Commit 904509d3 authored by haoshuang's avatar haoshuang


parent 6c02f209
......@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ int JfxEvents::CalculateMap(ObjInfoAll& objAll, TrkObj& sendObj)
nLaneCnt, nOutLaneNum, nOutLaneType,
nOutLeftEdgeCrossType, nOutRightEdgeCrossType,
nOutSpeedLimit, dOutLaneAngle, ptOutFoot,roadInfo,lCrossId);
printf("after GetMapData result = %d, ptInLoc = [%.8f,%.8f], nodeIdId = %d\n",result,ptInLoc.dLon,ptInLoc.dLat,roadInfo.lNodeIdId);
ObjInfoAll& obj = objAll;
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