char* _block_begin;
    const char* _block_end;
    uint32_t _block_count;
    uint32_t _bytes_left;
    const butil::IOBuf* _buf;
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672 673

}  // namespace butil
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675 676

// Specialize std::swap for IOBuf
677 678 679 680 681
#if __cplusplus < 201103L  // < C++11
#include <algorithm>  // std::swap until C++11
#include <utility>  // std::swap since C++11
#endif  // __cplusplus < 201103L
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682 683
namespace std {
template <>
inline void swap(butil::IOBuf& a, butil::IOBuf& b) {
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685 686
    return a.swap(b);
} // namespace std
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#include "butil/iobuf_inl.h"
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#endif  // BUTIL_IOBUF_H