Commit 90d534a6 authored by oscar's avatar oscar


parent 6f002650
# Author: Xinshuo Weng
# email:
import numpy as np, copy
from numba import jit
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
def poly_area(x,y):
""" Ref: """
return 0.5*np.abs(,np.roll(y,1)),np.roll(x,1)))
def box3d_vol(corners):
''' corners: (8,3) no assumption on axis direction '''
a = np.sqrt(np.sum((corners[0,:] - corners[1,:])**2))
b = np.sqrt(np.sum((corners[1,:] - corners[2,:])**2))
c = np.sqrt(np.sum((corners[0,:] - corners[4,:])**2))
return a*b*c
def convex_hull_intersection(p1, p2):
""" Compute area of two convex hull's intersection area.
p1,p2 are a list of (x,y) tuples of hull vertices.
return a list of (x,y) for the intersection and its volume
inter_p = polygon_clip(p1,p2)
if inter_p is not None:
hull_inter = ConvexHull(inter_p)
return inter_p, hull_inter.volume
return None, 0.0
def polygon_clip(subjectPolygon, clipPolygon):
""" Clip a polygon with another polygon.
subjectPolygon: a list of (x,y) 2d points, any polygon.
clipPolygon: a list of (x,y) 2d points, has to be *convex*
**points have to be counter-clockwise ordered**
a list of (x,y) vertex point for the intersection polygon.
def inside(p):
return (cp2[0] - cp1[0]) * (p[1] - cp1[1]) > (cp2[1] - cp1[1]) * (p[0] - cp1[0])
def computeIntersection():
dc = [cp1[0] - cp2[0], cp1[1] - cp2[1]]
dp = [s[0] - e[0], s[1] - e[1]]
n1 = cp1[0] * cp2[1] - cp1[1] * cp2[0]
n2 = s[0] * e[1] - s[1] * e[0]
n3 = 1.0 / (dc[0] * dp[1] - dc[1] * dp[0])
return [(n1 * dp[0] - n2 * dc[0]) * n3, (n1 * dp[1] - n2 * dc[1]) * n3]
outputList = subjectPolygon
cp1 = clipPolygon[-1]
for clipVertex in clipPolygon:
cp2 = clipVertex
inputList = outputList
outputList = []
s = inputList[-1]
for subjectVertex in inputList:
e = subjectVertex
if inside(e):
if not inside(s): outputList.append(computeIntersection())
elif inside(s): outputList.append(computeIntersection())
s = e
cp1 = cp2
if len(outputList) == 0: return None
return (outputList)
def iou3d(corners1, corners2):
''' Compute 3D bounding box IoU, only working for object parallel to ground
corners1: numpy array (8,3), assume up direction is negative Y
corners2: numpy array (8,3), assume up direction is negative Y
iou: 3D bounding box IoU
iou_2d: bird's eye view 2D bounding box IoU
todo (rqi): add more description on corner points' orders.
# corner points are in counter clockwise order
rect1 = [(corners1[i,0], corners1[i,2]) for i in range(3,-1,-1)]
rect2 = [(corners2[i,0], corners2[i,2]) for i in range(3,-1,-1)]
area1 = poly_area(np.array(rect1)[:,0], np.array(rect1)[:,1])
area2 = poly_area(np.array(rect2)[:,0], np.array(rect2)[:,1])
# inter_area = shapely_polygon_intersection(rect1, rect2)
_, inter_area = convex_hull_intersection(rect1, rect2)
# try:
# _, inter_area = convex_hull_intersection(rect1, rect2)
# except ValueError:
# inter_area = 0
# except scipy.spatial.qhull.QhullError:
# inter_area = 0
iou_2d = inter_area/(area1+area2-inter_area)
ymax = min(corners1[0,1], corners2[0,1])
ymin = max(corners1[4,1], corners2[4,1])
inter_vol = inter_area * max(0.0, ymax-ymin)
vol1 = box3d_vol(corners1)
vol2 = box3d_vol(corners2)
iou = inter_vol / (vol1 + vol2 - inter_vol)
return iou, iou_2d
def roty(t):
''' Rotation about the y-axis. '''
c = np.cos(t)
s = np.sin(t)
return np.array([[c, 0, s],
[0, 1, 0],
[-s, 0, c]])
def convert_3dbox_to_8corner(bbox3d_input):
''' Takes an object's 3D box with the representation of [x,y,z,theta,l,w,h] and
convert it to the 8 corners of the 3D box
corners_3d: (8,3) array in in rect camera coord
# compute rotational matrix around yaw axis
bbox3d = copy.copy(bbox3d_input)
R = roty(bbox3d[3])
# 3d bounding box dimensions
l = bbox3d[4]
w = bbox3d[5]
h = bbox3d[6]
# 3d bounding box corners
x_corners = [l/2,l/2,-l/2,-l/2,l/2,l/2,-l/2,-l/2];
y_corners = [0,0,0,0,-h,-h,-h,-h];
z_corners = [w/2,-w/2,-w/2,w/2,w/2,-w/2,-w/2,w/2];
# rotate and translate 3d bounding box
corners_3d =, np.vstack([x_corners,y_corners,z_corners]))
#print corners_3d.shape
corners_3d[0,:] = corners_3d[0,:] + bbox3d[0]
corners_3d[1,:] = corners_3d[1,:] + bbox3d[1]
corners_3d[2,:] = corners_3d[2,:] + bbox3d[2]
return np.transpose(corners_3d)
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# Author: Xinshuo Weng
# email:
import numpy as np
from filterpy.kalman import KalmanFilter
class KalmanBoxTracker(object):
This class represents the internel state of individual tracked objects observed as bbox.
count = 0
def __init__(self, bbox3D, info):
Initialises a tracker using initial bounding box.
# define constant velocity model
self.kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=10, dim_z=7)
self.kf.F = np.array([[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0], # state transition matrix
self.kf.H = np.array([[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], # measurement function,
# # with angular velocity
# self.kf = KalmanFilter(dim_x=11, dim_z=7)
# self.kf.F = np.array([[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0], # state transition matrix
# [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0],
# [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0],
# [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1],
# [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0],
# [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0],
# [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0],
# [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0],
# [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0],
# [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0],
# [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]])
# self.kf.H = np.array([[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], # measurement function,
# [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
# [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
# [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
# [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0],
# [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0],
# [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0]])
# self.kf.R[0:,0:] *= 10. # measurement uncertainty
self.kf.P[7:, 7:] *= 1000. # state uncertainty, give high uncertainty to the unobservable initial velocities, covariance matrix
self.kf.P *= 10.
# self.kf.Q[-1,-1] *= 0.01 # process uncertainty
self.kf.Q[7:, 7:] *= 0.01
self.kf.x[:7] = bbox3D.reshape((7, 1))
self.time_since_update = 0 = KalmanBoxTracker.count
KalmanBoxTracker.count += 1
self.history = []
self.hits = 1 # number of total hits including the first detection
self.hit_streak = 1 # number of continuing hit considering the first detection
self.first_continuing_hit = 1
self.still_first = True
self.age = 0 = info # other info associated
def update(self, bbox3D, info):
Updates the state vector with observed bbox.
self.time_since_update = 0
self.history = []
self.hits += 1
self.hit_streak += 1 # number of continuing hit
if self.still_first:
self.first_continuing_hit += 1 # number of continuing hit in the fist time
######################### orientation correction
if self.kf.x[3] >= np.pi: self.kf.x[3] -= np.pi * 2 # make the theta still in the range
if self.kf.x[3] < -np.pi: self.kf.x[3] += np.pi * 2
new_theta = bbox3D[3]
if new_theta >= np.pi: new_theta -= np.pi * 2 # make the theta still in the range
if new_theta < -np.pi: new_theta += np.pi * 2
bbox3D[3] = new_theta
predicted_theta = self.kf.x[3]
if abs(new_theta - predicted_theta) > np.pi / 2.0 and abs(new_theta - predicted_theta) < np.pi * 3 / 2.0: # if the angle of two theta is not acute angle
self.kf.x[3] += np.pi
if self.kf.x[3] > np.pi: self.kf.x[3] -= np.pi * 2 # make the theta still in the range
if self.kf.x[3] < -np.pi: self.kf.x[3] += np.pi * 2
# now the angle is acute: < 90 or > 270, convert the case of > 270 to < 90
if abs(new_theta - self.kf.x[3]) >= np.pi * 3 / 2.0:
if new_theta > 0: self.kf.x[3] += np.pi * 2
else: self.kf.x[3] -= np.pi * 2
######################### # flip
if self.kf.x[3] >= np.pi: self.kf.x[3] -= np.pi * 2 # make the theta still in the rage
if self.kf.x[3] < -np.pi: self.kf.x[3] += np.pi * 2 = info
def predict(self):
Advances the state vector and returns the predicted bounding box estimate.
if self.kf.x[3] >= np.pi: self.kf.x[3] -= np.pi * 2
if self.kf.x[3] < -np.pi: self.kf.x[3] += np.pi * 2
self.age += 1
if (self.time_since_update > 0):
self.hit_streak = 0
self.still_first = False
self.time_since_update += 1
return self.history[-1]
def get_state(self):
Returns the current bounding box estimate.
return self.kf.x[:7].reshape((7, ))
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# Author: Xinshuo Weng
# email:
import numpy as np
# from sklearn.utils.linear_assignment_ import linear_assignment # deprecated
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from AB3DMOT_libs.bbox_utils import convert_3dbox_to_8corner, iou3d
from AB3DMOT_libs.kalman_filter import KalmanBoxTracker
def associate_detections_to_trackers(detections, trackers, iou_threshold=0.01):
Assigns detections to tracked object (both represented as bounding boxes)
detections: N x 8 x 3
trackers: M x 8 x 3
Returns 3 lists of matches, unmatched_detections and unmatched_trackers
if (len(trackers)==0):
return np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int), np.arange(len(detections)), np.empty((0, 8, 3), dtype=int)
iou_matrix = np.zeros((len(detections), len(trackers)), dtype=np.float32)
for d, det in enumerate(detections):
for t, trk in enumerate(trackers):
iou_matrix[d, t] = iou3d(det, trk)[0] # det: 8 x 3, trk: 8 x 3
# matched_indices = linear_assignment(-iou_matrix) # hougarian algorithm, compatible to linear_assignment in sklearn.utils
row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(-iou_matrix) # hougarian algorithm
matched_indices = np.stack((row_ind, col_ind), axis=1)
unmatched_detections = []
for d, det in enumerate(detections):
if (d not in matched_indices[:, 0]): unmatched_detections.append(d)
unmatched_trackers = []
for t, trk in enumerate(trackers):
if (t not in matched_indices[:, 1]): unmatched_trackers.append(t)
#filter out matched with low IOU
matches = []
for m in matched_indices:
if (iou_matrix[m[0], m[1]] < iou_threshold):
else: matches.append(m.reshape(1, 2))
if (len(matches) == 0):
matches = np.empty((0, 2),dtype=int)
else: matches = np.concatenate(matches, axis=0)
return matches, np.array(unmatched_detections), np.array(unmatched_trackers)
class AB3DMOT(object): # A baseline of 3D multi-object tracking
def __init__(self, max_age=2, min_hits=3): # max age will preserve the bbox does not appear no more than 2 frames, interpolate the detection
Sets key parameters for SORT
self.max_age = max_age
self.min_hits = min_hits
self.trackers = []
self.frame_count = 0
self.reorder = [3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1, 0]
self.reorder_back = [6, 5, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3]
def update(self, dets_all):
dets_all: dict
dets - a numpy array of detections in the format [[h,w,l,x,y,z,theta],...]
info: a array of other info for each det
Requires: this method must be called once for each frame even with empty detections.
Returns the a similar array, where the last column is the object ID.
NOTE: The number of objects returned may differ from the number of detections provided.
dets, info = dets_all['dets'], dets_all['info'] # dets: N x 7, float numpy array
# reorder the data to put x,y,z in front to be compatible with the state transition matrix
# where the constant velocity model is defined in the first three rows of the matrix
dets = dets[:, self.reorder] # reorder the data to [[x,y,z,theta,l,w,h], ...]
self.frame_count += 1
trks = np.zeros((len(self.trackers), 7)) # N x 7 , # get predicted locations from existing trackers.
to_del = []
ret = []
for t, trk in enumerate(trks):
pos = self.trackers[t].predict().reshape((-1, 1))
trk[:] = [pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pos[4], pos[5], pos[6]]
if (np.any(np.isnan(pos))):
trks =
for t in reversed(to_del):
dets_8corner = [convert_3dbox_to_8corner(det_tmp) for det_tmp in dets]
if len(dets_8corner) > 0: dets_8corner = np.stack(dets_8corner, axis=0)
else: dets_8corner = []
trks_8corner = [convert_3dbox_to_8corner(trk_tmp) for trk_tmp in trks]
if len(trks_8corner) > 0: trks_8corner = np.stack(trks_8corner, axis=0)
matched, unmatched_dets, unmatched_trks = associate_detections_to_trackers(dets_8corner, trks_8corner)
# update matched trackers with assigned detections
for t, trk in enumerate(self.trackers):
if t not in unmatched_trks:
d = matched[np.where(matched[:, 1] == t)[0], 0] # a list of index
trk.update(dets[d, :][0], info[d, :][0])
# create and initialise new trackers for unmatched detections
for i in unmatched_dets: # a scalar of index
trk = KalmanBoxTracker(dets[i, :], info[i, :])
i = len(self.trackers)
for trk in reversed(self.trackers):
d = trk.get_state() # bbox location
d = d[self.reorder_back] # change format from [x,y,z,theta,l,w,h] to [h,w,l,x,y,z,theta]
if ((trk.time_since_update < self.max_age) and (trk.hits >= self.min_hits or self.frame_count <= self.min_hits)):
ret.append(np.concatenate((d, [ + 1],, -1)) # +1 as MOT benchmark requires positive
i -= 1
# remove dead tracklet
if (trk.time_since_update >= self.max_age):
if (len(ret) > 0): return np.concatenate(ret) # h,w,l,x,y,z,theta, ID, other info, confidence
return np.empty((0, 15))
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# Author: Xinshuo Weng
# email:
import yaml
from easydict import EasyDict as edict
def Config(filename):
listfile1 = open(filename, 'r')
listfile2 = open(filename, 'r')
cfg = edict(yaml.safe_load(listfile1))
settings_show =
return cfg, settings_show
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