Commit 6fcf5e5d authored by oscar's avatar oscar


parent c40ded97
......@@ -3,87 +3,80 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
namespace jf {
enum class LaneType {
NotInvestigated = 0, // 未调查
NormalLane = 1, // 普通车道
EnterLane = 2, // 入口车道
ExitLane = 3, // 出口车道
ConnectLane = 4, // 连接车道
EmergencyLane = 5, // 应急车道
StopLane = 6, // 停车道
EmergencyStopLane = 7, // 紧急停车道
AcceleratingLane = 8, // 加速车道
DeceleratingLane = 9, // 减速车道
HazardLane = 10, // 避险车道
JunctionLane = 11, // 路口车道
TollStationLane = 12, // 收费站车道
CheckpointLane = 13, // 检查站车道
UTurnLane = 14, // 掉头车道
BusLane = 15, // 公交车道
TidalLane = 16, // 潮汐(可变) 车道
LocomotiveLane = 17, // 机车车道
LocomotiveParkingArea = 18, // 机车停车区
HOVHighLoadLane = 19, // HOV 高承载车道
NonMotorizedLane = 30, // 非机动车道
Sidewalk = 40, // 人行道
Ohters = 99, // 其它车道
enum class LaneType {
NotInvestigated = 0, // 未调查
NormalLane = 1, // 普通车道
EnterLane = 2, // 入口车道
ExitLane = 3, // 出口车道
ConnectLane = 4, // 连接车道
EmergencyLane = 5, // 应急车道
StopLane = 6, // 停车道
EmergencyStopLane = 7, // 紧急停车道
AcceleratingLane = 8, // 加速车道
DeceleratingLane = 9, // 减速车道
HazardLane = 10, // 避险车道
JunctionLane = 11, // 路口车道
TollStationLane = 12, // 收费站车道
CheckpointLane = 13, // 检查站车道
UTurnLane = 14, // 掉头车道
BusLane = 15, // 公交车道
TidalLane = 16, // 潮汐(可变) 车道
LocomotiveLane = 17, // 机车车道
LocomotiveParkingArea = 18, // 机车停车区
HOVHighLoadLane = 19, // HOV 高承载车道
NonMotorizedLane = 30, // 非机动车道
Sidewalk = 40, // 人行道
Ohters = 99, // 其它车道
enum class EdgeCrossType {
NotInvestigated = 0, // 未调查
Unable = 1, // 无法跨越
BidirecAble = 2, // 双方向跨越
LeftAble = 3, // 向左跨越
RightAble = 4, // 向右跨越
enum class EdgeCrossType {
NotInvestigated = 0, // 未调查
Unable = 1, // 无法跨越
BidirecAble = 2, // 双方向跨越
LeftAble = 3, // 向左跨越
RightAble = 4, // 向右跨越
* @brief 84坐标系中的点
struct Point {
Point() : dLon(0), dLat(0), dAlt(0) {};
Point(double inlon, double inlat, double alt);
Point(const Point& o);
Point(const std::vector<double>& d);
Point(const std::map<std::string, double>& m);
* @brief 经度
double dLon;
* @brief 维度
double dLat;
* @brief 高度
* @brief 84坐标系中的点
double dAlt;
struct Point {
Point() : dLon(0), dLat(0), dAlt(0) {};
Point(double inlon, double inlat, double alt) : dLon(inlon), dLat(inlat), dAlt(alt) {}
Point& operator=(const Point& o);
bool operator==(const Point& o) const { return dLon == o.dLon && dLat == o.dLat && dAlt == o.dAlt; }
bool operator!=(const Point& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
std::string to_string() const { return std::to_string(dLon) + ", " + std::to_string(dLat) + ", " + std::to_string(dAlt); }
* @brief 经度
double dLon;
* @brief 维度
double dLat;
* @brief 高度
double dAlt;
class MapInterface {
MapInterface(const std::string &strPrjPath, const std::string strCfgPath);
class MapInterface {
MapInterface(const std::string& strPrjPath, const std::string strCfgPath);
bool GetMapData(const Point &ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, int &nOutLaneCnt, int &nOutLaneNum, LaneType &nOutLaneType, EdgeCrossType &nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, EdgeCrossType &nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int &nOutSpeedLimit, double &dOutLaneAngle,
Point &ptOutFoot);
bool GetMapData(const Point &ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, long &lOutRaodId, std::vector<long> &vctlOutPreRoadId, std::vector<long> &vctlOutNxtRoadId, int &nLaneCnt, int &nOutLaneNum, LaneType &nOutLaneType, EdgeCrossType &nOutLeftEdgeCrossType,
EdgeCrossType &nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int &nOutSpeedLimit, double &dOutLaneAngle, Point &ptOutFoot);
bool GetMapData(const Point& ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, int& nOutLaneCnt, int& nOutLaneNum, LaneType& nOutLaneType, EdgeCrossType& nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, EdgeCrossType& nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int& nOutSpeedLimit, double& dOutLaneAngle,
Point& ptOutFoot);
bool GetMapData(const Point& ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, long& lOutRaodId, std::vector<long>& vctlOutPreRoadId, std::vector<long>& vctlOutNxtRoadId, int& nLaneCnt, int& nOutLaneNum, LaneType& nOutLaneType, EdgeCrossType& nOutLeftEdgeCrossType,
EdgeCrossType& nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int& nOutSpeedLimit, double& dOutLaneAngle, Point& ptOutFoot);
} // namespace jf
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......@@ -4,15 +4,14 @@
#include <vector>
#include "MapInterface.hpp"
using namespace OpenDrive;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("hello world\n");
printf("hello world\n");
std::string dir = "";
std::string cfg = "";
jf::MapInterface mapInstance(dir,cfg);
jf::MapInterface mapInstance(dir, cfg);
int nLaneCnt = 0/*所在道路的车道总数*/, nOutLaneNum = 0;//当前所在位置的车道序号,从左至右,从1开始
jf::LaneType nOutLaneType = jf::LaneType::NotInvestigated;//车道类型,看头文件枚举
......@@ -21,15 +20,15 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int nOutSpeedLimit = 0;//车道最高限速值,单位是千米每小时
double dOutLaneAngle = 0.0;//所在车道,车应该的朝向角度,北为0,顺时针旋转360,0-360
const jf::Point ptInLoc = { objAll.obj.lon,, 0.0 };
const jf::Point ptInLoc = { 106.474419689, 29.67213045, 0.0 };
jf::Point ptOutFoot;//车道中心线做垂线的点
double dCarAngle = objAll.obj.heading;
double dCarAngle = 0;
long lOutRaodId;
std::vector<long> vctlOutPreRoadId;
std::vector<long> vctlOutNxtRoadId;
//ROS_INFO("begin call jfxmap");
bool result = m_OfflineMap->GetMapData(ptInLoc, dCarAngle, lOutRaodId, vctlOutPreRoadId, vctlOutNxtRoadId,
bool result = mapInstance.GetMapData(ptInLoc, dCarAngle, lOutRaodId, vctlOutPreRoadId, vctlOutNxtRoadId,
nLaneCnt, nOutLaneNum, nOutLaneType,
nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, nOutRightEdgeCrossType,
nOutSpeedLimit, dOutLaneAngle, ptOutFoot);
......@@ -137,5 +136,5 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
return 0;
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