Commit 1270e60a authored by oscar's avatar oscar


parent 7c0ef06e
......@@ -216,10 +216,10 @@ void get_camera_left_tolidar_loc(float u, float v, float& x, float& y)
auto srx = (-relatx) * cos(M_PI / 4) + (-relaty) * sin(M_PI / 4);
auto sry = (-relaty) * cos(M_PI / 4) - (-relatx) * sin(M_PI / 4);
srx = srx;
sry = sry;
srx = srx + 5;
sry = sry + 5*( u < 700 ? 1 : (1 + (u - 700)/240));
x = srx ;
y = sry + 20;
y = sry ;
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