Commit 0015b823 authored by oscar's avatar oscar


parent 3de86f29
......@@ -275,8 +275,10 @@ void TrackingRos::ThreadTrackingProcess()
float rot_y_angle = obj.rot_y;
//obj.rot_y = to360(obj.rot_y, m_lidar_x_angle);
//rot_y_angle = obj.rot_y / 180 * 3.14159265;
obj.rot_y = to360(obj.rot_y, m_lidar_x_angle);
float rot_y_a = obj.rot_y / 180 * 3.14159265;
SDK_LOG(SDK_INFO, "rot_y = %f, rot_y_angle = %f", rot_y_angle, rot_y_a);
rot_y_angle = rot_y_a;
jsk_recognition_msgs::BoundingBox box = {};
box.label = obj.obj_id;
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