Commit fc18fe55 authored by oscar's avatar oscar


parent 0946ca7b
// Created by nickfox on 21-1-25.
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include "coordinate_convert.h"
void CoordinateConvert::Init(float horn_r, double rx, double ry, float horn_v, double vx, double vy){
// horn = (270-90)/180 * 3.1415926;
m_HornR = (horn_r-90)/180.0 * 3.1415926; // radar
m_HornV = (horn_v)/180.0 * 3.1415926; // vision
int32_t CoordinateConvert::Dev2WGS84(const jfx::Array & radarObj,
jfx::Array & result, bool flag) {
double objtmp_x = 0.0;
double objtmp_y = 0.0;
if(flag == true){
objtmp_x = radarObj[0] * cos(m_HornR) + radarObj[1] * sin(m_HornR);
objtmp_y = radarObj[1] * cos(m_HornR) - radarObj[0] * sin(m_HornR);
// vision
//printf("vision-input: %f, %f\n", radarObj[0], radarObj[1]);
objtmp_x = radarObj[0] * cos(m_HornV) + radarObj[1] * sin(m_HornV);
objtmp_y = radarObj[1] * cos(m_HornV) - radarObj[0] * sin(m_HornV);
double objWorld_x, objWorld_y;
if (flag == true) {
objWorld_x = m_RadarWorld[0] + objtmp_x;
objWorld_y = m_RadarWorld[1] + objtmp_y;
} else {
objWorld_x = m_CameraWorld[0] + objtmp_x;
objWorld_y = m_CameraWorld[1] + objtmp_y;
jfx::Array objWorld = {objWorld_x, objWorld_y, 1};
result = jfx::Inverse(objWorld);
return 0;
int32_t CoordinateConvert::Radar2WGS84(const jfx::Array & radarObj,
const jfx::Array & radarWorld,
const jfx::Array & cameraWorld,
jfx::Array & result) {
double objWorld_x = (radarWorld[0] + cameraWorld[0])/2 + radarObj[0];
double objWorld_y = (radarWorld[1] + cameraWorld[1])/2 + radarObj[1];
jfx::Array objWorld = {objWorld_x, objWorld_y, 1};
result = jfx::Inverse(objWorld);
return 0;
int32_t CoordinateConvert::Radar2World(const jfx::Array & radarObj,
jfx::Array & result, bool flag) {
double objtmp_x = 0.0;
double objtmp_y = 0.0;
if(flag == true){
objtmp_x = radarObj[0] * cos(m_HornR) + radarObj[1] * sin(m_HornR);
objtmp_y = radarObj[1] * cos(m_HornR) - radarObj[0] * sin(m_HornR);
// vision
//printf("vision-input: %f, %f\n", radarObj[0], radarObj[1]);
objtmp_x = radarObj[0] * cos(m_HornV) + radarObj[1] * sin(m_HornV);
objtmp_y = radarObj[1] * cos(m_HornV) - radarObj[0] * sin(m_HornV);
result = {objtmp_x, objtmp_y, 1};
return 0;
#if 0
int main() {
CoordinateConvert m_CoordinatCvt;
std::vector<std::string> name = {
std::vector<float> dates = {
//1.0442, 63.2229
2.664277285337448, 33.64991358388215
for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i+=2) {
jfx::Array result, obj_p;
//obj_p = {-2.9017153158783913, 27.35474405437708};
m_CoordinatCvt.Radar2WGS84(obj_p, m_CoordinatCvt.RadarWorld, result, false);
printf("%s,%.8f,%.8f\n", name[i/2].c_str(), result[0], result[1]);
//return 0;
// /************************************************************/
// g_CoordinatCvt.reset(new CoordinateConvert);
// g_CoordinatCvt->Init();
// jfx::Array result, obj_p;
// // double h = 4.04;
// // double x = sqrt(pow(obj.XPos, 2) - pow(h, 2));
// obj_p = {-2.9017153158783913, 27.35474405437708};
// g_CoordinatCvt->Radar2WGS84(obj_p, g_CoordinatCvt->RadarWorld, result, false);
// printf("result= %.8f %.8f\n", result[0], result[1]);
// cout << "\n-----------------------------------\n" << endl;
// obj_p.clear();
// obj_p = {27.35474405437708, 2.9017153158783913};
// g_CoordinatCvt->Radar2WGS84(obj_p, g_CoordinatCvt->RadarWorld, result, true);
// printf("result= %.8f %.8f\n", result[0], result[1]);
// return 0;
// /************************************************************/
return 0;
// Created by nickfox on 21-1-25.
#include <cstdint>
#include "gaussian.h"
class CoordinateConvert {
virtual ~CoordinateConvert(){};
void Init(float horn_r, double rx, double ry, float horn_v, double vx, double vy);
int32_t Dev2WGS84(const jfx::Array & radarObj,
jfx::Array & result, bool flag);
int32_t Radar2WGS84(const jfx::Array & radarObj,
const jfx::Array & radarWorld,
const jfx::Array & cameraWorld,
jfx::Array & result);
int32_t Radar2World(const jfx::Array & radarObj,
jfx::Array & result, bool flag);
double m_HornR;
jfx::Array m_RadarWorld;
double m_HornV;
jfx::Array m_CameraWorld;
#include "gaussian.h"
namespace jfx {
const double ZoneOffset = 1e6;
const int ZoneWidth = 3;
const double EastOffset = 500000.0;
const double EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137.0;
double GetDirection1(double lng1, double lat1, double lng2, double lat2){
double radLng1 = degree2rad(lng1);
double radLat1 = degree2rad(lat1);
double radLng2 = degree2rad(lng2);
double radLat2 = degree2rad(lat2);
double a = degree2rad(90 - lat2);
double b = degree2rad(90 - lat1);
double c = degree2rad(lng2- lng1);
double cos_c = (cos(b) * cos(a)) + (sin(b) * sin(a) * cos(c));
double sin_c = sqrt(1 - pow(cos_c, 2));
double sin_a = sin(sin(b) * sin(c) / sin_c);
double Azimuth = asin(sin_a) * 180 / pi;
double x = lng2 - lng1;
double y = lat2 - lat1;
if (x > 0 && y > 0)
return Azimuth;
else if (y > 0 && x < 0)
return 360 + Azimuth;
return 180 - Azimuth;
double GetDirection2(double lng1, double lat1, double lng2, double lat2){
double radLng1 = degree2rad(lng1);
double radLat1 = degree2rad(lat1);
double radLng2 = degree2rad(lng2);
double radLat2 = degree2rad(lat2);
double a = degree2rad(lng2 - lng1);
double b = degree2rad(lat2 - lat1);
double c = cos(radLat2);
double result1 = tan(a * c / b);
double result = atan(result1) * 180 / pi;
double x = lng2 - lng1;
double y = lat2 - lat1;
if (x > 0 && y > 0)
return result;
else if (y > 0 && x < 0)
return 360 + result;
return 180 + result;
double GetDistance(double lng1, double lat1, double lng2, double lat2){
double radLat1 = degree2rad(lat1);
double radLng1 = degree2rad(lng1);
double radLat2 = degree2rad(lat2);
double radLng2 = degree2rad(lng2);
double a = radLat2 - radLat1;
double b = radLng2 - radLng1;
double result = 2 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin(a / 2), 2) + cos(radLat1) * cos(radLat2) * pow(sin(b / 2), 2))) * EARTH_RADIUS;
return result;
double GetDistance_xy(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2){
return sqrt(pow(x2-x1,2)+pow(y2-y1,2));
Array Convert(const Array& inLonLat){
int Zone = (int)((inLonLat[1] + 1.5) / ZoneWidth);
int L0 = Zone * ZoneWidth;
double dL = inLonLat[1] - L0 * 1.0;
double dLRadian = degree2rad(dL);
double latRadian = degree2rad(inLonLat[0]);
double X = GetX(latRadian);
double N = GetN(latRadian);
double t = tan(latRadian);
double t2 = t * t;
double sinB = sin(latRadian);
double cosB = cos(latRadian);
double ita2 = ep2 * cosB * cosB;
double temp = dLRadian * cosB;
double temp2 = temp * temp;
double yPart1 = 0.5 * N * temp * temp * t;
double yPart2 = N * t * (5.0 - t2 + 9.0 * ita2 + 4.0 * ita2 * ita2) * temp2 * temp2 / 24.0;
double yPart3 = temp2 * temp2 * temp2 * N * t * (61.0 - 58.0 * t2 + t2 * t2) / 720.0;
double y = X + yPart1 + yPart2 + yPart3;
double xPart1 = N * temp;
double xPart2 = (1.0 - t2 + ita2) * N * temp * temp2 / 6.0;
double xPart3 = (5.0 - 18.0 * t2 + t2 * t2 + 14.0 * ita2 - 58.0 * ita2 * t2) * N * temp * temp2 * temp2 / 120.0;
double x = Zone * 1.0 * ZoneOffset * 1.0 + EastOffset + xPart1 + xPart2 + xPart3;
double h = inLonLat[2];
return Array({x,y,h});
Array Inverse(const Array& inXY){
double Zone = (int)(inXY[0] / ZoneOffset);
double L0 = Zone * ZoneWidth;
double L0_radian = degree2rad(L0);
double X0 = Zone * ZoneOffset + EastOffset;
double Y0 = 0;
double x = inXY[0] - X0;
double y = inXY[1] - Y0;
double Br = GetLatByX(y);
double cosB = cos(Br);
double secB = 1.0 / cosB;
double ita2 = ep2 * cosB * cosB;
double t = tan(Br);
double t2 = t * t;
double V = GetV(Br);
double V2 = V * V;
double N = c / V;
double M = N / V / V;
double D = x / N;
double tmp3 = (1.0 + 2.0 * t2 + ita2) * D * D * D / 6.0;
double tmp5 = (5.0 + 28.0 * t2 + 24.0 * t2 * t2 + 6.0 * ita2 + 8.0 * ita2 * t2) * D * D * D * D * D / 120.0;
double l = secB * (D - tmp3 + tmp5);
double L_radian = L0_radian + l;
double tmp2 = D * D / 2.0;
double tmp4 = (5.0 + 3.0 * t2 + ita2 - 9.0 * ita2 * t2) * D * D * D * D / 24.0;
double tmp6 = (61.0 + 90.0 * t2 + 45.0 * t2 * t2) * D * D * D * D * D * D / 720.0;
double B_radian = Br - t * V2 * (tmp2 - tmp4 + tmp6);
double B = rad2degree(B_radian);
double L = rad2degree(L_radian);
return Array({B,L,inXY[2]});
} // namespace jfx
\ No newline at end of file
#include "rotations.h"
#include "wgs84.h"
namespace jfx {
Array Convert(const Array& inLonLat);
Array Inverse(const Array& inXY);
double GetDirection1(double lng1, double lat1, double lng2, double lat2);
double GetDirection2(double lng1, double lat1, double lng2, double lat2);
double GetDistance_deg(double lng1, double lat1, double lng2, double lat2);
double GetDistance_xy(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
} // namespace jfx
#endif // JFX_GAUSSIAN_H
#include "ipm.h"
using namespace std;
namespace jfx {
// calculating world_xyz -> world_xy
// return [world_x, world_y, 1]
vector<float> transform(vector<float> M, vector<int>& points, int point_num) {
vector<float> new_xy(point_num * 3, 1.0); // new_xy[2, :] = 1.
int idx = 0;
// z = M[2, :] * POINTS
vector<float> z;
for (int j = 0; j < point_num; j++) {
int T_start = j * 2;
float r = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
if (k == 2) // Cause' points[3, :] = 1.
r += M[6+k];
r += M[6+k] * points[T_start+k];
// new_xy[:2, :] = M[:2, :] * POINTS / z
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int M_start = i * 3;
for (int j = 0; j < point_num; j++) {
int T_start = j * 2;
float r = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
if (k == 2) // Cause' points[3, :] = 1.
r += M[M_start+k];
r += M[M_start+k] * points[T_start+k];
new_xy[idx++] = r/z[j];
return new_xy;
float courseAngleAccordingLatLon(float lat_a, float lng_a, float lat_b, float lng_b) {
float y = sin(lng_b - lng_a) * cos(lat_b);
float x = cos(lat_a) * sin(lat_b) - sin(lat_a) * cos(lat_b) * cos(lng_b - lng_a);
float bearing = atan2(y, x);
// debugger;
bearing = 180 * bearing / M_PI;
if (bearing < 0) {
bearing = bearing + 360;
return bearing;
float courseAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
bool debug = false;
float delta_y = y2 - y1;
float delta_x = x2 - x1;
#if 0
// 4.52702582618177
delta_x = 2.664277285337448;
delta_y = 33.64991358388215;
x1 = 0; y1 = 0; x2 = delta_x; y2 = delta_y;
#if 0
float bearing = atan2(delta_y, delta_x);
if (debug) printf("0 - theta = %f, delta_y = %f, delta_x = %f\n", bearing, delta_y, delta_x);
// debugger;
bearing = 180 * bearing / M_PI;
if (bearing < 0) {
bearing = bearing + 360;
float bearing = atan(delta_y / delta_x);
bearing = 180 * bearing / M_PI;
if (debug) printf("1 - theta = %f, delta_y = %f, delta_x = %f\n", bearing, delta_y, delta_x);
if (x2 > x1 && y2 > y1) bearing = 90 - bearing;
else if (x2 > x1 && y2 < y1) bearing += 90;
else if (x2 < x1 && y2 > y1) bearing += 270;
else if (x2 < x1 && y2 < y1) bearing = 270 - bearing;
else if (x2 == x1 && y2 < y1) bearing = 180;
else if (x2 < x1 && y2 == y1) bearing = 270;
else if (x2 > x1 && y2 == y1) bearing = 90;
if (debug) printf("2 - theta = %f, delta_y = %f, delta_x = %f\n", bearing, delta_y, delta_x);
return bearing;
float getYYaw(int row, int col, cv::Mat cameraMatrix, cv::Mat distCoeffs, vector<float> M) {
// 2.635
int col_mid = int(col/2), row_mid = int(row/2);
std::vector<cv::Point2f> outputUndistortedPoints;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> inputDistortedPoints1{cv::Point2f(col_mid, row-100)};
std::vector<cv::Point2f> inputDistortedPoints2{cv::Point2f(col_mid, row-500)};
std::vector<cv::Point2f> inputDistortedPoints3{cv::Point2f(col_mid+10, row-500)};
cv::undistortPoints(inputDistortedPoints1, outputUndistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), cameraMatrix);
vector<int> points1 = {(int)outputUndistortedPoints[0].x, (int)outputUndistortedPoints[0].y};
vector<float> result1 = transform(M, points1, 1);
cv::undistortPoints(inputDistortedPoints2, outputUndistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), cameraMatrix);
vector<int> points2 = {(int)outputUndistortedPoints[0].x, (int)outputUndistortedPoints[0].y};
vector<float> result2 = transform(M, points2, 1);
cv::undistortPoints(inputDistortedPoints3, outputUndistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), cameraMatrix);
vector<int> points3 = {(int)outputUndistortedPoints[0].x, (int)outputUndistortedPoints[0].y};
vector<float> result3 = transform(M, points3, 1);
float angle1 = courseAngle(result1[0], result1[1], result2[0], result2[1]);
float angle2 = courseAngle(result1[0], result1[1], result3[0], result3[1]);
//printf("Angle = %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", angle1, result1[0], result1[1], result2[0], result2[1]);
//printf("Angle = %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", angle2, result1[0], result1[1], result3[0], result3[1]);
return angle2 - angle1;
} // namespace jfx
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef JFX_IPM_H
#define JFX_IPM_H
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
namespace jfx {
std::vector<float> transform(std::vector<float> M, std::vector<int>& points, int point_num);
float courseAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
float getYYaw(int row, int col, cv::Mat cameraMatrix, cv::Mat distCoeffs, std::vector<float> M);
} // namespace jfx
This diff is collapsed.
#ifndef JFX_MATRIX_H
#define JFX_MATRIX_H
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <deque>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <math.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace jfx {
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ios;
using std::setprecision;
const string StrNone="None";
const double pi=3.1415926535898;
class matrix;
class Array;
matrix diag(const vector<double>& f);
Array zeros(const int& x);
matrix zeros(const int& x,const int& y);
vector<vector<vector<double>>> zeros(const int& x,const int& y,const int& z);
matrix eye(const int& k);
double linalg_norm(const Array& t);
class dict{
bool empty;
double time;
vector<double > arr;
std::unordered_map<int,vector<double>> mp;
vector<vector<double>> acc;
vector<vector<double>> gryo;
dict():empty(true){time = 0;}
dict (const vector<double>& temp):arr(temp),empty(true){time = 0;}
dict (const Array& temp);
vector<double>& operator[](int k){
return mp[k];
bool is_in(int k)const{
for( auto i = mp.begin(); i != mp.end() ; i++)
if( (*i).first == k) return true;
return false;
void clear();
void acc_push_back(const Array& tem);
void gryo_push_back(const Array& tem);
void print();
class Array{
vector<double> arr;
Array( const vector<double>& temp ):arr( temp ){}
Array( const std::initializer_list<double>& temp);
Array(const string& ){clear();}
Array(const dict& temp):arr(temp.arr){}
int size()const{return arr.size();}
void clear(){arr.clear();}
void resize( int k );
void print()const;
bool empty()const{return arr.empty();}
void push_back( double num) { arr.push_back(num);}
Array& operator=( const string& ){clear();return *this;}
Array& operator=( const vector<double>& temp ){arr=temp;return *this;}
Array& operator=( const dict& temp){ arr = temp.arr;return *this;}
Array& operator=( const matrix& temp);
Array& operator=( const std::initializer_list<double>& temp);
Array& operator=( const Array& temp);
Array operator+( const vector<double>& temp )const;
Array operator+( const Array& temp )const;
Array operator-( const vector<double>& temp )const ;
Array operator-( const Array& temp )const;
Array operator*( const matrix& temp )const;
double operator*( const Array& temp) const;
Array operator*( const double& k )const;
Array operator/( const double& k )const;
double& operator[]( int k ) { return arr[k]; }
const double& operator[] ( int k )const { return arr[k]; }
bool operator==(const string&) const{ return arr.empty(); }
bool operator!=(const string&) const {return !arr.empty(); }
class matrix {
vector<vector<double>> arr;
matrix() {}
matrix(const vector<vector<double>>& tem) : arr(tem) {}
matrix(const vector<double>& tem){arr.push_back(tem);}
matrix( const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<double>>& temp);
matrix(const matrix& m) { *this = m; }
matrix(const string& tem){}
matrix(Array& tem) { arr.push_back(tem.arr); }
matrix(Array&& tem) { arr.push_back(tem.arr); }
matrix T()const;
matrix Inv()const;
matrix operator*(const matrix& m)const;
matrix operator*(const double& k)const;
Array operator*(const Array& m)const;
matrix operator*(const vector<vector<double>>& m)const;
Array operator*(const vector<double>& m)const;
matrix operator+(const matrix& m)const;
matrix operator-(const matrix& m)const;
matrix operator-(const vector<double>& m)const;
matrix operator/(const double& k)const;
matrix& operator/=(const double& k);
matrix& operator+=(const matrix& m);
matrix& operator-=(const matrix& m);
matrix& operator=(const vector<double>& m);
matrix& operator=(const vector<vector<double>>& m);
matrix& operator=(const string& m);
matrix& operator=(const Array& m);
bool operator==(const string& m)const;
bool operator!=(const string& m)const;
const vector<double >& operator[](int row)const {return arr[row];}
vector<double >&operator[](int row){return arr[row];}
void swap_row(int row1,int row2);
bool is_square() const{ return (!(empty()) && rows() == cols());}
void resize(int rows,int cols);
bool empty()const{return arr.empty();}
int cols()const {return rows()?(arr[0].size()):0;}
int rows()const {return arr.size();}
int len_shape()const;
bool push_back(const vector<double>& v);
void reshape(int x,int y);
void clear();
void print()const;
class CirQueue
CirQueue(double items);
virtual ~CirQueue();
bool EnQueue(double data);
bool DeQueue(double* pRecvData=nullptr);
void DeTraverse();
int GetSize();
bool IsFull();
bool IsEmpty();
double* pArr;
int head,tail;
int length;
} // namespace jfx
#endif // JFX_MATRIX_H
\ No newline at end of file
#include "rotations.h"
namespace jfx {
matrix skew_symmetric(const Array& v)
return matrix({ { 0, -v[2], v[1] },
{ v[2], 0, -v[0] },
{ -v[1], v[0], 0 } });
double wraps2pi_pi(double& rad)
while (rad > pi)
rad -= 2 * pi;
while (rad < (-pi))
rad += 2 * pi;
return rad;
Quaternion::Quaternion(const Array& axis_angle, const Array& euler, double w, double x, double y, double z)
if (axis_angle == StrNone && euler == StrNone) {
this->w = w;
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->z = z;
} else if (axis_angle != StrNone && euler != StrNone) {
cout << "Only one of axis_angle and euler can be specified." << endl;
} else if (axis_angle != StrNone) {
if (axis_angle.size() == 3) {
double norm = linalg_norm(axis_angle);
this->w = cos(norm / 2.0);
if (norm < 1e-10) {
this->x = 0;
this->y = 0;
this->z = 0;
} else {
Array imag = axis_angle / norm * sin(norm / 2.0);
this->x = imag[0];
this->y = imag[1];
this->z = imag[2];
} else {
cout << "axis_angle must be list or np.ndarray with length 3." << endl;
} else {
double roll = euler[0], pitch = euler[1], yaw = euler[2];
double cy, sy, cr, sr, cp, sp;
cy = cos(yaw * 0.5);
sy = sin(yaw * 0.5);
cr = cos(roll * 0.5);
sr = sin(roll * 0.5);
cp = cos(pitch * 0.5);
sp = sin(pitch * 0.5);
//# static frame
this->w = cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy;
this->x = sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy;
this->y = cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy;
this->z = cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy;
string Quaternion::_repr_()
std::ostringstream os;
string s;
os << setprecision(2) << std::setw(10) << std::setiosflags(ios::fixed) << "Quaternion (wxyz): [" << this->w << "," << this->x << "," << this->y << "," << this->z << "]\n";
s = os.str();
return s;
matrix Quaternion::to_mat()
Array v({ this->x, this->y, this->z });
matrix v_M = v;
matrix vTv = v_M.T() * v_M;
double tem = this->w * this->w - v * v;
matrix ans = eye(3) * tem + vTv * 2 + skew_symmetric(v) * 2.0 * this->w;
return ans;
Array Quaternion::to_euler()
double roll = atan2(2 * (this->w * this->x + this->y * this->z), 1 - 2 * (this->x * this->x + this->y * this->y));
double pitch = asin(2 * (this->w * this->y - this->z * this->x));
double yaw = atan2(2 * (this->w * this->z + this->x * this->y), 1 - 2 * (this->y * this->y + this->z * this->z));
return Array({ roll, pitch, yaw });
Array Quaternion::to_numpy()
return Array({ this->w, this->x, this->y, this->z });
Quaternion Quaternion::normalize()
double norm = linalg_norm(Array({ this->w, this->x, this->y, this->z }));
return Quaternion(StrNone, StrNone, this->w / norm, this->x / norm, this->y / norm, this->z / norm);
Quaternion Quaternion::to_reverse()
return Quaternion(StrNone, StrNone, w, -x, -y, -z);
vector<double> Quaternion::quat_outer_mult(const Array& q)
Array v({ this->x, this->y, this->z }); //1*3的矩阵
matrix sum_term = zeros(4, 4);
for (int i = 1, j = 0; i < 4; i++, j++) {
sum_term[0][i] = -v[j];
sum_term[i][0] = v[j];
matrix sk = skew_symmetric(v);
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++)
sum_term[i][j] = -sk[i - 1][j - 1];
matrix sigma = eye(4) * (this->w) + sum_term;
Array quat_np = sigma * q;
return quat_np.arr;
double rad2degree(double rad)
return rad * 180.0 / pi;
Array rad2degree(const Array& list)
Array newlist = zeros(list.size());
int len = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
newlist[i] = list[i] * 180.0 / pi;
return newlist;
double degree2rad(double angle)
return angle * pi / 180.0;
Array degree2rad(const Array& list)
Array newlist = zeros(list.size());
int len = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
newlist[i] = list[i] * pi / 180.0;
return newlist;
Array euler2quat(const Array& eulers)
double gamma = eulers[0], theta = eulers[1], psi = eulers[2];
double q0 = cos(gamma / 2.0) * cos(theta / 2.0) * cos(psi / 2.0) + sin(gamma / 2.0) * sin(theta / 2.0) * sin(psi / 2.0);
double q1 = sin(gamma / 2) * cos(theta / 2) * cos(psi / 2) - cos(gamma / 2) * sin(theta / 2) * sin(psi / 2);
double q2 = cos(gamma / 2) * sin(theta / 2) * cos(psi / 2) + sin(gamma / 2) * cos(theta / 2) * sin(psi / 2);
double q3 = cos(gamma / 2) * cos(theta / 2) * sin(psi / 2) - sin(gamma / 2) * sin(theta / 2) * cos(psi / 2);
Array quats({ q0, q1, q2, q3 });
return quats;
Array quat2euler(const Array& quats)
double q0 = quats[0], q1 = quats[1], q2 = quats[2], q3 = quats[3];
double gamma = atan2(2.0 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3), 1.0 - 2.0 * (q1 * q1 + q2 * q2));
double theta = asin(2.0 * (q0 * q2 - q3 * q1));
double psi = atan2(2.0 * (q0 * q3 + q1 * q2), 1.0 - 2.0 * (q2 * q2 + q3 * q3));
Array eulers({ wraps2pi_pi(gamma), wraps2pi_pi(theta), wraps2pi_pi(psi) });
return eulers;
matrix quat2rot(const Array& quats)
matrix Rs;
Rs.resize(3, 3);
double q0 = quats[0];
double q1 = quats[1];
double q2 = quats[2];
double q3 = quats[3];
Rs[0][0] = q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3;
Rs[0][1] = 2.0 * (q1 * q2 - q0 * q3);
Rs[0][2] = 2.0 * (q0 * q2 + q1 * q3);
Rs[1][0] = 2.0 * (q1 * q2 + q0 * q3);
Rs[1][1] = q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3;
Rs[1][2] = 2.0 * (q2 * q3 - q0 * q1);
Rs[2][0] = 2.0 * (q1 * q3 - q0 * q2);
Rs[2][1] = 2.0 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3);
Rs[2][2] = q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 + q3 * q3;
return Rs;
Array rot2quat(const matrix& rots)
{ //---待写----------------------------------------
Array q;
q[0] = sqrt(rots[0][0] + rots[1][1] + rots[2][2] + 1) / 2.0;
q[1] = (rots[1][2] - rots[2][1]) / (4.0 * q[0]);
q[1] = -q[1];
q[2] = (rots[2][0] - rots[0][2]) / (4.0 * q[0]);
q[2] = -q[2];
q[3] = (rots[0][1] - rots[1][0]) / (4.0 * q[0]);
q[3] = -q[3];
return q;
matrix euler2rot(const Array& eulers)
return quat2rot(euler2quat(eulers));
Array rot2euler(const matrix& rots)
return quat2euler(rot2quat(rots));
matrix gpseuler2rot_in_cptframe(const Array& gps_euler_degrees)
//# R2 defines: XYZ right/forward/up -> ENU
double yaw = degree2rad(gps_euler_degrees[2]);
double pitch = degree2rad(gps_euler_degrees[1]);
double roll = degree2rad(gps_euler_degrees[0]);
double sinA = sin(yaw);
double cosA = cos(yaw);
matrix matA = matrix({ { cosA, sinA, 0 }, { -sinA, cosA, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } });
double sinP = sin(pitch);
double cosP = cos(pitch);
matrix matP = matrix({ { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, cosP, -sinP }, { 0, sinP, cosP } });
double sinR = sin(roll);
double cosR = cos(roll);
matrix matR = matrix({ { cosR, 0, sinR }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { -sinR, 0, cosR } });
return matA * (matP * matR);
matrix gpseuler2rot(const Array& gps_euler_degrees)
//# R1 defines: XYZ forward/left/up -> XYZ right/forward/up
matrix R1 = matrix({ { 0, -1, 0 },
{ 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 1 } });
matrix R2 = gpseuler2rot_in_cptframe(gps_euler_degrees);
return R2 * R1;
Array quat_product(const Array& q, const Array& r)
Array t = zeros(4);
t[0] = r[0] * q[0] - r[1] * q[1] - r[2] * q[2] - r[3] * q[3];
t[1] = r[0] * q[1] + r[1] * q[0] - r[2] * q[3] + r[3] * q[2];
t[2] = r[0] * q[2] + r[1] * q[3] + r[2] * q[0] - r[3] * q[1];
t[3] = r[0] * q[3] - r[1] * q[2] + r[2] * q[1] + r[3] * q[0];
return t;
double yaw_car2gps(double yaw_car)
double yaw_gps;
yaw_gps = ((yaw_car > -180.0) && (yaw_car < -90.0)) ? (yaw_car + 270.0) : (yaw_car - 90.0);
yaw_gps = (yaw_gps < 0.0) ? (-yaw_gps) : (360.0 - yaw_gps);
return yaw_gps;
Array gauss2car(const Array& xyz, double yaw_gps)
double cx, cy, cz;
double yaw = degree2rad(yaw_gps);
cx = xyz[0] * cos(yaw) - xyz[1] * sin(yaw);
cy = xyz[1] * cos(yaw) + xyz[0] * sin(yaw);
cz = xyz[2];
Array car_xyz = { cx, cy, cz };
return car_xyz;
} //namespace jfx
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#include "matrix.h"
namespace jfx {
matrix skew_symmetric(const Array& v);
double wraps2pi_pi(double& rad);
double rad2degree(double rad);
Array rad2degree(const Array& list);
double degree2rad(double angle);
Array degree2rad(const Array& list);
Array euler2quat(const Array& eulers);
Array quat2euler(const Array& quats);
matrix quat2rot(const Array& quats);
Array rot2quat(const matrix& rots);
matrix euler2rot(const Array& eulers);
Array rot2euler(const matrix& rots);
matrix gpseuler2rot_in_cptframe(const Array& gps_euler_degrees);
matrix gpseuler2rot(const Array& gps_euler_degrees);
Array quat_product(const Array& q, const Array& r);
double yaw_car2gps(double yaw_car);
Array gauss2car(const Array& xyz, double yaw_gps);
class Quaternion {
double w, x, y, z;
Quaternion(const Array& axis_angle, const Array& euler, double w = 1, double x = 0, double y = 0, double z = 0);
string _repr_();
matrix to_mat();
Array to_euler();
Array to_numpy();
Quaternion normalize();
Quaternion to_reverse();
vector<double> quat_outer_mult(const Array& q);
} // namespace jfx
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// Created by youle on 21-7-27.
// Mail:
// QQ: 785230837 WX: afly003
// Company: juefx
#include "transform_uv.h"
#include "ipm.h"
using namespace std;
namespace jfx {
// f_c_x_y: fx, cx, fy, cy
int TransformUV::Init(std::vector<double>& f_c_x_y, std::vector<float>& transform_M, std::vector<double>& dist)
// todo config reload
m_CameraMatrix = (cv::Mat_<double>(3, 3) << f_c_x_y[0], 0.0, f_c_x_y[1], 0.0, f_c_x_y[2], f_c_x_y[3], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
m_dist = dist;
m_TransM = transform_M;
int32_t TransformUV::Process(double center_x, double center_y, vector<float>& r)
std::vector<cv::Point2f> outputUndistortedPoints;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> inputDistortedPoints { cv::Point2f(center_x, center_y) };
if (m_UseCip) {
cv::Mat distCoeffs { m_dist };
cv::undistortPoints(inputDistortedPoints, outputUndistortedPoints, m_CameraMatrix, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(),
} else {
outputUndistortedPoints = inputDistortedPoints;
vector<int> points = { (int)outputUndistortedPoints[0].x, (int)outputUndistortedPoints[0].y };
r = transform(m_TransM, points, points.size() / 2);
if (r.size() <= 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
} // namespace jfx
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// Created by youle on 21-7-27.
// Mail:
// QQ: 785230837 WX: afly003
// Company: juefx
#include <cstdint>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace jfx {
class TransformUV {
virtual ~TransformUV();
// 传入相机外参
int Init(std::vector<double>& f_c_x_y, std::vector<float>& transform_M, std::vector<double>& dist);
// 根据u,v坐标计算出相对于相机的位置,单位m
int32_t Process(double center_x, double center_y, std::vector<float>& r);
bool m_UseCip = true;
std::vector<float> m_TransM;
std::vector<double> m_dist;
cv::Mat m_CameraMatrix;
} // namespace jfx
#include "wgs84.h"
namespace jfx {
double GetN(const double& radB){
double cosB = cos(radB);
double V = sqrt(1.0 + ep2 * cosB * cosB);
double N = c / V;
return N;
double GetX(const double& radB){
double sinB = sin(radB);
double cosB = cos(radB);
double al = a0 * radB;
double sc = sinB * cosB;
double ss = sinB * sinB;
double X = al - sc *((a2 - a4 + a6) + (2.0 * a4 - a6 * 16.0 / 3.0) * ss + a6 * 16.0 * ss * ss /3.0);
return X;
double GetLatByX(const double& X){
double Bfi0 = X / a0;
double Bfi1 = 0.0;
bool num = true;
double minAngle = pi * 1e-9;
double menus_minAngle = 0 - minAngle;
double sinB,sinB2,cosB,FBfi,deltaB;
while(num == true){
num = false;
sinB = sin(Bfi0);
sinB2 = sinB * sinB;
cosB = cos(Bfi0);
FBfi=0.0 - sinB * cosB *((a2 - a4 + a6) + sinB2 * (2.0 * a4 - 16.0 * a6 / 3.0) + sinB2 * sinB2 * a6 * 16.0 / 3.0);
Bfi1=(X - FBfi) / a0;
deltaB = Bfi1 - Bfi0;
if(deltaB < menus_minAngle || deltaB > minAngle){
num = true;
Bfi0 = Bfi1;
return Bfi1;
double GetV(const double& lat){
double cosB = cos(lat);
double V = sqrt(1 + ep2 * cosB * cosB);
return V;
Array BLH2ECEF(const Array& ptBLH){
double cosB = cos( degree2rad( ptBLH[0] ) );
double sinB = sin( degree2rad( ptBLH[0] ) );
double cosL = cos( degree2rad( ptBLH[1] ) );
double sinL = sin( degree2rad( ptBLH[1] ) );
double N = GetN( degree2rad( ptBLH[0] ) );
double X = (N + ptBLH[2]) * cosB * cosL;
double Y = (N + ptBLH[2]) * cosB * sinL;
double Z = (N * (1 - e2) + ptBLH[2]) * sinB;
return Array({X,Y,Z});
Array ECEF2BLH(const Array& ptXYZ){
double L_radian = atan(ptXYZ[1] / ptXYZ[0]);
if(L_radian < 0){
L_radian += pi;
double L = rad2degree(L_radian);
double sqrtXY = sqrt(ptXYZ[0] * ptXYZ[0] + ptXYZ[1] * ptXYZ[1]);
double t0 = ptXYZ[2] / sqrtXY;
double p = c * e2 / sqrtXY;
double k = 1 + ep2;
double ti = t0;
double ti1 = 0.0;
int loop = 0;
loop += 1;
ti1 = t0 + p * ti / sqrt(k + ti * ti);
if(abs(ti1 - ti) < 1e-12)
double B_radian = atan(ti1);
double N = GetN(B_radian);
double H = sqrtXY / cos(B_radian) - N;
double B = rad2degree(B_radian);
return Array({B,L,H});
matrix GetR_ENU2ECEF(const double& radianL,const double& radianB){
double sinB = sin(radianB);
double cosB = cos(radianB);
double sinL = sin(radianL);
double cosL = cos(radianL);
matrix R4 = matrix({{-sinL, -sinB * cosL, cosB * cosL},
{cosL, -sinB * sinL, cosB * sinL},
{0, cosB, sinB}});
return R4;
double GetAngleDif(double distance){
double angleRafian = distance / a;
return rad2degree(angleRafian);
Array GetAngleDif(Array& distance){
Array angleRafian = distance / a;
return rad2degree(angleRafian);
} //namespace jfx
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef JFX_WGS84_H
#define JFX_WGS84_H
#include "matrix.h"
#include "rotations.h"
#include <map>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace jfx {
const double a = 6378137.0;
const double f = 0.003352810664;
const double b = 6356752.3142499477;
const double c = 6399593.6257536924;
const double e2 = 0.006694379988651241;
const double ep2 = 0.0067394967407662064;
const double m0 = 6335439.3273023246;
const double m2 = 63617.757378010137;
const double m4 = 532.35180239277622;
const double m6 = 4.1577261283373916;
const double m8 = 0.031312573415813519;
const double a0 = 6367449.1457686741;
const double a2 = 32077.017223574985;
const double a4 = 67.330398573595;
const double a6 = 0.13188597734903185;
const double a8 = 0.00024462947981104312;
double GetN(const double& radB);
double GetX(const double& radB);
double GetLatByX(const double& X);
double GetV(const double& lat);
Array BLH2ECEF(const Array& ptBLH);
Array ECEF2BLH(const Array& ptXYZ);
matrix GetR_ENU2ECEF(const double& radianL,const double& radianB);
double GetAngleDif(double distance);
Array GetAngleDif(Array& distance);
} // namespace jfx
#endif // __JFX_WGS84_H__
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