Commit f5dd3b5c authored by muyusheng's avatar muyusheng


parent 2e6fd105
[submodule "jfxmap"] [submodule "jfxmap"]
path = jfxmap path = jfxmap
url = url =
branch = rav4_api
...@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "$ENV{CXXFLAGS} -O0 -Wall -g -ggdb") ...@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "$ENV{CXXFLAGS} -O0 -Wall -g -ggdb")
include_directories( include_directories(
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/map_location/jfxmap/offline/Match
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../ego_motion/include ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/Core ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/Core
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/Match ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/Match
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/Route ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/Route
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/Utils ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/Utils
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/xxtea-c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/offline/xxtea-c
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/submodules/ajson ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/submodules/ajson
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/submodules/xxtea-c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/jfxmap/submodules/xxtea-c
) )
...@@ -27,15 +27,12 @@ file(GLOB MAP_SRC_LIST ...@@ -27,15 +27,12 @@ file(GLOB MAP_SRC_LIST
"jfxmap/offline/Core/*.cpp" "jfxmap/offline/Core/*.cpp"
"jfxmap/offline/Route/*.cpp" "jfxmap/offline/Route/*.cpp"
"jfxmap/offline/Utils/*.cpp" "jfxmap/offline/Utils/*.cpp"
"jfxmap/submodules/xxtea-c/*.c" "jfxmap/submodules/xxtea-c/*.c"
) )
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/MapLocationBase.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/MapLocationBase.cpp
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/MapLocation.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/MapLocation.cpp
) )
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace JfxLocation
enum LineType //LineType 描述车道线类型
LineType_Unknown = 0, // 0 << 0
LineType_LaneLine = 2, // 1 << 1 (车道线)
LineType_Curb = 4, // 1 << 2 (路沿)
LineType_Center = 8, // 1 << 3, Center line, virtual and in the median of lane(车道中心线)
LineType_Guardrail = 16, // 1 << 4(车道线由护栏组成)
LineType_ConcreteBarrier = 32, // 1 << 5(车道线由混凝土屏障构成)
LineType_Fence = 64, // 1 << 6(围栏)
LineType_Wall = 128, // 1 << 7(墙)
LineType_Canopy = 256, // 1 << 8(遮棚)
LineType_Virtual = 512, // 1 << 9(虚拟线)
LineType_Cone = 1024 // 1 << 10(锥桶连线)
enum LineColor
LineColor_Unknown = 0, // 0 << 0
LineColor_WHITE = 2, // 1 << 1(白色)
LineColor_YELLOW = 4, // 1 << 2 (黄色)
LineColor_ORANGE = 8, // 1 << 3 (橙色)
LineColor_BLUE = 16, // 1 << 4(蓝色)
LineColor_GREEN = 32, // 1 << 5(绿色)
LineColor_GRAY = 64, // 1 << 6 (灰色)
LineColor_LETF_GRAY_RIGHT_YELLOW = 128, // 1 << 7(左灰右黄)
LineColor_LETF_YELLOW_RIGHT_WHITE = 256 // 1 << 8(左黄右白)
enum LineMarking
LineMarking_Unknown = 0, // 0 << 0
LineMarking_SolidLine = 2, // 1 << 1(单实线)
LineMarking_DashedLine = 4, // 1 << 2(单虚线)
LineMarking_ShortDashedLine = 8, // 1 << 3(短虚线)
LineMarking_DoubleSolidLine = 16, // 1 << 4 (双实线)
LineMarking_DoubleDashedLine = 32, // 1 << 5(双虚线)
LineMarking_LeftSolidRightDashed = 64, // 1 << 6(左实右虚)
LineMarking_RightSolidLeftDashed = 128, // 1 << 7(左虚右实)
LineMarking_ShadedArea = 256, // 1 << 8, diversion line(导流线)
LineMarking_LaneVirtualMarking = 512, // 1 << 9, virtual line of lane center(车道虚拟线)
LineMarking_IntersectionVirualMarking = 1024, // 1 << 10,virtual line at intersection(路口虚拟线)
LineMarking_CurbVirtualMarking = 2048, // 1 << 11, virtual line of road edge(路边缘虚拟线)
LineMarking_UnclosedRoad = 4096, // 1 << 12, line for non-closure road (非封闭路段[线])
LineMarking_RoadVirtualLine = 8192 // 1 << 13, virtual line of road(道路虚拟线)
enum LineSource
// barrier properties
LINE_SOURCE_OBSTACLE_BLOCKED = 4, //(1 << 2) (基于拥堵跟车预测,如果被前车近距离遮挡,则会预测)
LINE_SOURCE_HISTORY_BASED = 16, //(1 << 4) (基于历史观测进行预测)
LINE_SOURCE_EXTRAPOLATION = 32, //(1 << 5)(基于车辆运动和车道线情况,即自车行驶状态和车道线趋势一致进行预测)
// tracking state
LINE_SOURCE_UNKNOWN = 512, //(1 << 9) (未知)
LINE_SOURCE_NEW = 1024, // (1 << 10) (新的)
LINE_SOURCE_MEASURED = 2048, //(1 << 11) (更新)
LINE_SOURCE_PREDICTED = 4096 // (1 << 12) (预测)
enum LinePosition
LinePosition_Left = 0, // 0 << 0(左)
LinePosition_Right = 2, // 1 << 1 (右)
LinePosition_LeftLeft = 4, // 1 << 2(左左)
LinePosition_RightRight = 8, // 1 << 3(右右)
LinePosition_LeftOutside = 16, // 1 << 4 the left out side branch for Y structure lines(导流左分支线)
LinePosition_RightOutside = 32, // 1 << 5 the right out side branch for Y structure lines (导流右分支线)
LinePosition_LeftLeftLeft = 64, // 1 << 6(左左左)
LinePosition_RightRightRight = 128 // 1 << 7 (右右右 )
struct VehSpeed //轮速信息
int64_t time_stamp;//时间戳,单位微妙milliseconds
std::vector<float> speed;//速度,包括6个float,其中4个方向速度,加车速,还有方向盘的转动
struct GPSFrame //gps信息
std::string info;
double longitude;//经度
double latitude;//纬度
int64_t time_stamp;//时间戳,单位微妙milliseconds
double longitude_cent;
std::string longitude_dir;
double latitude_cent;
std::string latitude_dir;
float ground_speed;
float ground_course;
int64_t gps_time;
float altitude;
float accuracy;
struct IMUFrame
float acc_x;
float acc_y;
float acc_z;
float gyro_x;
float gyro_y;
float gyro_z;
float temperature;
int64_t time_stamp;
struct Point
float x;
float y;
float z;
struct Point3D
double x;
double y;
double z;
struct Quaternion
float w;
float x;
float y;
float z;
struct CurveLine
std::vector<Point> points; // vcs下曲线对应的采样点
float width;//曲线宽度,即曲线垂直于Z轴方向的宽度,unit:m
Point start_pt; //ADAS曲线的起点
std::vector<double> y_coeff; // if type = CurveType_ADAS, y = y_coeff[0] + y_coeff[1] * x + y_coeff[2] * x^2 + y_coeff[3] * x^3
double t_max; // 对于CurveType_ADAS类型表示vcs下曲线x方向长度,unit:m
int32_t color; //曲线颜色,枚举类型详细可见 LineColor 描述
int32_t marking; // 曲线线型,枚举类型详细可见 LineMarking 描述
float parsing_conf; //车道线检测置信度,表征车道线的观测质量,置信度[0~1]
float rmse; //车道线归一化拟合误差,即观测(采样点)和线的均方误差[0~1],值越高,拟合越好
struct Line
int32_t id;//车道线的索引id
int32_t life_time;//检测到该车道线的持续时长,指车道线的生命周期,unit: ms
std::vector<CurveLine> lines_3d; // 车道线的分段曲线,每条车道线包含若干个曲线段,存放在lines_3d里面,详细可见 CurveLine 描述【前视为单段】
// line properties
int32_t type; // 车道线类型,枚举类型详细可见 LineType 描述
int32_t source; // 车道线来源,有感知和预测输出,枚举类型详细可见 LineSource 描述
int32_t position; // 车道线位置属性,枚举类型详细可见 LinePosition 描述
float conf; //车道线置信度[0~1]
struct Lines
int64_t time_stamp;//同步时间戳,unit: ms
std::vector<Line> lines;//一帧图像包含的所有车道线
float dtlc;//自车前轮外侧到车道线内沿横向距离,unit: m
float ttlc;//穿行时距,自车前轮外侧到车道线内沿横向距离/自车横向速度,unit: s
struct Pose
Point3D position; // position in x,y,z direction
Quaternion orientation; //quaternion attitude
Point3D std_position; //standard deviation of position in x,y,z direction
Quaternion std_orientation; //standard deviation of x, y, z, w component of quaternion
struct Velocity
Point3D linear_velocity; //# linear velocity, m/s, in ENU
Point3D angular_velocity; //# angular velocity, rad/s, in vehicle frame
Point3D std_linear_velocity; //# standard deviation of velocity in x,y,z direction, m/s
Point3D std_angular_velocity; //# standard deviation of angular velocity that rotates around x, y, z axle, rad / s
struct Bias
Point3D linear_acceleration_bias; //# linear velocity, m/s, in ENU
Point3D angular_acceleration_bias; //# angular velocity, rad/s, in vehicle frame
Point3D std_linear_acceleration_bias; //# standard deviation of velocity in x,y,z direction, m/s
Point3D std_angular_acceleration_bias; //# standard deviation of angular velocity that rotates around x, y, z axle, rad / s
struct Attitude
double yaw; //# yaw angle, (-pi,pi]
double pitch; //# pitch angle, (-pi,pi]
double roll; //# roll angle, (-pi,pi]
double std_yaw; //# standard deviation of yaw angle, [0,pi]
double std_pitch; //# standard deviation of piych angle, [0,pi]
double std_roll; //# standard deviation of roll angle, [0,pi]
struct EkfStatus
std::string loc_states; //# status of ekf
std::string pos_type; //# type of every ego position
struct Location
int64_t time_stamp;//同步时间戳,unit: ms
int32_t gnss_available;//GNSS is avaiable or not(true or false) 0 false,1 true
int8_t position_status; //status to localizer, JF defines per the algorithm internal status
// could be : flag if localizer initializedand flag of fused sources
int8_t utm_zone_id;//UTM zone id, range in [1...60]
int8_t is_south;//Flag of South and North earth: 1: South of earth 0 : North of earth
double utm_offset_x;//Offset of X (UTM easting) direction in UTM Zone, unit: m
double utm_offset_y;//Offset of Y (UTM northing) direction in UTM Zone, unit: m
Pose pose; //# position in 3 directions and orientation of quaternion
//# position: vehicle origin(center of rare axis) in WGS84
//# x - longitude, y - latitude, z - height
//# position std : meter in x, y, z direction
//# orientation : orientation of vehicle frame(front : x, left : y, up : z) in ENU
//# orientation std : not sure if it is proper to use quaternion, just to keep it for future
Velocity velocity; //# Linear velocity and angular velocity
//# linear velocity: in ENU, unit m/s
//# angular velocity: in vehicle frame at the time, unit rad/s
Attitude attitude; //# Attitude angle
Bias bias; //# Zero offset of IMU, in the frame of IMU itself.
EkfStatus ekf_status; //# status of ekf(ekf_stats) and type of every ego position(pos_type)
//# ekf_stats pos_type
//# BASEONMM(suspend)
//# BASEONRTK(suspend)
struct MatchingResult
int64_t time_stamp;//同步时间戳,unit: ms
Point3D foot_point; //# Perpendicular
double foot_prob;
Point3D vision_horizontal_point; //# visual computing horizontal point
double horizontal_prob;
Point3D vision_vertical_point; //# visual computing vertical point
double vertical_prob;
uint32_t match_status;//# match status, 1: 使用RTK确定初始车道后递推的结果, 2: 使用感知确定初始车道后递推的结果
uint8_t change_lanes; //# change lane or not
uint8_t lane_seq_no; //# vehicle lane number
uint8_t lane_num; //# total number of lanes
uint8_t road_rank; //# 0: 未调查
//# 1: 高速道路
//# 2: 国道
//# 3: 省道
//# 4: 县道
//# 5: 乡道
//# 6: 内部道路
//# 7: 城市快速
//# 8: 城市主干道
//# 9: 城市次干道
//# 10: 城市内部路
//# 11: 城市小路
//# 99: 其它
uint8_t road_type; //# 0: Not investigate
//# 1: Normal road
//# 2: Bridge
//# 3: Tunnel
//# 4: Under elevated bridge
//# 5: City valley
float angle_with_lane; //# Angle with the lane edge
uint8_t special_type; //# refer to road type
float special_type_begin_dis; //# The distance to the begin of special road type, unit: m
float special_type_end_dis; //# The distance to the end of special road type, unit: m
uint8_t in_road_crossing; //# Is it within the road crossing area
float left_lane_edge_dis; //# distance to the left lane edge
float right_lane_edge_dis; //# distance to the right lane edge
double gnss_time; //# gnss time
double gnss_longitude; //# longitude in WGS84 coordinate system, degree
double gnss_latitude; //# latitude in WGS84 coordinate system, degree
float gnss_height; //# height in WGS84 coordinate system, m
float gnss_heading; //# heading angle of dual antenna, degree
float gnss_ground_speed; //# ground apeed, m / s
float gnss_longitude_standard_deviation; //# standard deviation of position of longitude in WGS84 coordinate system, m
float gnss_latitude_standard_deviation; //# standard deviation of position of latitude in WGS84 coordinate system, m
float gnss_height_standard_deviation; //# standard deviation of position of height in WGS84 coordinate system, m
std::string gnss_solution_status; //# gnss solution status : 131(best) > 67(may) > 4n(bad) > 3(bad) > 1(bad)
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