Commit d110077e authored by Anton Bukov's avatar Anton Bukov

Replace structs with tuples

parent 79066aaa
......@@ -119,25 +119,22 @@ namespace boolinq {
return where_i([count](T value, int i) { return i >= count; });
template<typename SS, typename TT>
struct LinqIndexFlag {
Linq<SS, TT> linq;
int index;
bool flag;
Linq<LinqIndexFlag<S, T>, T> skipWhile_i(std::function<bool(T, int)> predicate) const
return Linq<LinqIndexFlag<S, T>, T>(
{*this, 0, false},
[predicate](LinqIndexFlag<S, T> &tuple) {
if (tuple.flag) {
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int, bool>, T> skipWhile_i(std::function<bool(T, int)> predicate) const
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int, bool>, T>(
std::make_tuple(*this, 0, false),
[predicate](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int, bool> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<1>(tuple);
bool &flag = std::get<2>(tuple);
if (flag) {
while (true) {
T ret =;
if (!predicate(ret, tuple.index++)) {
tuple.flag = true;
T ret =;
if (!predicate(ret, index++)) {
flag = true;
return ret;
......@@ -145,35 +142,32 @@ namespace boolinq {
Linq<LinqIndexFlag<S, T>, T> skipWhile(std::function<bool(T)> predicate) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int, bool>, T> skipWhile(std::function<bool(T)> predicate) const
return skipWhile_i([predicate](T value, int /*i*/) { return predicate(value); });
template<typename SS, typename TT>
struct LinqValueIndex {
Linq<SS, TT> linq;
std::vector<TT> values;
int index;
template<typename ... Types>
Linq<LinqValueIndex<S, T>, T> append(Types ... newValues) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::vector<T>, int>, T> append(Types ... newValues) const
return Linq<LinqValueIndex<S, T>, T>(
{*this, { newValues... }, -1},
[](LinqValueIndex<S, T> &tuple) {
if (tuple.index == -1) {
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::vector<T>, int>, T>(
std::make_tuple(*this, std::vector<T>{ newValues... }, -1),
[](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::vector<T>, int> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
std::vector<T> &values = std::get<1>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<2>(tuple);
if (index == -1) {
try {
catch (LinqEndException &) {
tuple.index = 0;
index = 0;
if (tuple.index < tuple.values.size()) {
return tuple.values[tuple.index++];
if (index < values.size()) {
return values[index++];
throw LinqEndException();
......@@ -182,15 +176,19 @@ namespace boolinq {
template<typename ... Types>
Linq<LinqValueIndex<S, T>, T> prepend(Types ... newValues) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::vector<T>, int>, T> prepend(Types ... newValues) const
return Linq<LinqValueIndex<S, T>, T>(
{*this, { newValues... }, 0},
[](LinqValueIndex<S, T> &tuple) {
if (tuple.index < tuple.values.size()) {
return tuple.values[tuple.index++];
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::vector<T>, int>, T>(
std::make_tuple(*this, std::vector<T>{ newValues... }, 0),
[](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::vector<T>, int> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
std::vector<T> &values = std::get<1>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<2>(tuple);
if (index < values.size()) {
return values[index++];
......@@ -221,58 +219,52 @@ namespace boolinq {
return select_i([](T value, int /*i*/) { return TRet(value); });
template<typename S1, typename T1, typename S2, typename T2>
struct LinqLinq {
Linq<S1, T1> first;
Linq<S2, T2> second;
bool flag;
template<typename S2, typename T2>
Linq<LinqLinq<S, T, S2, T2>, T> concat(const Linq<S2, T2> & rhs) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, Linq<S2, T2>, bool>, T> concat(const Linq<S2, T2> & rhs) const
return Linq<LinqLinq<S, T, S2, T2>, T>(
{*this, rhs, false},
[](LinqLinq<S, T, S2, T2> &tuple){
if (!tuple.flag) {
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, Linq<S2, T2>, bool>, T>(
std::make_tuple(*this, rhs, false),
[](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, Linq<S2, T2>, bool> &tuple){
Linq<S, T> &first = std::get<0>(tuple);
Linq<S2, T2> &second = std::get<1>(tuple);
bool &flag = std::get<2>(tuple);
if (!flag) {
try {
catch (LinqEndException &) {}
template<typename SS, typename TT, typename TCurrent>
struct LinqCurrentIndexFinished {
Linq<SS, TT> linq;
TCurrent current;
int index;
bool finished;
typename F,
typename _TRet = typename std::result_of<F(T, int)>::type,
typename _TRetVal = typename _TRet::value_type
Linq<LinqCurrentIndexFinished<S, T, _TRet>, _TRetVal> selectMany_i(F apply) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, _TRet, int, bool>, _TRetVal> selectMany_i(F apply) const
return Linq<LinqCurrentIndexFinished<S, T, _TRet>, _TRetVal>(
{*this, _TRet(), 0, true},
[apply](LinqCurrentIndexFinished<S, T, _TRet> &tuple) {
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, _TRet, int, bool>, _TRetVal>(
std::make_tuple(*this, _TRet(), 0, true),
[apply](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, _TRet, int, bool> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
_TRet &current = std::get<1>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<2>(tuple);
bool &finished = std::get<3>(tuple);
while (true) {
if (tuple.finished) {
tuple.current = apply(, tuple.index++);
tuple.finished = false;
if (finished) {
current = apply(, index++);
finished = false;
try {
catch (LinqEndException &) {
tuple.finished = true;
finished = true;
......@@ -284,32 +276,28 @@ namespace boolinq {
typename _TRet = typename std::result_of<F(T)>::type,
typename _TRetVal = typename _TRet::value_type
Linq<LinqCurrentIndexFinished<S, T, _TRet>, _TRetVal> selectMany(F apply) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, _TRet, int, bool>, _TRetVal> selectMany(F apply) const
return selectMany_i([apply](T value, int index) { return apply(value); });
template<typename SS, typename TT, typename TKey>
struct LinqCopyUnorderedSet {
Linq<SS, TT> linq;
Linq<SS, TT> linqCopy;
std::unordered_set<TKey> set;
typename F,
typename _TKey = typename std::result_of<F(T)>::type,
typename _TValue = Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, T> // where(predicate)
Linq<LinqCopyUnorderedSet<S, T, _TKey>, std::pair<_TKey, _TValue> > groupBy(F apply) const
return Linq<LinqCopyUnorderedSet<S, T, _TKey>, std::pair<_TKey, _TValue> >(
{*this, *this, std::unordered_set<_TKey>()},
[apply](LinqCopyUnorderedSet<S, T, _TKey> &tuple){
T value =;
_TKey key = apply(value);
if (tuple.set.insert(key).second) {
return std::make_pair(key, tuple.linqCopy.where([apply, key](T v){
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, Linq<S, T>, std::unordered_set<_TKey> >, std::pair<_TKey, _TValue> > groupBy(F apply) const
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, Linq<S, T>, std::unordered_set<_TKey> >, std::pair<_TKey, _TValue> >(
std::make_tuple(*this, *this, std::unordered_set<_TKey>()),
[apply](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, Linq<S, T>, std::unordered_set<_TKey> > &tuple){
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
Linq<S, T> &linqCopy = std::get<1>(tuple);
std::unordered_set<_TKey> &set = std::get<2>(tuple);
_TKey key = apply(;
if (set.insert(key).second) {
return std::make_pair(key, linqCopy.where([apply, key](T v){
return apply(v) == key;
......@@ -318,21 +306,18 @@ namespace boolinq {
template<typename SS, typename TT, typename TKey>
struct LinqUnorderedSet {
Linq<SS, TT> linq;
std::unordered_set<TKey> set;
template<typename F, typename _TRet = typename std::result_of<F(T)>::type>
Linq<LinqUnorderedSet<S, T, _TRet>, T> distinct(F transform) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::unordered_set<_TRet> >, T> distinct(F transform) const
return Linq<LinqUnorderedSet<S, T, _TRet>, T>(
{*this, std::unordered_set<_TRet>()},
[transform](LinqUnorderedSet<S, T, _TRet> &tuple) {
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::unordered_set<_TRet> >, T>(
std::make_tuple(*this, std::unordered_set<_TRet>()),
[transform](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::unordered_set<_TRet> > &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
std::unordered_set<_TRet> &set = std::get<1>(tuple);
while (true) {
T value =;
if (tuple.set.insert(transform(value)).second) {
T value =;
if (set.insert(transform(value)).second) {
return value;
......@@ -340,68 +325,57 @@ namespace boolinq {
Linq<LinqUnorderedSet<S, T, T>, T> distinct() const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, std::unordered_set<T> >, T> distinct() const
return distinct([](T value) { return value; });
template<typename TT>
struct StdVectorAndIterator {
std::vector<TT> vec;
typename std::vector<TT>::iterator it;
template<typename F>
Linq<StdVectorAndIterator<T>, T> orderBy(F transform) const
template<typename F, typename _TIter = typename std::vector<T>::iterator>
Linq<std::tuple<std::vector<T>, _TIter>, T> orderBy(F transform) const
typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator TIter;
std::vector<T> items = toStdVector();
std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), [transform](const T &a, const T &b) {
return transform(a) < transform(b);
return Linq<StdVectorAndIterator<T>, T>(
{items, TIter()},
[](StdVectorAndIterator<T> &tuple) {
if ( == TIter()) { = tuple.vec.begin();
return Linq<std::tuple<std::vector<T>, _TIter>, T>(
std::make_tuple(items, _TIter()),
[](std::tuple<std::vector<T>, _TIter> &tuple) {
std::vector<T> &vec = std::get<0>(tuple);
_TIter &it = std::get<1>(tuple);
if (it == _TIter()) {
it = vec.begin();
if ( == tuple.vec.end()) {
if (it == vec.end()) {
throw LinqEndException();
return *(;
return *(it++);
Linq<StdVectorAndIterator<T>, T> orderBy() const
Linq<std::tuple<std::vector<T>, typename std::vector<T>::iterator>, T> orderBy() const
return orderBy([](T value) { return value; });
template<typename TT>
struct StdListAndReverseIterator {
std::list<TT> list;
typename std::list<TT>::reverse_iterator it;
Linq<StdListAndReverseIterator<T>, T> reverse() const
template<typename _TIter = typename std::list<T>::reverse_iterator>
Linq<std::tuple<std::list<T>, _TIter>, T> reverse() const
typedef typename std::list<T>::reverse_iterator TIter;
std::list<T> items = toStdList();
return Linq<std::tuple<std::list<T>, _TIter>, T>(
std::make_tuple(toStdList(), _TIter()),
[](std::tuple<std::list<T>, _TIter> &tuple) {
std::list<T> &list = std::get<0>(tuple);
_TIter &it = std::get<1>(tuple);
return Linq<StdListAndReverseIterator<T>, T>(
{items, TIter()},
[](StdListAndReverseIterator<T> &tuple) {
if ( == TIter()) { = tuple.list.rbegin();
if (it == _TIter()) {
it = list.rbegin();
if ( == tuple.list.rend()) {
if (it == list.rend()) {
throw LinqEndException();
return *(;
return *(it++);
......@@ -654,54 +628,54 @@ namespace boolinq {
// Bits and bytes
template<typename SS, typename TT>
struct LinqBytesBitsValueIndex{
Linq<SS, TT> linq;
BytesDirection bytesDirection;
BitsDirection bitsDirection;
TT value;
int index;
Linq<LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T>, int> bytes(BytesDirection direction = BytesFirstToLast) const
return Linq<LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T>, int>(
{*this, direction, BitsHighToLow, T(), sizeof(T)},
[](LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T> &tuple) {
if (tuple.index == sizeof(T)) {
tuple.value =;
tuple.index = 0;
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, T, int>, int> bytes(BytesDirection direction = BytesFirstToLast) const
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, T, int>, int>(
std::make_tuple(*this, direction, T(), sizeof(T)),
[](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, T, int> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
BytesDirection &bytesDirection = std::get<1>(tuple);
T &value = std::get<2>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<3>(tuple);
if (index == sizeof(T)) {
value =;
index = 0;
unsigned char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&tuple.value);
unsigned char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&value);
int byteIndex = tuple.index;
if (tuple.bytesDirection == BytesLastToFirst) {
int byteIndex = index;
if (bytesDirection == BytesLastToFirst) {
byteIndex = sizeof(T) - 1 - byteIndex;
return ptr[byteIndex];
template<typename TRet>
Linq<LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T>, TRet> unbytes(BytesDirection direction = BytesFirstToLast) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, int>, TRet> unbytes(BytesDirection direction = BytesFirstToLast) const
return Linq<LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T>, TRet>(
{*this, direction, BitsHighToLow, T(), 0},
[](LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T> &tuple) {
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, int>, TRet>(
std::make_tuple(*this, direction, 0),
[](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, int> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
BytesDirection &bytesDirection = std::get<1>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<2>(tuple);
TRet value;
unsigned char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&value);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(TRet); i++) {
int byteIndex = i;
if (tuple.bytesDirection == BytesLastToFirst) {
if (bytesDirection == BytesLastToFirst) {
byteIndex = sizeof(TRet) - 1 - byteIndex;
ptr[byteIndex] =;
ptr[byteIndex] =;
return value;
......@@ -709,56 +683,67 @@ namespace boolinq {
Linq<LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T>, int> bits(BitsDirection bitsDir = BitsHighToLow, BytesDirection bytesDir = BytesFirstToLast) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, BitsDirection, T, int>, int> bits(BitsDirection bitsDir = BitsHighToLow, BytesDirection bytesDir = BytesFirstToLast) const
return Linq<LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T>, int>(
{*this, bytesDir, bitsDir, T(), sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT},
[](LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T> &tuple) {
if (tuple.index == sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) {
tuple.value =;
tuple.index = 0;
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, BitsDirection, T, int>, int>(
std::make_tuple(*this, bytesDir, bitsDir, T(), sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT),
[](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, BitsDirection, T, int> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
BytesDirection &bytesDirection = std::get<1>(tuple);
BitsDirection &bitsDirection = std::get<2>(tuple);
T &value = std::get<3>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<4>(tuple);
unsigned char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&tuple.value);
if (index == sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) {
value =;
index = 0;
int byteIndex = tuple.index / CHAR_BIT;
if (tuple.bytesDirection == BytesLastToFirst) {
byteIndex = sizeof(T) - 1 - byteIndex;
unsigned char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&value);
int byteIndex = index / CHAR_BIT;
if (bytesDirection == BytesLastToFirst) {
byteIndex = sizeof(T) - 1 - byteIndex;
int bitIndex = tuple.index % CHAR_BIT;
if (tuple.bitsDirection == BitsHighToLow) {
int bitIndex = index % CHAR_BIT;
if (bitsDirection == BitsHighToLow) {
bitIndex = CHAR_BIT - 1 - bitIndex;
return (ptr[byteIndex] >> bitIndex) & 1;
template<typename TRet = unsigned char>
Linq<LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T>, TRet> unbits(BitsDirection bitsDir = BitsHighToLow, BytesDirection bytesDir = BytesFirstToLast) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, BitsDirection, int>, TRet> unbits(BitsDirection bitsDir = BitsHighToLow, BytesDirection bytesDir = BytesFirstToLast) const
return Linq<LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T>, TRet>(
{*this, bytesDir, bitsDir, T(), 0},
[](LinqBytesBitsValueIndex<S, T> &tuple) {
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, BitsDirection, int>, TRet>(
std::make_tuple(*this, bytesDir, bitsDir, 0),
[](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, BytesDirection, BitsDirection, int> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
BytesDirection &bytesDirection = std::get<1>(tuple);
BitsDirection &bitsDirection = std::get<2>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<3>(tuple);
TRet value = TRet();
unsigned char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&value);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(TRet) * CHAR_BIT; i++) {
int byteIndex = i / CHAR_BIT;
if (tuple.bytesDirection == BytesLastToFirst) {
if (bytesDirection == BytesLastToFirst) {
byteIndex = sizeof(TRet) - 1 - byteIndex;
int bitIndex = i % CHAR_BIT;
if (tuple.bitsDirection == BitsHighToLow) {
if (bitsDirection == BitsHighToLow) {
bitIndex = CHAR_BIT - 1 - bitIndex;
ptr[byteIndex] &= ~(1 << bitIndex);
ptr[byteIndex] |= bool( << bitIndex;
ptr[byteIndex] |= bool( << bitIndex;
return value;
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