comlog_sink.h 5.09 KB
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// Author: Ge,Jun (
// Date: Mon Jul 20 12:39:39 CST 2015

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// Redirect LOG() into comlog.

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#include "butil/logging.h"
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struct com_device_t;
template <typename T> struct DefaultSingletonTraits;

namespace comspace {
class Event;

namespace logging {

enum ComlogSplitType {

// Options to setup ComlogSink.
struct ComlogSinkOptions {

    // true - "AFILE", false - "FILE"
    // default: false.
    bool async;

    // Use F W N T instead of FATAL WARNING NOTICE TRACE for shorter prefixes
    // and better alignment.
    // default: true
    bool shorter_log_level;

    // The directory to put logs. Could be absolute or relative path.
    // default: "log"
    std::string log_dir;

    // Name of the process. Use argv[0] when it's empty.
    // default: ""
    std::string process_name;

    // Logs longer than this value are truncated.
    // default: 2048
    int max_log_length;

    // Print VLOG(n) as WARNING instead of TRACE since many online servers
    // disable TRACE logs.
    // default: true;
    bool print_vlog_as_warning;

    // Split Comlog type:
    //  COMLOG_SPLIT_TRUNCT: rotate the log file every 2G written.
    //  COMLOG_SPLIT_SIZECUT: move existing logs into a separate file every xxx MB written.
    //  COMLOG_SPLIT_DATECUT: move existing logs into a separate file periodically.
    // default: COMLOG_SPLIT_TRUNCT
    ComlogSplitType split_type;

    // [ Effective when split_type is COMLOG_SPLIT_SIZECUT ]
    // Move existing logs into a separate file suffixed with datetime every so many MB written.
    // Default: 2048
    int cut_size_megabytes;
    // Remove oldest cutoff log files when they exceed so many megabytes(roughly)
    // Default: 0 (unlimited)
    int quota_size;

    // [ Effective when split_type is COMLOG_SPLIT_DATECUT ]
    // Move existing logs into a separate file suffixed with datetime every so many minutes.
    // Example: my_app.log is moved to my_app.log.20160905113104
    // Default: 60
    int cut_interval_minutes;
    // Remove cutoff log files older than so many minutes:
    //   quota_day * 24 * 60 + quota_hour * 60 + quota_min
    // Default: 0 (unlimited)
    int quota_day;
    int quota_hour;
    int quota_min;

    // Open wf appender device for WARNING/ERROR/FATAL
    // default: false
    bool enable_wf_device;

// The LogSink to flush logs into comlog. Notice that this is a singleton class.
// [ Setup from a Configure file ]
//   if (logging::ComlogSink::GetInstance()->SetupFromConfig("log/log.conf") != 0) {
//       LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to setup comlog";
//       return -1;
//   }
//   logging::SetLogSink(ComlogSink::GetInstance());
// [ Setup from ComlogSinkOptions ]
//   if (logging::ComlogSink::GetInstance()->Setup(NULL/*default options*/) != 0) {
//       LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to setup comlog";
//       return -1;
//   }
//   logging::SetLogSink(ComlogSink::GetInstance());

class ComlogSink : public LogSink {
    // comlog can have only one instance due to its global open/close.
    static ComlogSink* GetInstance();

    // Setup comlog in different ways: from a Configure file or
    // ComlogSinkOptions. Notice that setup can be done multiple times.
    int SetupFromConfig(const std::string& conf_path);
    int Setup(const ComlogSinkOptions* options);

    // Close comlog and release resources. This method is automatically
    // called before Setup and destruction.
    void Unload();

    // @LogSink
    bool OnLogMessage(int severity, const char* file, int line,
                      const butil::StringPiece& content);
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friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<ComlogSink>;
    int SetupDevice(com_device_t* dev, const char* type, const char* file, bool is_wf);

    bool _init;
    ComlogSinkOptions _options;
    com_device_t* _dev;

class ComlogInitializer {
    ComlogInitializer() {
        if (com_logstatus() != LOG_NOT_DEFINED) {
    ~ComlogInitializer() {
        if (com_logstatus() != LOG_NOT_DEFINED) {

}  // namespace logging