Commit 7cba3f05 authored by oscar's avatar oscar


parent a317328b
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ namespace jf {
bool GetMapData(const Point& ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, long& lOutRaodId, std::vector<long>& vctlOutPreRoadId, std::vector<long>& vctlOutNxtRoadId, int& nLaneCnt, int& nOutLaneNum, LaneType& nOutLaneType, EdgeCrossType& nOutLeftEdgeCrossType,
EdgeCrossType& nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int& nOutSpeedLimit, double& dOutLaneAngle, Point& ptOutFoot);
bool GetMapIDS(const Point& ptInLoc, int& id);
} // namespace jf
......@@ -229,5 +229,22 @@ namespace jf {
return true;
bool MapInterface::GetMapIDS(const Point& ptInLoc, int& id)
id = 0;
char** vecRoad = nullptr;
int nSize = 0;
auto result = g_map.GetAllJunctionRoadIDS(ptInLoc.dLon, ptInLoc.dLat, vecRoad, nSize);
if (result)
if (nSize == 1)
std::string ids = vecRoad[0];
id = std::stol(ids);
return true;
} // namespace jf
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