Commit 6951a7fd authored by oscar's avatar oscar


parent c90eec03
......@@ -61,6 +61,12 @@ namespace OpenDrive
double GetCurvatureFromArc(const double &s);
double GetCurvatureFromSprial(const double &s);
double GetCurvatureFromPoly3(const double &s);
const double GetRoadGeoCoordinateHdgFromLine(const double &s)const;
const double GetRoadGeoCoordinateHdgFromArc(const double &s)const;
const double GetRoadGeoCoordinateHdgFromSpiral(const double &s)const;
const double GetRoadGeoCoordinateHdgFromPloy3(const double &s)const;
//const vector<TurningAttr> GetLaneTurningAttributesFromPloy3(const double & initPosition, const double &lastPosition, double &position, const int &flag)const;
......@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ namespace OpenDrive
void SetType(const char* type);
void SetLaneReferenceData(const vector<GeoCoordinatePoint>& vecLaneRefernceData);
void SetLaneBoundaryData(const vector<GeoCoordinatePoint>& vecLaneRefernceData);
const vector<GeoCoordinatePoint>* GetlaneBoundaryData() const;
void SetLaneWidth(LaneWidth *width);
const vector<LaneWidth>* GetLaneWidth() const;
const double GetLaneWidthValue() const;
void SetLink(LaneLink* link);
void SetRoadMark(LaneRoadMark *roadMark);
const LaneRoadMark* GetLaneRoadMark() const;
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace OpenDrive
const UserData* GetUserData() const;
string _id;
double _s = 0.0;
Height *_height;
......@@ -38,13 +38,14 @@ namespace OpenDrive
const NearestDistance GetNeartestRoadandLaneAttributes(const char* laneID, const double &s, const double &t) const;
const NearestRoadMark GetNeartestLaneRoadMark(const char* laneID) const;
void CalBoundaryData(const char* laneID);
const vector<GeoCoordinatePoint>* GetLaneBoundaryData(const char* laneID) const;
const vector<GeoCoordinatePoint>* GetlaneBoundaryData(const char* laneID) const;
const double GetLaneSpeed(const char* laneID) const;
const vector<PosXY>* GetLeftLinePosFromLane(const char* laneID) const;
const vector<PosXY>* GetRightLinePosFromLane(const char* laneID) const;
GeoCoordinatePoint* GetLanePositionBySectionID(const char* laneID) const;
const char* GetLaneTypeString(const char* laneID) const;
map<string, Lane*>* _mapLane;
......@@ -23,28 +23,7 @@ public:
glm::dvec2 MapXYToLatLon(double x, double y, double lambda0);
double ArcLengthOfMeridian(const double &phi);
double FootpointLatitude(double y);
// double y_, alpha_, beta_, gamma_, delta_, epsilon_, n;
// double result;
// /* Precalculate n (Eq. 10.18) */
// n = (sm_a - sm_b) / (sm_a + sm_b);
// /* Precalculate alpha_ (Eq. 10.22) */
// /* (Same as alpha in Eq. 10.17) */
// alpha_ = ((sm_a + sm_b) / 2.0) * (1 + (pow(n, 2.0) / 4) + (pow(n, 4.0) / 64));
// /* Precalculate y_ (Eq. 10.23) */
// y_ = y / alpha_;
// /* Precalculate beta_ (Eq. 10.22) */
// beta_ = (3.0 * n / 2.0) + (-27.0 * pow(n, 3.0) / 32.0) + (269.0 * pow(n, 5.0) / 512.0);
// /* Precalculate gamma_ (Eq. 10.22) */
// gamma_ = (21.0 * pow(n, 2.0) / 16.0) + (-55.0 * pow(n, 4.0) / 32.0);
// /* Precalculate delta_ (Eq. 10.22) */
// delta_ = (151.0 * pow(n, 3.0) / 96.0) + (-417.0 * pow(n, 5.0) / 128.0);
// /* Precalculate epsilon_ (Eq. 10.22) */
// epsilon_ = (1097.0 * pow(n, 4.0) / 512.0);
// /* Now calculate the sum of the series (Eq. 10.21) */
// result = y_ + (beta_ * sin(2.0 * y_)) + (gamma_ * sin(4.0 * y_)) + (delta_ * sin(6.0 * y_)) + (epsilon_ * sin(8.0 * y_));
// return result;
......@@ -13,30 +13,17 @@ namespace OpenDrive
Object(const Object & obj3d);
Object& operator =(const Object & obj);
void SetLocationRoadID(const char* name);
const char* GetLocationRoadID() const;
void SetLogicRoadID(const char* name);
const char* GetLogicRoadID() const;
void SetID(const char* name);
const char* GetID() const;
void SetName(const char* name);
const char* GetName() const;
void SetType(const char* type);
const char* GetType() const;
void SetSubType(const ObjSubType &subtype);
const ObjSubType GetSubType() const;
void SetSValue(double &value);
const double GetSValue() const;
void SetTValue(double &value);
const double GetTValue() const;
void PushbackData(const PosXY &vec);
vector<PosXY>* GetCoords();
void PushbackData(glm::dvec3 vec);
vector<glm::dvec3>* GetCoords();
void SetLengthValue(double &value);
const double GetLengthValue() const;
void SetWidthValue(double &value);
const double GetWidthValue() const;
......@@ -50,20 +37,17 @@ namespace OpenDrive
string _locationRoadID;
string _logicRoadID;
string _id;
string _name;
string _type;
ObjSubType _subtype;
double _s;
double _t;
double _width;
double _height;
double _zOffset;
double _length;
vector<PosXY> *_vecCoords;
vector<glm::dvec3> *_vecCoords;
RepeatObj *_repeatObj;
//<repeat s = "2.73406954883456" length = "79.566455604047" distance = "15" tStart = "-13.3226013033395" tEnd = "-13.3226013033395" widthStart = "5.7990000000000004e+00" widthEnd = "5.7990000000000004e+00" heightStart = "6.6230000000000002e+00" heightEnd = "6.6230000000000002e+00" zOffsetStart = "-3.8850000000000007e-01" zOffsetEnd = "-3.8850000000000007e-01" / >
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "Object.h"
#include <string>
//#include <io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
......@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ namespace OpenDrive
const char* GetSucRoad() const;
const char* GetPreRoad() const;
void PushbackLaneSection(LaneSection *laneSection);
LaneSection* GetLaneSection(const char* sectionID);
LaneSection* GetSection(const char* sectionID);
void PushbackData(Geometry *geo);
void PushElevation(Elevation *ele);
void PushLaneOffSet(LaneOffset *laneOffset);
......@@ -68,7 +69,6 @@ namespace OpenDrive
const vector<string> GetLeftLaneIDS(const char* sectionID, const char* laneID)const;
const vector<string> GetRightLaneIDS(const char* sectionID, const char* laneID)const;
const vector<string> GetAllDrivingLaneIDS(const char* sectionID) const;
const vector<string> GetAllLaneIDS(const char* sectionID) const;
const vector<string> GetAllSectionIDS() const;
const vector<RoadWidth> GetSectionWidthofRoad(const char* sectionID) const;
const vector<Position> GetLanePosiontAndDircetions(const char* sectionID, const char* laneID) const;
......@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ namespace OpenDrive
const NearestDistance GetNeartestRoadandLaneAttributes(const char* sectionID, const char* laneID, const double &s, const double &t) const;
const NearestRoadMark GetNeartestLaneRoadMark(const char* sectionID, const char* laneID) const;
OdrInfo GetNearest(const double & longitude, const double &latitude,double &distance);
const bool GetNearestZValue(const double & longitude, const double &latitude, double &distance, double &zValue);
bool IsNearestRoad(const double & x, const double &y, const double &distance);
vector<GeoCoordinatePoint> GetDataFromLine(const double &s, const double &sReal, const double &x, const double &y, const double &hdg, const double &length);
vector<GeoCoordinatePoint> GetDataFromArc(const double &s, const double &sReal, const double &x, const double &y, const double &hdg, const double &length, const double &curvature);
......@@ -101,11 +100,18 @@ namespace OpenDrive
vector<GeoCoordinatePoint>* GetRightBoundartData();
vector<GeoCoordinatePoint>* GetReferenceData();
vector<Object*>* GetObjectData();
void GenerateLaneShp();
void GenerateObjShp();
void GenerateSingalObjShp();
void part(string _str, vector<int> &_num, vector<char> &_op);
GeoCoordinatePoint* GetLanePositionBySectionID(const char* sectionID, const char* laneID) const;
string GetJunction();
const char* GetLaneTypeString(const char* sectionID, const char* laneID) const;
double GetHdg(const double &s);
double GetElevation(const double &s);
const double GetWidthValue() const;
vector<LaneSection*> *_vecLanSections;
file(GLOB ROOT_SOURCE *.cpp)
file(GLOB ROOT_INLINE *.inl)
file(GLOB ROOT_HEADER *.hpp)
file(GLOB ROOT_TEXT ../*.txt)
file(GLOB ROOT_MD ../*.md)
file(GLOB ROOT_NAT ../util/glm.natvis)
file(GLOB_RECURSE CORE_SOURCE ./detail/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE CORE_INLINE ./detail/*.inl)
file(GLOB_RECURSE CORE_HEADER ./detail/*.hpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE EXT_SOURCE ./ext/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE EXT_INLINE ./ext/*.inl)
file(GLOB_RECURSE EXT_HEADER ./ext/*.hpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE GTC_SOURCE ./gtc/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE GTC_INLINE ./gtc/*.inl)
file(GLOB_RECURSE GTC_HEADER ./gtc/*.hpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE GTX_SOURCE ./gtx/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE GTX_INLINE ./gtx/*.inl)
file(GLOB_RECURSE GTX_HEADER ./gtx/*.hpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE SIMD_SOURCE ./simd/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE SIMD_INLINE ./simd/*.inl)
source_group("Text Files" FILES ${ROOT_TEXT} ${ROOT_MD})
source_group("Core Files" FILES ${CORE_SOURCE})
source_group("Core Files" FILES ${CORE_INLINE})
source_group("Core Files" FILES ${CORE_HEADER})
source_group("EXT Files" FILES ${EXT_SOURCE})
source_group("EXT Files" FILES ${EXT_INLINE})
source_group("EXT Files" FILES ${EXT_HEADER})
source_group("GTC Files" FILES ${GTC_SOURCE})
source_group("GTC Files" FILES ${GTC_INLINE})
source_group("GTC Files" FILES ${GTC_HEADER})
source_group("GTX Files" FILES ${GTX_SOURCE})
source_group("GTX Files" FILES ${GTX_INLINE})
source_group("GTX Files" FILES ${GTX_HEADER})
source_group("SIMD Files" FILES ${SIMD_SOURCE})
source_group("SIMD Files" FILES ${SIMD_INLINE})
source_group("SIMD Files" FILES ${SIMD_HEADER})
add_library(glm_static STATIC ${ROOT_TEXT} ${ROOT_MD} ${ROOT_NAT}
add_library(glm_shared SHARED ${ROOT_TEXT} ${ROOT_MD} ${ROOT_NAT}
add_executable(glm_dummy ${ROOT_TEXT} ${ROOT_MD} ${ROOT_NAT}
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/_fixes.hpp
#include <cmath>
//! Workaround for compatibility with other libraries
#ifdef max
#undef max
//! Workaround for compatibility with other libraries
#ifdef min
#undef min
//! Workaround for Android
#ifdef isnan
#undef isnan
//! Workaround for Android
#ifdef isinf
#undef isinf
//! Workaround for Chrone Native Client
#ifdef log2
#undef log2
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/_noise.hpp
#pragma once
#include "../vec2.hpp"
#include "../vec3.hpp"
#include "../vec4.hpp"
#include "../common.hpp"
namespace glm{
namespace detail
template<typename T>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T mod289(T const& x)
return x - floor(x * (static_cast<T>(1.0) / static_cast<T>(289.0))) * static_cast<T>(289.0);
template<typename T>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T permute(T const& x)
return mod289(((x * static_cast<T>(34)) + static_cast<T>(1)) * x);
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<2, T, Q> permute(vec<2, T, Q> const& x)
return mod289(((x * static_cast<T>(34)) + static_cast<T>(1)) * x);
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<3, T, Q> permute(vec<3, T, Q> const& x)
return mod289(((x * static_cast<T>(34)) + static_cast<T>(1)) * x);
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<4, T, Q> permute(vec<4, T, Q> const& x)
return mod289(((x * static_cast<T>(34)) + static_cast<T>(1)) * x);
template<typename T>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T taylorInvSqrt(T const& r)
return T(1.79284291400159) - T(0.85373472095314) * r;
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<2, T, Q> taylorInvSqrt(vec<2, T, Q> const& r)
return T(1.79284291400159) - T(0.85373472095314) * r;
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<3, T, Q> taylorInvSqrt(vec<3, T, Q> const& r)
return T(1.79284291400159) - T(0.85373472095314) * r;
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<4, T, Q> taylorInvSqrt(vec<4, T, Q> const& r)
return T(1.79284291400159) - T(0.85373472095314) * r;
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<2, T, Q> fade(vec<2, T, Q> const& t)
return (t * t * t) * (t * (t * T(6) - T(15)) + T(10));
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<3, T, Q> fade(vec<3, T, Q> const& t)
return (t * t * t) * (t * (t * T(6) - T(15)) + T(10));
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<4, T, Q> fade(vec<4, T, Q> const& t)
return (t * t * t) * (t * (t * T(6) - T(15)) + T(10));
}//namespace detail
}//namespace glm
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/_vectorize.hpp
#pragma once
#include "type_vec1.hpp"
#include "type_vec2.hpp"
#include "type_vec3.hpp"
#include "type_vec4.hpp"
namespace glm{
namespace detail
template<length_t L, typename R, typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor1{};
template<typename R, typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor1<1, R, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<1, R, Q> call(R (*Func) (T x), vec<1, T, Q> const& v)
return vec<1, R, Q>(Func(v.x));
template<typename R, typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor1<2, R, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<2, R, Q> call(R (*Func) (T x), vec<2, T, Q> const& v)
return vec<2, R, Q>(Func(v.x), Func(v.y));
template<typename R, typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor1<3, R, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<3, R, Q> call(R (*Func) (T x), vec<3, T, Q> const& v)
return vec<3, R, Q>(Func(v.x), Func(v.y), Func(v.z));
template<typename R, typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor1<4, R, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, R, Q> call(R (*Func) (T x), vec<4, T, Q> const& v)
return vec<4, R, Q>(Func(v.x), Func(v.y), Func(v.z), Func(v.w));
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2{};
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2<1, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<1, T, Q> call(T (*Func) (T x, T y), vec<1, T, Q> const& a, vec<1, T, Q> const& b)
return vec<1, T, Q>(Func(a.x, b.x));
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2<2, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<2, T, Q> call(T (*Func) (T x, T y), vec<2, T, Q> const& a, vec<2, T, Q> const& b)
return vec<2, T, Q>(Func(a.x, b.x), Func(a.y, b.y));
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2<3, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<3, T, Q> call(T (*Func) (T x, T y), vec<3, T, Q> const& a, vec<3, T, Q> const& b)
return vec<3, T, Q>(Func(a.x, b.x), Func(a.y, b.y), Func(a.z, b.z));
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2<4, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, T, Q> call(T (*Func) (T x, T y), vec<4, T, Q> const& a, vec<4, T, Q> const& b)
return vec<4, T, Q>(Func(a.x, b.x), Func(a.y, b.y), Func(a.z, b.z), Func(a.w, b.w));
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2_vec_sca{};
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2_vec_sca<1, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<1, T, Q> call(T (*Func) (T x, T y), vec<1, T, Q> const& a, T b)
return vec<1, T, Q>(Func(a.x, b));
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2_vec_sca<2, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<2, T, Q> call(T (*Func) (T x, T y), vec<2, T, Q> const& a, T b)
return vec<2, T, Q>(Func(a.x, b), Func(a.y, b));
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2_vec_sca<3, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<3, T, Q> call(T (*Func) (T x, T y), vec<3, T, Q> const& a, T b)
return vec<3, T, Q>(Func(a.x, b), Func(a.y, b), Func(a.z, b));
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
struct functor2_vec_sca<4, T, Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, T, Q> call(T (*Func) (T x, T y), vec<4, T, Q> const& a, T b)
return vec<4, T, Q>(Func(a.x, b), Func(a.y, b), Func(a.z, b), Func(a.w, b));
}//namespace detail
}//namespace glm
#pragma once
#include "setup.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
namespace glm{
namespace detail
template <typename T, bool isFloat = std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559>
struct compute_equal
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static bool call(T a, T b)
return a == b;
template <typename T>
struct compute_equal<T, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static bool call(T a, T b)
return std::memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(T)) == 0;
}//namespace detail
}//namespace glm
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/core/dummy.cpp
/// GLM is a header only library. There is nothing to compile.
/// dummy.cpp exist only a wordaround for CMake file.
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/ext.hpp>
#include <limits>
struct material
glm::vec4 emission; // Ecm
glm::vec4 ambient; // Acm
glm::vec4 diffuse; // Dcm
glm::vec4 specular; // Scm
float shininess; // Srm
struct light
glm::vec4 ambient; // Acli
glm::vec4 diffuse; // Dcli
glm::vec4 specular; // Scli
glm::vec4 position; // Ppli
glm::vec4 halfVector; // Derived: Hi
glm::vec3 spotDirection; // Sdli
float spotExponent; // Srli
float spotCutoff; // Crli
// (range: [0.0,90.0], 180.0)
float spotCosCutoff; // Derived: cos(Crli)
// (range: [1.0,0.0],-1.0)
float constantAttenuation; // K0
float linearAttenuation; // K1
float quadraticAttenuation;// K2
// Sample 1
#include <glm/vec3.hpp>// glm::vec3
#include <glm/geometric.hpp>// glm::cross, glm::normalize
glm::vec3 computeNormal
glm::vec3 const& a,
glm::vec3 const& b,
glm::vec3 const& c
return glm::normalize(glm::cross(c - a, b - a));
typedef unsigned int GLuint;
#define GL_FALSE 0
void glUniformMatrix4fv(GLuint, int, int, float*){}
// Sample 2
#include <glm/vec3.hpp> // glm::vec3
#include <glm/vec4.hpp> // glm::vec4, glm::ivec4
#include <glm/mat4x4.hpp> // glm::mat4
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp> // glm::translate, glm::rotate, glm::scale, glm::perspective
#include <glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp> // glm::value_ptr
void func(GLuint LocationMVP, float Translate, glm::vec2 const& Rotate)
glm::mat4 Projection = glm::perspective(45.0f, 4.0f / 3.0f, 0.1f, 100.f);
glm::mat4 ViewTranslate = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -Translate));
glm::mat4 ViewRotateX = glm::rotate(ViewTranslate, Rotate.y, glm::vec3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
glm::mat4 View = glm::rotate(ViewRotateX, Rotate.x, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
glm::mat4 Model = glm::scale(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(0.5f));
glm::mat4 MVP = Projection * View * Model;
glUniformMatrix4fv(LocationMVP, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(MVP));
// Sample 3
#include <glm/vec2.hpp>// glm::vec2
#include <glm/packing.hpp>// glm::packUnorm2x16
#include <glm/integer.hpp>// glm::uint
#include <glm/gtc/type_precision.hpp>// glm::i8vec2, glm::i32vec2
std::size_t const VertexCount = 4;
// Float quad geometry
std::size_t const PositionSizeF32 = VertexCount * sizeof(glm::vec2);
glm::vec2 const PositionDataF32[VertexCount] =
glm::vec2( 1.0f,-1.0f),
glm::vec2( 1.0f, 1.0f),
glm::vec2(-1.0f, 1.0f)
// Half-float quad geometry
std::size_t const PositionSizeF16 = VertexCount * sizeof(glm::uint);
glm::uint const PositionDataF16[VertexCount] =
glm::uint(glm::packUnorm2x16(glm::vec2(-1.0f, -1.0f))),
glm::uint(glm::packUnorm2x16(glm::vec2( 1.0f, -1.0f))),
glm::uint(glm::packUnorm2x16(glm::vec2( 1.0f, 1.0f))),
glm::uint(glm::packUnorm2x16(glm::vec2(-1.0f, 1.0f)))
// 8 bits signed integer quad geometry
std::size_t const PositionSizeI8 = VertexCount * sizeof(glm::i8vec2);
glm::i8vec2 const PositionDataI8[VertexCount] =
glm::i8vec2( 1,-1),
glm::i8vec2( 1, 1),
glm::i8vec2(-1, 1)
// 32 bits signed integer quad geometry
std::size_t const PositionSizeI32 = VertexCount * sizeof(glm::i32vec2);
glm::i32vec2 const PositionDataI32[VertexCount] =
glm::i32vec2 (-1,-1),
glm::i32vec2 ( 1,-1),
glm::i32vec2 ( 1, 1),
glm::i32vec2 (-1, 1)
struct intersection
glm::vec4 position;
glm::vec3 normal;
// Sample 4
#include <glm/vec3.hpp>// glm::vec3
#include <glm/geometric.hpp>// glm::normalize, glm::dot, glm::reflect
#include <glm/exponential.hpp>// glm::pow
#include <glm/gtc/random.hpp>// glm::vecRand3
glm::vec3 lighting
intersection const& Intersection,
material const& Material,
light const& Light,
glm::vec3 const& View
glm::vec3 Color(0.0f);
glm::vec3 LightVertor(glm::normalize(
Light.position - Intersection.position +
glm::vecRand3(0.0f, Light.inaccuracy));
if(!shadow(Intersection.position, Light.position, LightVertor))
float Diffuse = glm::dot(Intersection.normal, LightVector);
if(Diffuse <= 0.0f)
return Color;
Color += Light.color() * Material.diffuse * Diffuse;
glm::vec3 Reflect(glm::reflect(
float Dot = glm::dot(Reflect, View);
float Base = Dot > 0.0f ? Dot : 0.0f;
float Specular = glm::pow(Base, Material.exponent);
Color += Material.specular * Specular;
return Color;
int main()
glm::vec1 o(1);
glm::vec2 a(1);
glm::vec3 b(1);
glm::vec4 c(1);
glm::quat q;
glm::dualquat p;
glm::mat4 m(1);
float a0 = normalizeDotA(a, a);
float b0 = normalizeDotB(b, b);
float c0 = normalizeDotC(c, c);
return 0;
This diff is collapsed.
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/func_common_simd.inl
#include "../simd/common.h"
#include <immintrin.h>
namespace glm{
namespace detail
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_abs_vector<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v)
vec<4, float, Q> result; = glm_vec4_abs(;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_abs_vector<4, int, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, int, Q> call(vec<4, int, Q> const& v)
vec<4, int, Q> result; = glm_ivec4_abs(;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_floor<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v)
vec<4, float, Q> result; = glm_vec4_floor(;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_ceil<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v)
vec<4, float, Q> result; = glm_vec4_ceil(;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_fract<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v)
vec<4, float, Q> result; = glm_vec4_fract(;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_round<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v)
vec<4, float, Q> result; = glm_vec4_round(;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_mod<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& x, vec<4, float, Q> const& y)
vec<4, float, Q> result; = glm_vec4_mod(,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_min_vector<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v1, vec<4, float, Q> const& v2)
vec<4, float, Q> result; = _mm_min_ps(,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_min_vector<4, int32, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, int32, Q> call(vec<4, int32, Q> const& v1, vec<4, int32, Q> const& v2)
vec<4, int32, Q> result; = _mm_min_epi32(,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_min_vector<4, uint32, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, int32, Q> call(vec<4, uint32, Q> const& v1, vec<4, uint32, Q> const& v2)
vec<4, uint32, Q> result; = _mm_min_epu32(,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_max_vector<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v1, vec<4, float, Q> const& v2)
vec<4, float, Q> result; = _mm_max_ps(,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_max_vector<4, int32, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, int32, Q> call(vec<4, int32, Q> const& v1, vec<4, int32, Q> const& v2)
vec<4, int32, Q> result; = _mm_max_epi32(,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_max_vector<4, uint32, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, uint32, Q> call(vec<4, uint32, Q> const& v1, vec<4, uint32, Q> const& v2)
vec<4, uint32, Q> result; = _mm_max_epu32(,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_clamp_vector<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& x, vec<4, float, Q> const& minVal, vec<4, float, Q> const& maxVal)
vec<4, float, Q> result; = _mm_min_ps(_mm_max_ps(,,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_clamp_vector<4, int32, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, int32, Q> call(vec<4, int32, Q> const& x, vec<4, int32, Q> const& minVal, vec<4, int32, Q> const& maxVal)
vec<4, int32, Q> result; = _mm_min_epi32(_mm_max_epi32(,,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_clamp_vector<4, uint32, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, uint32, Q> call(vec<4, uint32, Q> const& x, vec<4, uint32, Q> const& minVal, vec<4, uint32, Q> const& maxVal)
vec<4, uint32, Q> result; = _mm_min_epu32(_mm_max_epu32(,,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_mix_vector<4, float, bool, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& x, vec<4, float, Q> const& y, vec<4, bool, Q> const& a)
__m128i const Load = _mm_set_epi32(-static_cast<int>(a.w), -static_cast<int>(a.z), -static_cast<int>(a.y), -static_cast<int>(a.x));
__m128 const Mask = _mm_castsi128_ps(Load);
vec<4, float, Q> Result;
# if 0 && GLM_ARCH & GLM_ARCH_AVX = _mm_blendv_ps(,, Mask);
# else = _mm_or_ps(_mm_and_ps(Mask,, _mm_andnot_ps(Mask,;
# endif
return Result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_step_vector<float, Q, tvec4>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& edge, vec<4, float, Q> const& x)
vec<4, float, Q> Result; = glm_vec4_step(,;
return result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_smoothstep_vector<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& edge0, vec<4, float, Q> const& edge1, vec<4, float, Q> const& x)
vec<4, float, Q> Result; = glm_vec4_smoothstep(,,;
return Result;
}//namespace detail
}//namespace glm
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/func_exponential.inl
#include "../vector_relational.hpp"
#include "_vectorize.hpp"
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
namespace glm{
namespace detail
using std::log2;
# else
template<typename genType>
genType log2(genType Value)
return std::log(Value) * static_cast<genType>(1.4426950408889634073599246810019);
# endif
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q, bool isFloat, bool Aligned>
struct compute_log2
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<L, T, Q> call(vec<L, T, Q> const& v)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'log2' only accept floating-point inputs. Include <glm/gtc/integer.hpp> for integer inputs.");
return detail::functor1<L, T, T, Q>::call(log2, v);
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_sqrt
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<L, T, Q> call(vec<L, T, Q> const& x)
return detail::functor1<L, T, T, Q>::call(std::sqrt, x);
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_inversesqrt
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<L, T, Q> call(vec<L, T, Q> const& x)
return static_cast<T>(1) / sqrt(x);
template<length_t L, bool Aligned>
struct compute_inversesqrt<L, float, lowp, Aligned>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<L, float, lowp> call(vec<L, float, lowp> const& x)
vec<L, float, lowp> tmp(x);
vec<L, float, lowp> xhalf(tmp * 0.5f);
vec<L, uint, lowp>* p = reinterpret_cast<vec<L, uint, lowp>*>(const_cast<vec<L, float, lowp>*>(&x));
vec<L, uint, lowp> i = vec<L, uint, lowp>(0x5f375a86) - (*p >> vec<L, uint, lowp>(1));
vec<L, float, lowp>* ptmp = reinterpret_cast<vec<L, float, lowp>*>(&i);
tmp = *ptmp;
tmp = tmp * (1.5f - xhalf * tmp * tmp);
return tmp;
}//namespace detail
// pow
using std::pow;
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> pow(vec<L, T, Q> const& base, vec<L, T, Q> const& exponent)
return detail::functor2<L, T, Q>::call(pow, base, exponent);
// exp
using std::exp;
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> exp(vec<L, T, Q> const& x)
return detail::functor1<L, T, T, Q>::call(exp, x);
// log
using std::log;
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> log(vec<L, T, Q> const& x)
return detail::functor1<L, T, T, Q>::call(log, x);
using std::exp2;
# else
//exp2, ln2 = 0.69314718055994530941723212145818f
template<typename genType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType exp2(genType x)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<genType>::is_iec559, "'exp2' only accept floating-point inputs");
return std::exp(static_cast<genType>(0.69314718055994530941723212145818) * x);
# endif
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> exp2(vec<L, T, Q> const& x)
return detail::functor1<L, T, T, Q>::call(exp2, x);
// log2, ln2 = 0.69314718055994530941723212145818f
template<typename genType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType log2(genType x)
return log2(vec<1, genType>(x)).x;
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> log2(vec<L, T, Q> const& x)
return detail::compute_log2<L, T, Q, std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(x);
// sqrt
using std::sqrt;
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> sqrt(vec<L, T, Q> const& x)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'sqrt' only accept floating-point inputs");
return detail::compute_sqrt<L, T, Q, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(x);
// inversesqrt
template<typename genType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType inversesqrt(genType x)
return static_cast<genType>(1) / sqrt(x);
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> inversesqrt(vec<L, T, Q> const& x)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'inversesqrt' only accept floating-point inputs");
return detail::compute_inversesqrt<L, T, Q, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(x);
}//namespace glm
# include "func_exponential_simd.inl"
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/func_exponential_simd.inl
#include "../simd/exponential.h"
namespace glm{
namespace detail
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_sqrt<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v)
vec<4, float, Q> Result; = _mm_sqrt_ps(;
return Result;
struct compute_sqrt<4, float, aligned_lowp, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, aligned_lowp> call(vec<4, float, aligned_lowp> const& v)
vec<4, float, aligned_lowp> Result; = glm_vec4_sqrt_lowp(;
return Result;
}//namespace detail
}//namespace glm
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/func_geometric.inl
#include "../exponential.hpp"
#include "../common.hpp"
#include "type_vec2.hpp"
#include "type_vec4.hpp"
#include "type_float.hpp"
namespace glm{
namespace detail
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_length
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static T call(vec<L, T, Q> const& v)
return sqrt(dot(v, v));
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_distance
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static T call(vec<L, T, Q> const& p0, vec<L, T, Q> const& p1)
return length(p1 - p0);
template<typename V, typename T, bool Aligned>
struct compute_dot{};
template<typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_dot<vec<1, T, Q>, T, Aligned>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static T call(vec<1, T, Q> const& a, vec<1, T, Q> const& b)
return a.x * b.x;
template<typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_dot<vec<2, T, Q>, T, Aligned>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static T call(vec<2, T, Q> const& a, vec<2, T, Q> const& b)
vec<2, T, Q> tmp(a * b);
return tmp.x + tmp.y;
template<typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_dot<vec<3, T, Q>, T, Aligned>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static T call(vec<3, T, Q> const& a, vec<3, T, Q> const& b)
vec<3, T, Q> tmp(a * b);
return tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z;
template<typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_dot<vec<4, T, Q>, T, Aligned>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static T call(vec<4, T, Q> const& a, vec<4, T, Q> const& b)
vec<4, T, Q> tmp(a * b);
return (tmp.x + tmp.y) + (tmp.z + tmp.w);
template<typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_cross
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<3, T, Q> call(vec<3, T, Q> const& x, vec<3, T, Q> const& y)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'cross' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return vec<3, T, Q>(
x.y * y.z - y.y * x.z,
x.z * y.x - y.z * x.x,
x.x * y.y - y.x * x.y);
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_normalize
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<L, T, Q> call(vec<L, T, Q> const& v)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'normalize' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return v * inversesqrt(dot(v, v));
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_faceforward
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<L, T, Q> call(vec<L, T, Q> const& N, vec<L, T, Q> const& I, vec<L, T, Q> const& Nref)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'normalize' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return dot(Nref, I) < static_cast<T>(0) ? N : -N;
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_reflect
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<L, T, Q> call(vec<L, T, Q> const& I, vec<L, T, Q> const& N)
return I - N * dot(N, I) * static_cast<T>(2);
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q, bool Aligned>
struct compute_refract
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<L, T, Q> call(vec<L, T, Q> const& I, vec<L, T, Q> const& N, T eta)
T const dotValue(dot(N, I));
T const k(static_cast<T>(1) - eta * eta * (static_cast<T>(1) - dotValue * dotValue));
return (eta * I - (eta * dotValue + std::sqrt(k)) * N) * static_cast<T>(k >= static_cast<T>(0));
}//namespace detail
// length
template<typename genType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType length(genType x)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<genType>::is_iec559, "'length' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return abs(x);
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T length(vec<L, T, Q> const& v)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'length' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return detail::compute_length<L, T, Q, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(v);
// distance
template<typename genType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType distance(genType const& p0, genType const& p1)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<genType>::is_iec559, "'distance' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return length(p1 - p0);
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T distance(vec<L, T, Q> const& p0, vec<L, T, Q> const& p1)
return detail::compute_distance<L, T, Q, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(p0, p1);
// dot
template<typename T>
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'dot' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return x * y;
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER T dot(vec<L, T, Q> const& x, vec<L, T, Q> const& y)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'dot' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return detail::compute_dot<vec<L, T, Q>, T, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(x, y);
// cross
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<3, T, Q> cross(vec<3, T, Q> const& x, vec<3, T, Q> const& y)
return detail::compute_cross<T, Q, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(x, y);
// normalize
template<typename genType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType normalize(genType const& x)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<genType>::is_iec559, "'normalize' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return x < genType(0) ? genType(-1) : genType(1);
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> normalize(vec<L, T, Q> const& x)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'normalize' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return detail::compute_normalize<L, T, Q, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(x);
// faceforward
template<typename genType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType faceforward(genType const& N, genType const& I, genType const& Nref)
return dot(Nref, I) < static_cast<genType>(0) ? N : -N;
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> faceforward(vec<L, T, Q> const& N, vec<L, T, Q> const& I, vec<L, T, Q> const& Nref)
return detail::compute_faceforward<L, T, Q, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(N, I, Nref);
// reflect
template<typename genType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType reflect(genType const& I, genType const& N)
return I - N * dot(N, I) * genType(2);
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> reflect(vec<L, T, Q> const& I, vec<L, T, Q> const& N)
return detail::compute_reflect<L, T, Q, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(I, N);
// refract
template<typename genType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER genType refract(genType const& I, genType const& N, genType eta)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<genType>::is_iec559, "'refract' accepts only floating-point inputs");
genType const dotValue(dot(N, I));
genType const k(static_cast<genType>(1) - eta * eta * (static_cast<genType>(1) - dotValue * dotValue));
return (eta * I - (eta * dotValue + sqrt(k)) * N) * static_cast<genType>(k >= static_cast<genType>(0));
template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER vec<L, T, Q> refract(vec<L, T, Q> const& I, vec<L, T, Q> const& N, T eta)
GLM_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, "'refract' accepts only floating-point inputs");
return detail::compute_refract<L, T, Q, detail::is_aligned<Q>::value>::call(I, N, eta);
}//namespace glm
# include "func_geometric_simd.inl"
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/func_geometric_simd.inl
#include "../simd/geometric.h"
namespace glm{
namespace detail
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_length<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static float call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v)
return _mm_cvtss_f32(glm_vec4_length(;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_distance<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static float call(vec<4, float, Q> const& p0, vec<4, float, Q> const& p1)
return _mm_cvtss_f32(glm_vec4_distance(,;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_dot<vec<4, float, Q>, float, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static float call(vec<4, float, Q> const& x, vec<4, float, Q> const& y)
return _mm_cvtss_f32(glm_vec1_dot(,;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_cross<float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<3, float, Q> call(vec<3, float, Q> const& a, vec<3, float, Q> const& b)
__m128 const set0 = _mm_set_ps(0.0f, a.z, a.y, a.x);
__m128 const set1 = _mm_set_ps(0.0f, b.z, b.y, b.x);
__m128 const xpd0 = glm_vec4_cross(set0, set1);
vec<4, float, Q> Result; = xpd0;
return vec<3, float, Q>(Result);
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_normalize<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& v)
vec<4, float, Q> Result; = glm_vec4_normalize(;
return Result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_faceforward<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& N, vec<4, float, Q> const& I, vec<4, float, Q> const& Nref)
vec<4, float, Q> Result; = glm_vec4_faceforward(,,;
return Result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_reflect<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& I, vec<4, float, Q> const& N)
vec<4, float, Q> Result; = glm_vec4_reflect(,;
return Result;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_refract<4, float, Q, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, float, Q> call(vec<4, float, Q> const& I, vec<4, float, Q> const& N, float eta)
vec<4, float, Q> Result; = glm_vec4_refract(,, _mm_set1_ps(eta));
return Result;
}//namespace detail
}//namespace glm
This diff is collapsed.
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/func_integer_simd.inl
#include "../simd/integer.h"
namespace glm{
namespace detail
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_bitfieldReverseStep<4, uint32, Q, true, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, uint32, Q> call(vec<4, uint32, Q> const& v, uint32 Mask, uint32 Shift)
__m128i const set0 =;
__m128i const set1 = _mm_set1_epi32(static_cast<int>(Mask));
__m128i const and1 = _mm_and_si128(set0, set1);
__m128i const sft1 = _mm_slli_epi32(and1, Shift);
__m128i const set2 = _mm_andnot_si128(set0, _mm_set1_epi32(-1));
__m128i const and2 = _mm_and_si128(set0, set2);
__m128i const sft2 = _mm_srai_epi32(and2, Shift);
__m128i const or0 = _mm_or_si128(sft1, sft2);
return or0;
template<qualifier Q>
struct compute_bitfieldBitCountStep<4, uint32, Q, true, true>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER static vec<4, uint32, Q> call(vec<4, uint32, Q> const& v, uint32 Mask, uint32 Shift)
__m128i const set0 =;
__m128i const set1 = _mm_set1_epi32(static_cast<int>(Mask));
__m128i const and0 = _mm_and_si128(set0, set1);
__m128i const sft0 = _mm_slli_epi32(set0, Shift);
__m128i const and1 = _mm_and_si128(sft0, set1);
__m128i const add0 = _mm_add_epi32(and0, and1);
return add0;
}//namespace detail
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER int bitCount(uint32 x)
return _mm_popcnt_u32(x);
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER int bitCount(uint64 x)
return static_cast<int>(_mm_popcnt_u64(x));
# endif//GLM_MODEL
# endif//GLM_ARCH
}//namespace glm
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/func_packing_simd.inl
namespace glm{
namespace detail
}//namespace detail
}//namespace glm
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/func_vector_relational_simd.inl
namespace glm{
namespace detail
}//namespace detail
}//namespace glm
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/type_half.hpp
#pragma once
#include "setup.hpp"
namespace glm{
namespace detail
typedef short hdata;
GLM_FUNC_DECL float toFloat32(hdata value);
GLM_FUNC_DECL hdata toFloat16(float const& value);
}//namespace detail
}//namespace glm
#include "type_half.inl"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/type_mat.inl
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/// @ref core
/// @file glm/detail/type_vec.inl
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