Commit 2b6ae465 authored by Anton Bukov's avatar Anton Bukov

Replace LinqIndex with tuple

parent 7d8da6a0
......@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
#include <limits.h>
#include <functional>
#include <tuple>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
......@@ -49,18 +50,12 @@ namespace boolinq {
return nextFunc(storage);
template<typename SS, typename TT>
struct LinqIndex {
Linq<SS, TT> linq;
int index;
void for_each_i(std::function<void(T, int)> apply) const
LinqIndex<S, T> storage = {*this, 0};
Linq<S, T> linq = *this;
try {
while (true) {
apply(, storage.index++);
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
apply(, i);
catch (LinqEndException &) {}
......@@ -71,14 +66,17 @@ namespace boolinq {
return for_each_i([apply](T value, int index) { return apply(value); });
Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, T> where_i(std::function<bool(T, int)> filter) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, T> where_i(std::function<bool(T, int)> filter) const
return Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, T>(
{*this, 0},
[filter](LinqIndex<S, T> &pair) {
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, T>(
std::make_tuple(*this, 0),
[filter](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<1>(tuple);
while (true) {
T ret =;
if (filter(ret, pair.index++)) {
T ret =;
if (filter(ret, index++)) {
return ret;
......@@ -86,12 +84,12 @@ namespace boolinq {
Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, T> where(std::function<bool(T)> filter) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, T> where(std::function<bool(T)> filter) const
return where_i([filter](T value, int index) { return filter(value); });
Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, T> take(int count) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, T> take(int count) const
return where_i([count](T /*value*/, int i) {
if (i == count) {
......@@ -101,7 +99,7 @@ namespace boolinq {
Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, T> takeWhile_i(std::function<bool(T, int)> predicate) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, T> takeWhile_i(std::function<bool(T, int)> predicate) const
return where_i([predicate](T value, int i) {
if (!predicate(value, i)) {
......@@ -111,12 +109,12 @@ namespace boolinq {
Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, T> takeWhile(std::function<bool(T)> predicate) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, T> takeWhile(std::function<bool(T)> predicate) const
return takeWhile_i([predicate](T value, int /*i*/) { return predicate(value); });
Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, T> skip(int count) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, T> skip(int count) const
return where_i([count](T value, int i) { return i >= count; });
......@@ -153,24 +151,27 @@ namespace boolinq {
template<typename F, typename _TRet = typename std::result_of<F(T, int)>::type>
Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, _TRet> select_i(F apply) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, _TRet> select_i(F apply) const
return Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, _TRet>(
{*this, 0},
[apply](LinqIndex<S, T> &pair) {
return apply(, pair.index++);
return Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, _TRet>(
std::make_tuple(*this, 0),
[apply](std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int> &tuple) {
Linq<S, T> &linq = std::get<0>(tuple);
int &index = std::get<1>(tuple);
return apply(, index++);
template<typename F, typename _TRet = typename std::result_of<F(T)>::type>
Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, _TRet> select(F apply) const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, _TRet> select(F apply) const
return select_i([apply](T value, int /*index*/) { return apply(value); });
template<typename TRet>
Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, TRet> cast() const
Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, TRet> cast() const
return select_i([](T value, int /*i*/) { return TRet(value); });
......@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ namespace boolinq {
typename F,
typename _TKey = typename std::result_of<F(T)>::type,
typename _TValue = Linq<LinqIndex<S, T>, T> // where(predicate)
typename _TValue = Linq<std::tuple<Linq<S, T>, int>, T> // where(predicate)
Linq<LinqCopyUnorderedSet<S, T, _TKey>, std::pair<_TKey, _TValue> > groupBy(F apply) const
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