Commit c3a0386b authored by oscar's avatar oscar


parent 11e6dcab
......@@ -18,15 +18,35 @@ bool MapInterface::GetMapData(const Point &ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, int &nOutL
long lRoadId;
std::vector<long> vctlPreRoadId = {};
std::vector<long> vctlNxtRoadId = {};
int isInCross = 0;
return GetMapData(ptInLoc, dCarAngle, lRoadId, vctlPreRoadId, vctlNxtRoadId, nOutLaneCnt, nOutLaneNum, nOutLaneType, nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, nOutRightEdgeCrossType, nOutSpeedLimit, dOutLaneAngle, ptOutFoot, isInCross);
return GetMapData(ptInLoc, dCarAngle, lRoadId, vctlPreRoadId, vctlNxtRoadId, nOutLaneCnt, nOutLaneNum, nOutLaneType, nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, nOutRightEdgeCrossType, nOutSpeedLimit, dOutLaneAngle, ptOutFoot);
// The function will return YES if the point x,y is inside the polygon, or
// NO if it is not. If the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon,
// then the function may return YES or NO.
bool IsPointInPolygon(std::vector<std::vector<float>>& poly, Point& pt)
int i, j;
bool c = false;
for (i = 0, j = poly.size() - 1; i < poly.size(); j = i++)
if ((((poly[i][1] <= pt.dLat) && (pt.dLat < poly[j][1])) ||
((poly[j][1] <= pt.dLat) && (pt.dLat < poly[i][1])))
&& (pt.dLon < (poly[j][0] - poly[i][0]) * (pt.dLat - poly[i][1]) / (poly[j][1] - poly[i][1]) + poly[i][0]))
c = !c;
return c;
bool MapInterface::GetMapData(const Point &ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, long &lOutRaodId, std::vector<long> &vctlOutPreRoadId, std::vector<long> &vctlOutNxtRoadId, int &nOutLaneCnt, int &nOutLaneNum, LaneType &nOutLaneType,
EdgeCrossType &nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, EdgeCrossType &nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int &nOutSpeedLimit, double &dOutLaneAngle, Point &ptOutFoot) {
EdgeCrossType &nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, EdgeCrossType &nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int &nOutSpeedLimit, double &dOutLaneAngle, Point &ptOutFoot,int &isInCross) {
std::vector<HdLinkId> vcthlLinkIds = {};
std::vector<HdLaneId> vcthlLaneIds = {};
// Locate lane failed
isInCross = 0;
if (false == m_mlMapLib.GetLocateLanes(ptInLoc, vcthlLinkIds, vcthlLaneIds)) {
nOutLaneCnt = 0;
nOutLaneNum = 0;
......@@ -39,7 +59,37 @@ bool MapInterface::GetMapData(const Point &ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, long &lOut
//std::cout << "MapInterface::GetMapData(), Locate lane failed." << std::endl;
return false;
std::vector<HdLaneId> vcthlLinkNearby = {};
if (false == m_mlMapLib.GetDataNearby(ptInLoc, 10.0f, 10.0f, vcthlLinkNearby))
nOutLaneCnt = 0;
nOutLaneNum = 0;
nOutLaneType = LaneType::NotInvestigated;
nOutLeftEdgeCrossType = EdgeCrossType::NotInvestigated;
nOutRightEdgeCrossType = EdgeCrossType::NotInvestigated;
nOutSpeedLimit = 0;
dOutLaneAngle = 0.0;
ptOutFoot = ptInLoc;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < vcthlLinkNearby.size(); i++)
const HdLinkId& hlLinkId = vcthlLinkNearby[i];
const HdLink* cphlLink = m_mlMapLib.GetLinkData(hlLinkId);
if (cphlLink)
for (int j = 0; j < cphlLink->vctcrCrossing; j++)
if (IsPointInPolygon(cphlLink->vctcrCrossing[j]->vctvdGeoArea, ptInLoc))
isInCross = 1;
if (isInCross == 1)
int nIndex = 0;
double dMinAngleDiff = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
auto func_GetAngleDiff = [](double dAngle1, double dAngle2) { return std::min(std::abs(dAngle1 - dAngle2), 360 - std::abs((dAngle1 - dAngle2))); };
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class MapInterface {
bool GetMapData(const Point &ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, int &nOutLaneCnt, int &nOutLaneNum, LaneType &nOutLaneType, EdgeCrossType &nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, EdgeCrossType &nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int &nOutSpeedLimit, double &dOutLaneAngle,
Point &ptOutFoot);
bool GetMapData(const Point &ptInLoc, double dCarAngle, long &lOutRaodId, std::vector<long> &vctlOutPreRoadId, std::vector<long> &vctlOutNxtRoadId, int &nLaneCnt, int &nOutLaneNum, LaneType &nOutLaneType, EdgeCrossType &nOutLeftEdgeCrossType,
EdgeCrossType &nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int &nOutSpeedLimit, double &dOutLaneAngle, Point &ptOutFoot);
EdgeCrossType &nOutRightEdgeCrossType, int &nOutSpeedLimit, double &dOutLaneAngle, Point &ptOutFoot,int& isInCross);
MapLib m_mlMapLib;
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ MapInfo* GetMapData(double lat, double lon, double carAngle)
int nOutSpeedLimit;
double dOutLaneAngle;
jf::Point ptOutFoot;
if (g_jfMap.GetMapData(ptInLoc, carAngle, lOutRaodId, vctlOutPreRoadId, vctlOutNxtRoadId, nLaneCnt, nOutLaneNum, nOutLaneType, nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, nOutRightEdgeCrossType, nOutSpeedLimit, dOutLaneAngle, ptOutFoot))
int isInCross = 0;
if (g_jfMap.GetMapData(ptInLoc, carAngle, lOutRaodId, vctlOutPreRoadId, vctlOutNxtRoadId, nLaneCnt, nOutLaneNum, nOutLaneType, nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, nOutRightEdgeCrossType, nOutSpeedLimit, dOutLaneAngle, ptOutFoot, isInCross))
g_info.isInMap = 1;
g_info.lOutRaodId = lOutRaodId;
......@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ MapInfo* GetMapData(double lat, double lon, double carAngle)
g_info.dOutLaneAngle = dOutLaneAngle;
g_info.ptOutFoot_lat = ptOutFoot.dLat;
g_info.ptOutFoot_lon = ptOutFoot.dLon;
g_info.isInCross = isInCross;
return &g_info;
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ struct MapInfo
double dOutLaneAngle;
double ptOutFoot_lat;
double ptOutFoot_lon;
int isInCross;
int add(int i, int j);
......@@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(libjfxmap_python, m)
.def_readwrite("nOutSpeedLimit", &MapInfo::nOutSpeedLimit)
.def_readwrite("dOutLaneAngle", &MapInfo::dOutLaneAngle)
.def_readwrite("ptOutFoot_lat", &MapInfo::ptOutFoot_lat)
.def_readwrite("ptOutFoot_lon", &MapInfo::ptOutFoot_lon);
.def_readwrite("ptOutFoot_lon", &MapInfo::ptOutFoot_lon)
.def_readwrite("isInCross", &MapInfo::isInCross);
// expose add function, and add keyword arguments and default arguments
m.def("add", &add, "A function which adds two numbers", py::arg("i") = 1, py::arg("j") = 2);
m.def("InitMap", &InitMap, "A function which init map", py::return_value_policy::copy);
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