file_path_watcher_kqueue.h 5.18 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

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#include <sys/event.h>
#include <vector>

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#include "butil/files/file_path.h"
#include "butil/files/file_path_watcher.h"
#include "butil/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "butil/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
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namespace butil {
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// Mac-specific file watcher implementation based on kqueue.
// The Linux and Windows versions are able to detect:
// - file creation/deletion/modification in a watched directory
// - file creation/deletion/modification for a watched file
// - modifications to the paths to a watched object that would affect the
//   object such as renaming/attibute changes etc.
// The kqueue implementation will handle all of the items in the list above
// except for detecting modifications to files in a watched directory. It will
// detect the creation and deletion of files, just not the modification of
// files. It does however detect the attribute changes that the FSEvents impl
// would miss.
class FilePathWatcherKQueue : public FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate,
                              public MessageLoopForIO::Watcher,
                              public MessageLoop::DestructionObserver {

  // MessageLoopForIO::Watcher overrides.
  virtual void OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking(int fd) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnFileCanWriteWithoutBlocking(int fd) OVERRIDE;

  // MessageLoop::DestructionObserver overrides.
  virtual void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() OVERRIDE;

  // FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate overrides.
  virtual bool Watch(const FilePath& path,
                     bool recursive,
                     const FilePathWatcher::Callback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Cancel() OVERRIDE;

  virtual ~FilePathWatcherKQueue();

  class EventData {
    EventData(const FilePath& path, const FilePath::StringType& subdir)
        : path_(path), subdir_(subdir) { }
    FilePath path_;  // Full path to this item.
    FilePath::StringType subdir_;  // Path to any sub item.

  typedef std::vector<struct kevent> EventVector;

  // Can only be called on |io_message_loop_|'s thread.
  virtual void CancelOnMessageLoopThread() OVERRIDE;

  // Returns true if the kevent values are error free.
  bool AreKeventValuesValid(struct kevent* kevents, int count);

  // Respond to a change of attributes of the path component represented by
  // |event|. Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
  // Sets |update_watches| to true if |events_| need to be updated.
  void HandleAttributesChange(const EventVector::iterator& event,
                              bool* target_file_affected,
                              bool* update_watches);

  // Respond to a move or deletion of the path component represented by
  // |event|. Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
  // Sets |update_watches| to true if |events_| need to be updated.
  void HandleDeleteOrMoveChange(const EventVector::iterator& event,
                                bool* target_file_affected,
                                bool* update_watches);

  // Respond to a creation of an item in the path component represented by
  // |event|. Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
  // Sets |update_watches| to true if |events_| need to be updated.
  void HandleCreateItemChange(const EventVector::iterator& event,
                              bool* target_file_affected,
                              bool* update_watches);

  // Update |events_| with the current status of the system.
  // Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
  // Returns false if an error occurs.
  bool UpdateWatches(bool* target_file_affected);

  // Fills |events| with one kevent per component in |path|.
  // Returns the number of valid events created where a valid event is
  // defined as one that has a ident (file descriptor) field != -1.
  static int EventsForPath(FilePath path, EventVector *events);

  // Release a kevent generated by EventsForPath.
  static void ReleaseEvent(struct kevent& event);

  // Returns a file descriptor that will not block the system from deleting
  // the file it references.
  static uintptr_t FileDescriptorForPath(const FilePath& path);

  static const uintptr_t kNoFileDescriptor = static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1);

  // Closes |*fd| and sets |*fd| to -1.
  static void CloseFileDescriptor(uintptr_t* fd);

  // Returns true if kevent has open file descriptor.
  static bool IsKeventFileDescriptorOpen(const struct kevent& event) {
    return event.ident != kNoFileDescriptor;

  static EventData* EventDataForKevent(const struct kevent& event) {
    return reinterpret_cast<EventData*>(event.udata);

  EventVector events_;
  scoped_refptr<butil::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_;
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  MessageLoopForIO::FileDescriptorWatcher kqueue_watcher_;
  FilePathWatcher::Callback callback_;
  FilePath target_;
  int kqueue_;


}  // namespace butil
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